4th GRADE- September 22- 26, 2008

Grade 4 Reading New Vocabulary for Because of Winn Dixie grand, memorial, peculiar, positive, prideful, recalls, selecting Spelling Words: admire, magnet, contest, method, custom, rally, soccer, engine, sudden, finger, accident, mitten, intend, fabric, flatten, rascal, gutter, mammal, happen, cannon Challenge Words: dungeon, magnify, festival, thunderstorm injury Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to distribute all components of the new program Reading Street Lesson: Go over all of the different workbooks associated with the program and the purpose of each one. Homework: cover workbooks Tuesday, Sept.23rd, 2008 No Reading - GYM Wednesday, Sept.24th, 2008 Aim: to introduce Theme 1: This Land is Your Land Lesson: Discuss the word “diversity” and how it makes our country great. Read aloud “Child of the Silent Night” Review summarizing and sequencing skill (comprehension) Homework: see purple assignment book Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2008 Aim: to introduce new vocabulary words for Because of Winn Dixie Lesson: Write new vocabulary words in Reading Notebook. Discuss the meanings of the words. Use the short story “Going Batty” to illustrate sequencing in a story (comprehension) Homework: Word Study Book p. 1 – Spelling Words in Reading Notebook- ans. only 1-25 Friday: Sept. 26, 2008 Aim: to build background before reading the story Lesson: Create a concept web about moving to a new place. Discuss prefixes and suffixes and how they change word meanings Homework: review this week’s skills Grade 4- Language Arts Monday- Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to review the meaning of a sentence Lesson: Review the definition of a complete subject and complete predicate. Show how together they make up a sentence. (pp. 314-315) Homework: pg. 315 Exercise 1 #s 1-10 in LA notebook Tuesday- Sept. 23rd, 2008 Aim: to recall details after reading a short folktale Lesson: To read The Story of the House: A Chinese Folktale (AIM HIGHER pp3, 4) Discuss the story – genre, characters, and settings Homework: Aim Higher p. 5 answer questions in LA notebook (write whole answer out. Wednesday- Sept. 24th, 2008 Aim: to read the story Max’s Story and discuss the characters and settings Lesson: Read the short story and answer questions (Aim Higher pp.7-9) Homework: pg. Read Tornadoes: The Most Violent Storms in Aim Higher pp 10-12 Thursday- Sept.25th, 2008 Aim: to review the difference between fact/opinion and fiction /nonfiction Lesson: Using the story about Tornadoes, discuss why this story is categorized as non-fiction. Complete comprehension questions on pp. 13-14 Homework: none Friday- Sept. 26th, 2008 Aim: to read the story of Because of Winn Dixie and answer the comprehension questions. Lesson: read the story together and discuss the comprehension questions Homework: none

3rd GRADE- SEPTEMBER 22- 26 2008

Grade 3: Reading Plans for the week of Sept. 22- Sept. 26, 2008 Reminders: 1.Please remember to bring a box of tissues if you haven’t done so already. 2. Remember to cover soft covered books and bring looseleaf Vocabulary Words- department, audience, obeys, commands, expression, accident, noticed (Officer Buckle and Gloria) Spelling Words- sat, felt, last, send, next, best, went, hand, stand, past, grand, stamp, belt, lend, checked Challenge Words- else, guest, attention, heard, listen Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: To use syllable patterns to decode multisyllabic words (phonics) Lesson: Review new vocabulary words for Officer Buckle Using context to confirm meaning Homework: see purple assignment book Tuesday, Sept.23rd, 2008 Aim: To read and understand a fantasy story Lesson: Syllables-CVC spelling patterns (decoding/phonics) Read Officer Buckle and review vocabulary words Discuss the difference between fantasy/reality Homework: see purple assignment book Wednesday, Sept.24th, 2008 Aim: to write complete sentences correctly Lesson: Word Study- analogies Reread the story for fluency Write sentences for spelling words Homework: see purple assignment book Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2008 Aim: to decode long words (comprehension) Lesson: Decode longer words using syllabication rules Review vocabulary words Review spelling words Homework: see purple assignment book Friday: Sept. 26, 2008 Aim: to review synonyms and antonyms Lesson: practice listening and speaking skills review synonyms and synonyms review vocabulary words Homework: review this week’s skills Grade 3- Language Arts Monday- Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to understand the elements and characteristics of a personal narrative Lesson: discuss the meaning and elements of a personal narrative review the meaning of a sentence identify statements and questions (pp. 6-9, 314-315) Homework: pg. 315 #s 1-10 Tuesday- Sept. 23rd, 2008 Aim: to continue to discuss personal narratives; review statements and questions Lesson: complete practice exercises dealing with personal narratives review sentences review statements and questions (pp. 10-11; 316-317) Homework: pg.316 Exercise 1 #s 1-8 Wednesday- Sept. 24th, 2008 Aim: to identify the beginning, middle and end of a personal narrative; to identify question words and commands Lesson: review question words discuss the parts of a personal narrative (pp.12-13, 318-319) Homework: pg. 319 Exercise 2 #s 1-10 Thursday- Sept.25th, 2008 Aim: to continue to review the parts of a personal narrative; to review commands Lesson: complete practice exercises concerning personal narratives (pp. 14,15) write and identify sentences that give commands use the correct punctuation with a command sentence (pp.320,321) Homework: p. 321 Exercise 1 #s 1-8 Friday- Sept. 26th, 2008 Aim: to identify and use strong verbs Lesson: define the meaning of a verb show how some action verbs are stronger than others (pp.16, 17) Homework: Review the 3 types of sentences, and personal narratives

GRADE 2: WEEK OF SEPT. 22-26, 2008

Grade 2: Reading Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: To review key phonics skills introduced In Grade 1 Lesson: Review short vowels /a/ and /e/ and beginning consonants Homework: see purple assignment book Tuesday, Sept.23rd, 2008 Aim: To blend and read words using short vowels /a/ /u/ and /e/ Lesson: Review short vowels on blackboard and in notebook Homework: see purple assignment book Wednesday, Sept.24th, 2008 Aim: to review the sounds of consonant digraphs /sh/, /th/, /ch/ and /tch/ Lesson: The children will match the correct digraph to its sound. The children will also build new words with the digraphs ( eg. th + is= this). Homework: see purple assignment book Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2008 Aim: to blend and read words with long vowels /a/, /i/, /o/, /e/ Lesson: The children will decode words using long /a/, /i/, /o/, /e/ Homework: see purple assignment book Friday: Sept. 26th, 2008 Aim: to match the sound of /ay/ and /ai/ to the long /a/ sound Lesson: The children will build and read words using /ai/ and /ay/ Homework: review this week’s skills Grade 2- Language Arts Monday- Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to review the meaning of a sentence Lesson: The children will write the meaning of a sentence and complete exercises in their notebooks reviewing the skill. (pp.79) Homework: pg. 79 #s 5,6,7,8 Write each group of words as a correct sentences Tuesday- Sept. 23rd, 2008 Aim: to edit sentences in a paragraph Lesson: The children will make corrections to sentences in a paragraph. (p.80, 81) Homework: pg.81 #s 1, 2,3,4,5 Tell which groups of words are sentences and which are not. Wednesday- Sept. 24th, 2008 Aim: to review the meaning of a statement and a question Lesson: The children will write the meaning of a statement and a question in their notebooks and complete practice exercises distinguishing between statements and questions. (p.82) Homework: pg. 83 #s 1,2,3,4,5,6 Add correct end marks for each sentence. Thursday- Sept.25th, 2008 Aim: to review statements and questions and to be able to distinguish the difference between the two. Lesson: The children will write each group of words as a correct sentence. (p.84) Homework: p. 84 #s 6-10 Write each group of words as a correct sentence. Friday- Sept. 26th, 2008 Aim: to discuss exclamations and commands and to be able to distinguish the difference between the two. Lesson: The children will write the meaning of command and exclamation and will complete practice distinguishing between the two. (85) Homework: Review the 4 types of sentences


2nd GRADE READING: AIM: To review basic reading skills in isolation and in context (vocabulary, comprehension and phonics skills). LANGUAGE ARTS: AIM: To review types of sentences, rules for capitalization, and writing basic sentences. HW: Assigned Daily (see purple assignment book) 3rd Grade READING: AIM: To review vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency and phonics skills. LANGUAGE ARTS: AIM: To review writing a paragraph starting with a good opening sentence. Rules for Capitalization Types of Sentences HW: Assigned Daily ( see purple assignment book) 4th Grade READING: AIM: To review vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency, and phonics skills. LANGUAGE ARTS: AIM: To review writing a paragraph beginning with a good opening sentence. Review types of sentences Rules for Capitalization HW: Assigned Daily (see purple assignment book)

WEEK OF SEPT. 8-12, 2008

2nd Grade- Reading: Review of Skills- Reading Comprehension and Phonics Language Arts: Capital Letters, Telling Sentences and Questions HW: Assigned Daily- Check purple assignment 3rd Grade Reading: Inventory of Reading Skills- Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Phonics Skills Language Arts: Review- Rules for Capitalization, Types of Sentences (statements, questions, exclamations, commands). HW: Assigned Daily- See purple assignment book 4th Grade Reading: Review Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Fluency and Phonics Skills Language Arts: Review Capitalization, Types of Sentences, Correct Paragraph Form HW: Assigned Daily- see purple assignment book

THIRD GRADE- Sept. 3rd, 4th and 5th 2008

Wednesday- Sept. 3rd , 2008 8:00-9:00 Review class and school rules. Distribute Handbooks, supply lists, and forms that need to be completed by parents. 9:00- 10:00 Set up Reading/Language Arts Porfolios. Discuss the different types of Reading Assessments that will be used with different books. 10:15- 10:45 Meeting with Mr. Woods in the Lunchroom. A powerpoint presentation was used to illustrate the different topics that Mr. Woods spoke about. 10:45 - 11:30 Go over bathroom procedures with boys and girls. Select bathroom monitors for the week. Take attendance to see who is missing. Line up and dismiss. Thursday- September 4th, 2008 8:00- 9:00 Say prayers, Pledge of Allegiance, and take attendance Collect forms and emergency cards. Label notebooks and folders. 9:00- 9:30 Practice the words of the Star Spangled Banner (first say the learn the words and then put it to music). 9:30- 10:00 Meeting in the lunchroom with Mrs. Resto concerning lunchroom procedures and rules of behavior. 10:00- 10:30 Bathroom 10:30- 11:30 Handout Reading and Language Arts Text Books Start review of second grade skills in the Reading Inventory. Friday- Sept. 5th, 2008 8:00- 8:30 Prayers, Pledge, Attendance Collect forms and emergency cards 8:30- 9:15 2nd Grade Discuss supply list Assign seats Handout Reading and Language Arts Books 9:15- 10:00 4th Grade Discuss supply list Assign seats Distribute books Discuss ELA exam and what will be focused on from now until January to prepare for the exam. 10:00- 10:30 3rd Grade Bathroom/continue to collect and label notebooks and folders 10:30- 11:30 3rd Grade Continue to review 2nd grade reading skills from the Reading Inventory

Supply List for 4th Grade

Reading and Language Arts Ms. Toscano Larios 1. 2 marble notebooks – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts 2. 3 two-pocket folders – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, & 1 Homework Folder 3. Pencils with erasers (at least three). Sharpen them at home. Black or Blue ink pens. No other color ink. 4. Colored pencils 5. A package of loose-leaf 6. Please cover all soft covered books and label with your child’s name, grade and subject. Clear covers are best.

Supply List for 2nd Grade 2008-2009

Reading and Language Arts Ms. Toscano Larios 1. 2 marble notebooks – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts 2. 3 two-pocket folders – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, & 1 Homework Folder 3. Pencils with erasers (at least three). Sharpen them at home. 4. Colored pencils 5. A package of loose-leaf 6. Please cover all soft covered books and label with your child’s name, grade and subject. Clear covers are best.

Supply List for 3rd Grade 2008-2009

Supply List for 3rd Grade – Reading and Language Arts 1. 2 marble notebooks – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts 2. 3 two-pocket folders – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, and 1 Homework Folder 3. Pencils with erasers (at least three). Sharpen them at home. 4. Scissors 5. Glue- stick 6. Colored pencils 7. A zippered case to keep pencils, scissors, glue and crayons 8. Looseleaf that will be kept in the HW folder. 9. One large box of Kleenex tissues with your child’s name on it 10. School gym shirt and sweat pants for gym 11. Book covers- please cover all soft covered books and label each with your child’s name, class and the name of the book. Clear covers are best! All school supplies should be in by Friday, Sept. 5th and should be labeled with your child’s name and grade on each item.