Week of September 23, 2013

1. All school supplies should be in by now. Points will be deducted from Conduct Grades for not following school rules.

2. All parent signature forms should have been handed in by last Friday.

3. As stated on last week's blog, these are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a not from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Remember to cover the Reading Workbook. If the cover is ripped, please put cardboard or some type of backing to reinforce it.

4. Thursday is Gym for the 5th Grade. Remember to wear Gym uniform.

5. Please check the blog daily for updated HW and notes.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
There will be a weekly quiz every Friday in Reading and on Monday in Social Studies! It will be based on what is done in class that week.

HOMEWORK: For the Week of September 16, 2013- Unit 1 Week 3

5th Grade Reading-  Please sign and return the Reading Quiz that was taken on Friday.  It is due back by Wednesday.

Homework: Read pages 55-79 in Thomas Edison. Highlight important information as you read.
Monday-Copy the vocabulary words and their definitions into your Reading NB. Make sure you copy the heading and words as they are written. Click the link below and that will open to the vocabulary words. This must be done in the Reading NB in pen (blue or black). Skip a line between each word. Due on Wednesday, 9/25.

Wednesday- Answer the questions 4 questions below on looseleaf. Make sure you add details from the text and answer the questions completely. Due on Friday, 9/27

Thursday- Study for the weekly assessment tomorrow. This week’s vocabulary words will be included on the assessment, plus questions about the readings in the Thomas Edison book.

Remember to choose an inventor and start doing research for your Unit Project. This will be due  on Tuesday, October 15.


6th Grade Reading- Please sign and return the Reading Quiz that was taken on Friday.  It is due back by Wednesday.

Homework: Read Chapters 10-14 in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Highlight important information as you read.

Monday-Copy the vocabulary words and their definitions into your Reading NB. Make sure you copy the heading and words as they are written. Click the link below and that will open to the vocabulary words. This must be done in the Reading NB in pen (blue or black). Skip a line between each word. Due on Wednesday, 9/25.

Wednesday- Answer the questions 4 questions below on looseleaf. Make sure you add details from the text and answer the questions completely. Due on Friday, 9/27

Thursday- Study for the weekly assessment tomorrow. This week’s vocabulary words will be included on the assessment, plus questions about the readings in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Remember to choose a topic and start doing research for your Unit Project. This will be due on Tuesday, October 15.

7th Grade Reading Please sign and return the Reading and Social Studies Quizzes that your child was given in class today .  They are  due back by Wednesday.

Homework: Read Chapters 4 (IV)-6(VI) in My Brother Sam is Dead. Highlight important information as you read.

Monday-Copy the vocabulary words and their definitions into your Reading NB. Make sure you copy the heading and words as they are written. Click the link below and that will open to the vocabulary words. This must be done in the Reading NB in pen (blue or black). Skip a line between each word. Due on Wednesday, 9/25.

Wednesday- Answer the questions 4 questions below on looseleaf. Make sure you add details from the text and answer the questions completely. Due on Friday, 9/27

Thursday- Study for the weekly assessment tomorrow. This week’s vocabulary words will be included on the assessment, and questions about the readings in the My Brother Sam is Dead.

Remember to choose a person that took part in the American Revolution, and start doing research for your Unit Project. This will be due on Tuesday, October 15.

7th Grade Social Studies


Monday-Define the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary NB using your textbook and the glossary in back of the Social Studies text. Make sure that you put the date, unit, and week on the top of the page. This must be done in pen (blue or black) and skip a line between each word. Points will be deducted for not following directions. Due on Thursday, 9/26.

Wednesday- SS Textbook- Read pages 20- 25.  On page 25, answer questions 1-4.   Complete on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer. Make sure that you have a full heading, page number and subject on the looseleaf. Points will be deducted for not following directions.
Due Friday, 9/27.

Friday- On Monday, there will be an assessment this week’s work in Social Studies. Study the notes in the classwork notebook and review the pages you were supposed to have read in the test.

Map of the Month is due Oct. 9

Vocabulary Words for the 9/23

1. prehistoric    2. archaeologist    3. Ice Age    4. glacier     5. Mongoloid
6. extinct    7. tribe     8. Folsom Man      9. geologist      10. radioactivity    


8th Grade Reading Please sign and return the Reading and Social Studies Quizzes that your child was given in class today .  They are  due back by Wednesday.

Homework: Read Chapters 3 &4 (up to page and including pg. 72) in The Great Fire. Highlight important information as you read.

Monday-Copy the vocabulary words and their definitions into your Reading NB. Make sure you copy the heading and words as they are written. Click the link below and that will open to the vocabulary words. This must be done in the Reading NB in pen (blue or black). Skip a line between each word. Due on Wednesday, 9/25.

Wednesday- Answer the questions below on looseleaf. Make sure you add details from the text and answer the questions completely. Due on Friday, 9/27

Thursday- Study for the weekly assessment tomorrow. This week’s vocabulary words will be included on the assessment, plus questions about the readings in The Great Fire.

Remember to choose a topic about a disaster that took place in the United States and start doing research for your Unit Project. This will be due on Tuesday, October 15.

8th Grade Social Studies


Monday-Define the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary NB using your textbook and the glossary in back of the Social Studies text. Make sure that you put the date, unit, and week on the top of the page. This must be done in pen (blue or black) and skip a line between each word. Points will be deducted for not following directions. Due on Thursday, 9/26.

Wednesday- SS Textbook- Read pages 202-207. Answer questions 1-4 on page 207. Complete on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer. Make sure that you have a full heading, page number and subject on the looseleaf. Points will be deducted for not following directions. Due Friday, 9/27.

Friday- On Monday, there will be an assessment on this week’s work in Social Studies. Study the notes in the classwork notebook and review the ages you were supposed to have read in the test.

Map of the Month is due Oct. 9

Vocabulary Words for the 9/23

1. militarism   2. mobilize    3. Western Front   4. International Law     5. submarine    
6. Lusitania      7. Sussex Pledge     8. Selective Service Act     9. ration    10. convoy
                                        HAVE A GREAT WEEK!