Week of April 11,2011


As stated on last week's blog, these are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork. Your child will lose points if they do not follow the directions stated below.

A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) Pencil will not be accepted unless it is specified. Sloppy and crossed out work will not be accepted. All work that is handed in must be done on looseleaf, or 10pts. will be deducted from the grade.

B. **Any 7th or 8th grade students that attend Title 1 Math or Reading during Reading or Social Studies, must hand in all homework assignments and get notes from another classmate, so they do not fall behind in their notes. The same goes for students who are absent. A grade of zero will be entered until assignments are handed in.

C. All electronic devices are collected from each student upon entering the classroom and are returned before dismissal each day! See the school blog for further information.

D. We are collecting pencils and notebooks for the poor children in the Dominican Republic. This will be the last week of the collection. Thank you for being so generous!

E. Thursday, 4/14 will be a 12:00 dismissal due to Parent Conferences. If your child does not receive his/her Report Card in school and the tuition is paid up to date, please come in to meet with the teachers between 2:00-7:00. All conferences will be limited to five minutes, so other parents do not have such a long wait.

F. On Monday, 4/18 we will be having a small Easter Party in the afternoon. I will ask the children what they would like to bring for the party, and I will have them write it in their assignment books. They can wear nice clothes (no jeans), but must still bring their bookbags because there will be classes in the morning.

G. Please send in a large bag by Friday, so that your child can pack the books they will be leaving in school over the vacation. The desks and floors will be cleaned and I do not want the books to get wet or lost.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

Vocabulary Words for the Week of April 11: Test Friday, 4/15

1. congregate v. come together, usually for a purpose

2. delusion n. a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea

3. inexplicable- adj. incapable of being explained or accounted for

4. leisure- n. time available for rest and relaxation

5. prudent – adj. careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment


5th Grade Reading- 4/11/11

Lesson Plans: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_415gksdmgr6

Homework: Everyone Else’s Parents Said Yes- Finish the rest of the book over the vacation.

Weds, 4/6 -Quiz on Chapters 10, 11, and 12 in Everyone Else’s Parents Said Yes

Vocabulary Connections- Lesson 2 Treasure at Blue Beach Read the story on pgs. 12, 13.

Complete Using Context (1-10) and Challenge Yourself on pg. 14 and Compound Words 1-4 p. 15.

Write everything out on LL- due Thursday, 4/14

6th Grade Reading- 4/11/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_413cdrzkhcb

Homework: a new book will be handed out this week to read over the vacation

Thurs.4/14 Book Test on The Boxcar Children

Vocabulary Connections- Lesson 2 The Canoe in the Rapids Read the story on pgs. 12, 13.

Complete Using Context (1-10) on pg. 14 and Classifying 1-7 and Dictionary 1-5 on pg. 15.

Write everything out on LL- due Thursday, 4/14

7th Grade Reading 4/11 /11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_414fz338wf9

Homework: a new book will be handed out this week to read over the vacation

Thurs.4/14 Book Test on Edgar Allan Poe Stories

Vocabulary Connections- Lesson 2 Earth Shine Read the story on pgs. 12, 13.

Complete Using Context (1-10) on pg. 14 and Cloze Paragraph 1-5 on pg. 15.

Write everything out on LL- due Thursday, 4/14

8th Grade Reading 4/11/11

Lesson Plans: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_412vj9hs6dq

Homework: a new book will be handed out this week to read over the vacation

Thurs. 4/14 Book Test on The Forgotten Door

Vocabulary Connections- Lesson 2 New Worlds Within Read the story on pgs. 12, 13.

Complete Using Context (1-10) on pg. 14 and Connotations 1-5 and Rewriting Sentences 1-5 on pg. 15. Write everything out on LL- due Thursday, 4/14

7th Grade Social Studies 4/11/11

Lesson Plans: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_411dqjfd4dd

Homework: Read pgs.222-226 and answer the Checkup questions on pg. 226 (1-5) on LL. Remember to restate the question in your answer. Due Friday, 4/15

8th Grade Social Studies 4/11/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_410hsngsg43

Homework: Read pgs. 555-559. Complete the Section 2 Assessment on pg. 559 (1-5) on LL. Remember to restate the question in your answer. Due Friday, 4/15