4th GRADE- September 22- 26, 2008

Grade 4 Reading New Vocabulary for Because of Winn Dixie grand, memorial, peculiar, positive, prideful, recalls, selecting Spelling Words: admire, magnet, contest, method, custom, rally, soccer, engine, sudden, finger, accident, mitten, intend, fabric, flatten, rascal, gutter, mammal, happen, cannon Challenge Words: dungeon, magnify, festival, thunderstorm injury Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to distribute all components of the new program Reading Street Lesson: Go over all of the different workbooks associated with the program and the purpose of each one. Homework: cover workbooks Tuesday, Sept.23rd, 2008 No Reading - GYM Wednesday, Sept.24th, 2008 Aim: to introduce Theme 1: This Land is Your Land Lesson: Discuss the word “diversity” and how it makes our country great. Read aloud “Child of the Silent Night” Review summarizing and sequencing skill (comprehension) Homework: see purple assignment book Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2008 Aim: to introduce new vocabulary words for Because of Winn Dixie Lesson: Write new vocabulary words in Reading Notebook. Discuss the meanings of the words. Use the short story “Going Batty” to illustrate sequencing in a story (comprehension) Homework: Word Study Book p. 1 – Spelling Words in Reading Notebook- ans. only 1-25 Friday: Sept. 26, 2008 Aim: to build background before reading the story Lesson: Create a concept web about moving to a new place. Discuss prefixes and suffixes and how they change word meanings Homework: review this week’s skills Grade 4- Language Arts Monday- Sept. 22nd, 2008 Aim: to review the meaning of a sentence Lesson: Review the definition of a complete subject and complete predicate. Show how together they make up a sentence. (pp. 314-315) Homework: pg. 315 Exercise 1 #s 1-10 in LA notebook Tuesday- Sept. 23rd, 2008 Aim: to recall details after reading a short folktale Lesson: To read The Story of the House: A Chinese Folktale (AIM HIGHER pp3, 4) Discuss the story – genre, characters, and settings Homework: Aim Higher p. 5 answer questions in LA notebook (write whole answer out. Wednesday- Sept. 24th, 2008 Aim: to read the story Max’s Story and discuss the characters and settings Lesson: Read the short story and answer questions (Aim Higher pp.7-9) Homework: pg. Read Tornadoes: The Most Violent Storms in Aim Higher pp 10-12 Thursday- Sept.25th, 2008 Aim: to review the difference between fact/opinion and fiction /nonfiction Lesson: Using the story about Tornadoes, discuss why this story is categorized as non-fiction. Complete comprehension questions on pp. 13-14 Homework: none Friday- Sept. 26th, 2008 Aim: to read the story of Because of Winn Dixie and answer the comprehension questions. Lesson: read the story together and discuss the comprehension questions Homework: none