Week of December 10, 2012


 1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
       A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

       B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
      C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note
           from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.
           This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home or you were sick.

      D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

2. Tuesday is Gym for the 5th Grade. Remember to wear Gym uniform.

3. Friday, December 14, 2012 - 12:00 dismissal due Faculty Christmas Party.

4. Remember to donate socks and gloves for the people who cannot afford to buy them. The last day to donate is Friday, 12/14. 

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

 Unit 2:

5th Grade Reading- 12/10/12


Monday- Read Chapters 5- 6 in Leonardo da Vinci. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Continue to read the Phantom Tollbooth. Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Restate each question and write 3 details in your answer.
Due on Thursday, 12/13.

1. Explain how the Mona Lisa was stolen and was it ever recovered.
2. Discuss the 3 of Leonardo’s friends.
3. Discuss Leon Battista Alberti and why he inspired Leonardo da Vinci?
4. Who was Michelangelo Buonarroti? Were he and Leonardo friends? Explain your answer.

Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below (click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NBDue on Thursday, 12/13.

Reading Vocabulary for Grade 5

Weekly Quiz on Friday

6th Grade Reading- 12/10/12


Monday- Read pgs. 55-63 in Tikta’Liktak: An Inuit- Eskimo Legend. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Start with an introductory sentence and give three details for each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/13.

1. Describe the welcome home Tikta was given by his family.
2. How did Tikta feel about the island Sakkiak when he thought about it?
3. Explain why this story is a tale of survival. Discuss some of the obstacles thatTikta had to overcome.
4. Describe Tikta’s character. What things do you think might have been fictional about his adventure? Explain.

Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below (click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NBDue on Thursday, 12/13.

Reading Vocabulary Grade 6
Weekly Quiz on Friday

7th Grade Reading 12/10/12

Lesson Plans:


Monday- Read Chapters 9-10 in The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Start with an introductory sentence and give three details for each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/13.

1. Explain what the North Star, Polaris, meant to Patience’s parents. What did Patience suggest to Papa about the North Star?
2. Discuss some of the special things that happened in honor of Patience’s birthday. What were some of the presents she received?
3. Explain what happened to Long Tom. What did the crew do with his belongings?
4. What happened to Cousin Jeremiah? Discuss who took his place when Papa sent him home.

Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below (click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NBDue on Thursday, 12/13.

Reading Vocabulary for Grade 7

Weekly Quiz on Friday

7th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Define the vocabulary words below in the Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Skip a line between each definition. Due Wednesday, 12/12.

apprentice     indenture     promotional literature      Poor Richard’s Almanac     Gabriel Thomas     Huguenots     Bacon’s Rebellion     Middle Passage     population explosion     bread colonies

Tuesday-Chapter 4- Read pgs.86-89 in the textbook. Complete Checkup questions on pg. 89 #s 1, 2, 3, 4.
Due Thursday, 12/13 on looseleaf.

Weekly Quiz on Monday, 12/17.

Remember to work on your map due 12/17 (Monday)

Remember you should be working on your NHD project. If you are having a problem or need help, please see me. Don’t wait for the last minute.

8th Grade Reading 12/10/12
Lesson Plans:


Monday- Read Chapters 7-8 in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Answer the following questions on looseleaf.  Start with an introductory sentence and give at least three details for each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/13.

1. Why did Stacey give TJ the jacket that Uncle Hammer gave him? Explain what Uncle Hammer said when Mama told Stacey to go get the coat back.
2. Describe the incident that Mr. Morrison discussed with the family that happened to his family and himself in 1876, right after the reconstruction.
3. Explain what the term “breeded stock” on page 149 means. What was Mr. Morrison talking about when he used that term? Discuss the incident that he witnessed on Christmas when he was six years old.
4. Explain the problem that was caused when the Logans convinced black people to buy goods in Vicksburg rather than at the Wallace’s store. What did Harlan Granger have to say about this arrangement?

Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below (click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NBDue on Thursday, 12/13
Weekly Quiz on Friday

8th Grade Social Studies


Monday- Define the vocabulary words below in the Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Skip a line between each definition. Due Wednesday, 12/12.

totalitarian     dictator     demilitarize     Axis powers     Neutrality Acts     Benito Mussolini     Adolph Hitler     Joseph Stalin     Atlantic Charter   Pearl Harbor

Tuesday-Chapter 9- Read pgs.321-325 in the textbook. Complete Checkup questions on pgs.325 #s 1, 2, 3, 4 Due Thursday, 12/13 on looseleaf.

Weekly Quiz on Monday, 12/17.

Remember to work on your map- due on Monday, 12/17

SS notes for Chapter 9

Remember you should be working on your NHD project. If you are having a problem or need help, please see me. Do not wait for the last minute.

Have a great week!