Week of January 25, 2016


These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork: 

A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Students in the 5th grade will have extended day classes each Tuesday from 3:00-5:00 for Math. 

F. Gym uniforms must be worn by 5th graders on Wednesdays for gym.

G. Students in the 5th grade will have extended day classes each Tuesday from 3:00-5:00 for Math. 

H. No school on Friday,1/29 due to a Faculty Conference Day

I. Archdiocesan Interim Assessments in ELA (Tuesday) and Math (Weds) will be given this week.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of January 25- Module 3b Week 1

Homework for Grade 5:

***Module 3 will begin this week. The book that the 5th Grade students need to purchase is The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations (We Thought of It) by Alootook Ipellie and David MacDonald. The cost of the book is $11.00. Please send in the money before Thursday if you asked me to order for you.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

Monday- Ready New York- read pgs. 8 and 9. Complete questions 1-4 on pages 9&10 in the classwork notebook.

Homework for Grade 6

***Module 3 will begin this week. The 6th Grade students need to purchase 2 books for this Module: 1.) World Without Fish by Mark Kurlansky $14 and 2.) Flush by Carl Hiassen $7.50. If you asked me to order the books for you, please send in the money before Thursday.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

Monday- Ready New York- read pgs. 6 and 7. Complete questions 1-3 on page 7 in the classwork notebook.


Homework for Grade 7


***Module 3 begins this week. The 7th Grade students will not have to purchase any books for this Module. All articles will be Xeroxed for them.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

Monday- Ready New York- read pg. 48. Complete questions 1-3 on page 49 in the classwork notebook.


7th Grade Social Studies


Monday,1/25- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Wednesday, 1/27

Vocabulary for the Week:
mercenaries, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Saratoga, Marquis de Lafayette, Baron Friedrich von Steuben, Bernardo de Galvez, John Paul Jones, George Rogers Clark, strategy

Tuesday,1/26- Read pages 126-134 (carefully) in your textbook. Complete questions 1a, 1b, 2b, 4a, 5b on page 134. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!!!! Due Thursday, 1/28.

Wednesday,1/27-Map of the Month is due tomorrow.

Homework for Grade 8:


***Module 3 will begin next week. The 8th Grade students will need to purchase 2 books for this Module: 1. A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School by Carlotta Walls La Nier and Lisa Frazier Page- cost $15 and 2. Little Rock Girl 1957: How a Photograph Changed the Fight for Integration by Shelley Tougas cost $ 8. You may order the book, see if it can be downloaded to a tablet, or purchase it yourself. We will be using the book sometime next week. If you would like me to order the book for you, I will need the money by Friday (or before).

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

Monday- Ready New York- read pg. 56. Complete questions 1-3 on pages 57 in the classwork notebook.

8th Grade Social Studies  

Module 3: America as a World Power- World War I (1867-1920)


Monday,1/25- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Wednesday, 1/27

Vocabulary for the Week:
imperialism, isolationism, William H. Seward, Liliuokalani, spheres of influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, process, yellow journalism, Teller Amendment, Emilio Aguinaldo, Anti-Imperialist League, Platt Amendment

Tuesday,1/26- Read pages 692-696 in your textbook. Complete questions 1a, 1b, 1c, 2b, 3b on page 696. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!! Due Thursday, 1/28.

Wednesday,1/27-Map of the Month is due tomorrow.

                                 Have a great week!