Grade 7 Review Sheet for the Reading Mid-Year Exam

Unit 1:  Generations

Essential Question: What can one generation learn from another?

Description: As you read through Unit 1, you will read many examples of how a person can influence someone from another generation.

dialogue, consequence, perspective, notable, contradict, lamented, indignity, reproach, discordant, squabbling, devastated, connects, influence, encouraged, bond, resilience, perseverance, generosity, struggling, impairments, frustrated, supervision, charitable, philanthropist, set, tone, composition, light and shadow, perspective, flung, catapulted, lurched, resistant, ballot, mediocre, prone, inspire, luggage, crate, confined, compartment, advocate, testament, fate, goad, plead, exhort, acquit, determination, perch, inference, quotation, narrator

summarize (8)
character- traits, motives, perspective (27)
point of view- first person and third person (27)
monologue (31)
author’s point of view- objective, subjective, weighted words (39)
memoir- a narrative point of view (47)
synonyms- similar meaning (48)
antonyms- opposite meaning (48)
transition words- similarities, differences, sequence, examples (51)
nonfiction narrative- elements (52)
sequence of events (54)
author’s style- voice (sentence structure, word choice, tone) (55)
rhythm, repetition (102)
precise language- (56)
dialogue- (56)
context clues (56, 94)
central idea (main idea) (67)
base words (70)
characterization- direct and indirect (78)
comparison-and-contrast essay (84, 85)
connotation and denotation (100)
symbol and symbolism (24, 101)
theme (101)
free verse (102)
narrative poem (103)
sensory language (103)

Nouns: common, proper, possessive (29)
Pronouns: personal, possessive (29)
Adverbs and the words they modify: (41)
Adjectives: coordinate adjectives, cumulative adjectives (49)
Conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating (49)
Independent and dependent clauses (79)

Latin Prefix:  in- (28), super- (77)

Latin Suffix: -ity (48)

Suffix: -ment (66)