Week of September 25, 2017

Weekly Reminders:
These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:      
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper that is ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. MAP testing begins today (Monday) for students in grades K-8. The testing will continue through 9/29. The students will be tested in Math, Language Arts, and Reading.

G. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Tuesdays and Fridays for gym, unless students are told differently.

H. Today, Monday 9/25 there will be a 12:00 dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting. The ASP will still be in session.

I. Please check the blog daily for updated homework assignments or notifications.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of September 25 Grades 6, 7, and 8

Grade 6 Lesson Plans

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6

Unit 1- Whole Group Learning. Homework will be assigned during the week. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

Remember to get a binder to keep your textbook inside of!

Grade 7 Lesson Plans

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1- Whole Group Learning. Homework will be assigned during the week. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

Remember to get a binder to keep your textbook inside of!

Grade 8 Lesson Plans

 ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8:

Unit 1- Whole Group Learning. Homework will be assigned during the week. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

Remember to get a binder to keep your textbook inside of!

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 5 The Nation Breaks Apart- 1861-1877 – Chapter 16: The Civil War

Monday- Define the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Please skip a line between each definition. Remember to write the date, Unit 1, Week 3, and Aim. Write in blue or black ink only. Due Wednesday, 9/27.

Tuesday-Read pages 536-543. Answer questions 1B,2A,4A, and 4B on page 543 (with a full heading). Due Friday, 9/29.

Vocabulary for the Week
execute (540), Battle of Gettysburg (537), George Pickett (539), Gettysburg Address (540), Wilderness Campaign (540), William Tecumseh Sherman (541), total war (542), Appomattox Courthouse (542)

Spanish Heritage Projects will due Wednesday, October 11. Some people have not chosen a person to research.
                                Have a great week!

Week of September 18, 2017

Weekly Reminders:
These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:      
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. MAP testing begins today (Monday) for students in grades K-8. The testing will continue through 9/29. The students will be tested in Math, Language Arts, and Reading.

F. No school tomorrow, Tuesday 9/19 due to a Teachers’ Conference Day.

G. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Tuesdays and Fridays for gym, unless students are told differently.

H. Friday, 9/22 is Class Picture Day. All students must be in full uniform for the pictures, including the correct socks and shoes. Grade 4 students can bring their gym clothes and sneakers in a bag.

I. On Monday, 9/25 there will be a 12:00 dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting. The ASP will still be in session.

J. Please check the blog daily for updated homework assignments or notifications.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of September 18 Grades 6, 7, and 8

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6

Grade 6 Lesson Plans

We have begun Unit 1 this week. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments during class. Remember reading stories do count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7

Grade 7 Lesson Plans

We have begun Unit 1 this week. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments during class. Remember reading stories do count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

 ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8:

Grade 8 Lesson Plans

We have begun Unit 1 this week. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments during class. Remember reading stories do count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework. If anyone has a problem getting on the Pearson Realize website at home, please let me know. You will then have to take your textbook home.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 5 The Nation Breaks Apart- 1861-1877 – Chapter 16: The Civil War

Monday- Define the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Please skip a line between each definition. Remember to write the date, Unit 2, Week 2, and Aim. Write in blue or black ink only. Due Wednesday, 9/20.

Tuesday-Read pages 516-535. Answer questions 2A and 2C on page 521, 1B on page 525, and 3A and 3B on page 534 on looseleaf (with a full heading). Due Friday, 9/22.

Vocabulary for the Week
mint (510), secede (510), innovation (520), Peninsula (517), casualties (518), maneuvers (522), Battle of Shiloh (523), Siege of Vicksburg (524), abolitionist (529), Emancipation Proclamation (529), contrabands (531), Copperheads (532), habeas corpus (532), Clara Barton (534)

Spanish Heritage Projects will due Wednesday, October 11. Some people have still not chosen a person to research.

                                 Have a great week!

Week of September 11, 2017

Weekly Reminders:
These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork: 
A. All students should have all school in today.
B. Please return parent signature papers by Thursday, 9/14.          
C. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

D. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
E. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

F. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

G. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Tuesdays and Fridays for gym unless students are told differently.

H. The Opening School Mass is tomorrow Tuesday at 9:00 AM. All parents are invited. It will be led by the students in the 8th Grade.

I. Monday, 9/18- MAP testing will begin for students in K-8. The testing will continue through 9/29. The students will be tested in Math, Language Arts, and Reading.

J. Please check the blog daily for updated homework assignments or notifications.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of September 11, 2017

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6

Lesson Plans

We will be beginning Unit 1 this week. We will also be taking a baseline assessment to find your current Lexile Level. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments in class. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework.

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7

Lesson Plans

We will be beginning Unit 1 this week. We will also be taking a baseline assessment to find your current Lexile Level. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments in class. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework.


 ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8:

Lesson Plans

We will be beginning Unit 1 this week. We will also be taking a baseline assessment to find your current Lexile Level. Homework will be added during the week. Please check the blog daily for assignments. I will also let you know of any assignments in class. Remember reading stories does count as assignments, so make sure you read them. There will be short quizzes given on stories read for homework.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 5 The Nation Breaks Apart- 1861-1877 – Chapter 16: The Civil War

Monday- Define the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Please skip a line between each definition. Remember to write the date, unit, week, and aim. Write in blue or black ink only. Due Wednesday, 9/13.

Tuesday-Read pages 504-515. Answer questions (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) on page 515 on looseleaf (with full heading). Due Thursday, 9/14.

Vocabulary for the week
Fort Sumter,  border states, Winfield Scott, cotton diplomacy, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, First Battle of Bull Run, Second Battle of Bull Run, George B. McClellan, Robert E. Lee, Seven Days’ Battles, Battle of Antietam,

Spanish Heritage Projects will due Wednesday, October 11. We will talk about topics in class. Grades will be used for ELA and Social Studies.

                             Have a great week!

Opening Letter to Parents for the 2017-2018 School Year

                                                                                                                            Dear Parents and Students in Grades 4, 6, 7, and 8, 

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to school. I hope that you had an enjoyable and restful summer vacation. I will be teaching Reading to Grades 6-8 and Social Studies to Grade 8. I will be the Homeroom teacher for Grade 4, but not actually teaching any of their classes. Reminders, some general information, school rules, and regulations are listed below. If you have any questions concerning any of these, I will be happy to address them at the Parent /Teacher Meeting on Wednesday, September 6, at 5:30 PM.

This year we will be starting a new ELA program known as Ready Gen for Grades K-5 and My Perspectives for Grades 6-8. Reading and ELA will be taught together this year. There will be other changes to the different curriculums, so it is important to check the teachers’ blogs frequently. The school blog site address is http://olqmnyc.blogspot.com/. You must check all the teachers' blogs (any teacher that teaches your child) to keep updated about tests, assignments, and projects in each of the six subject areas.  Your child is responsible for all work, tests, or projects, even when he/she is absent Remember, the blog is updated by each teacher every day, so it should be checked every evening. The following is a list of your child’s teachers and the subjects they teach:

Grade 4 and 5 ELA, Reading, and Religion- Ms. Serewko
Grades 6-8 ELA and Reading- Ms. Toscano Larios
Grade 4 Math and Science- Mr. Badia
Grades 5-8 Math- Mr. Placido
Grades 5-8 Science- Mrs. Ramsey
Grades 4-7 Social Studies- Mrs. Ramsey
Grade 8 Social Studies- Ms. Toscano Larios

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I look forward to seeing you on September 6th.

Donna Toscano Larios


Wednesday, September 6th: Parent-Teacher Meeting at 5:30 PM in your child’s homeroom class. (You will be given a folder containing forms that need to be filled out, signed, and returned to the Homeroom teacher before Monday,9/11- please send all forms back in the folder that you receive them in.

Thursday, September 7th- First Day of Classes 8:00-3:15 (line up in the backyard before 7:55 AM). All students should have their school supplies, bookbag, and must be in full uniform.

Friday, September 8th- Regular school day, 8:00-3:15.

General Information/School Rules and Regulations:

1. Please sign all papers distributed in the parent packet. You will receive two emergency cards to fill out. Fill out all parts including the mother and father’s name even if you are not living together. Include the following information: phone numbers- including cell #’s, whom to contact in case of an emergency, and remember to fill out the back of each card and sign the bottom. You must list the name of someone that we can contact if there is an emergency or your child gets sick and needs to be picked up. Also in the parent’s packet is an academic contract, parent’s handbook, Internet usage form, a yearly calendar, photo release form, textbook loan form, technology usage form, a general field trip consent form, and a parent signature sheet for the Handbook. Please complete all forms and return them to me no later than Monday, Sept.11 in the folder you received them in. Please do not return the calendar or Parent Handbook. They are for you to keep.

2. All school supplies should be in by Thursday, 9/7. (If your child does not have the necessary materials, he/she cannot be expected to do the necessary work)

3. Please cover all soft covered books, and maybe add some cardboard, so the books do not rip. If they are broken and you can fix them, please feel free to do so. Please make sure your child’s name is in each book. It is very important to cover the books because the soft-covered books break very easily and pages start to fall out. For grades 6-8, the Reading Text which is soft-covered should be placed in a binder, so the pages don’t rip out.

4. Check your child’s notebooks, folder, and book bag every day to see what is going on in class, or if there are any notes from teachers concerning homework or classwork, and make sure that he/she has all the necessary supplies every day.

5. Please send a note when your child is absent or when you need to pick he/she up early from school. If the school does not receive an absence note, your child will be marked illegally absent.  If your child is sick for few days try to have someone come to school to pick up books needed to complete the work your child has missed. All students are responsible to turn in any assignments missed while they are absent from school. They will be given one or two days to complete the assignments once they return to school.

6. Please read the monthly calendar, the school blog, and the Parent Handbook carefully. Also, check your child’s grades on Cornerstone (EDUCATE), so you know right away if your child is having any problems in school. There is a new URL for Cornerstone (EDUCATE), and you will need to get a password to have access to your child’s grades.

7. Please make sure that your child is on time for school each day. If he/she is late, they must get a late pass before going to class.

8. All students should be in full uniform each day unless otherwise specified on the blog or IRIS alert. That means shoes, socks, school sweaters, vests (for girls), having the proper haircut (boys), etc. This is all stated in the Parent's Handbook. Good conduct, effort, keeping belongings neat and organized, completing homework and classwork assignments, arriving at school on time, and being respectful to classmates and school staff are other criteria which are evaluated when determining your child’s character development grade.

9. Detention will be served during lunchtime and after school by any student who breaks school or class rules such as misbehaving in class, not completing homework or classwork, or not signing notes or test papers.

10. Gym for Grade 4 is on Tuesdays and Fridays. If there are any changes, I will post it on the blog.