Week of January 6, 2014

1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a not from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted

2. Monday is extended day Math for 5th Grade.
3. Midterm Exams will be administered next
week. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, 1/13   Reading and Writing in the Content Areas Exams
Tuesday, 1/14   Science and Social Studies Exams
Wednesday, 1/15  ELA and Reading Exams
Thursday, 1/16 Math Exam and Religion Exams

4. Friday, 1/10 12:00 Dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting

5. January Calendars and Map of the Month will be given out on Monday.

6. Progress Reports will be handed out on Friday. Please check your child’s bookbag for it.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of January 6, 2014- Unit 3 Week 4

5th Grade Reading- The book for Unit 3 is Who was Dr. Seuss by Janet Paschal. Chapters 1-6 should be finished by Friday. 


Tuesday: Answer questions for Dr. Seuss on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Due Friday, 1/10.

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 4).  Make sure that you copied the vocabulary for Weeks 1 & 2, and Week 3 into your notebook. Check the blog for the vocabulary if you did not! Due Friday, 1/10.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study the Vocabulary for Units 1-2-3 and look through Thomas Edison, Alice in Wonderland, and Dr. Seuss.  Please make sure to have these three books the day of the Midterm Exam!


6th Grade Reading- The book for Unit 3 is Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy by Andrea Warren . Read Chapters 5, 6, 7, & 8 by Friday.


Tuesday: Answer questions for Escape from Saigon on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Due Friday, 1/10.

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 4). Make sure that you copied the vocabulary for Weeks 1 & 2, and Week 3 into your notebook. Check the blog for the vocabulary if you did not! Due Friday, 1/10.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study the Vocabulary for Units 1-2-3 and look through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Lightning Thief, and scape from Saigon.  Please make sure to have these three books the day of the Midterm Exam!

Reading Questions for Grade 6

7th Grade Reading- The book for Unit 3 is Call of the Wild by Jack London. Read Chapters 3 and 4 by Friday.


Tuesday: Answer questions for Call of the Wild on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Due Friday, 1/10.

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 4). Make sure that you copied the vocabulary for Weeks 1 & 2, and Week 3 into your notebook. Check the blog for the vocabulary if you did not! Due Friday, 1/10.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study the Vocabulary for Units 1-2-3 and look through My Brother Sam is Dead, The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed, and Call of the Wild.  Please make sure to have these three books the day of the Midterm Exam!

7th Grade Social Studies

Homework:  The Road to Independence

Monday- Vocabulary due Thursday, 1/9 (Unit 3 Week 4)

1. Boston Massacre  2. acquit  3. propaganda  4. Committee of Correspondence  5. Tea Act  6. monopoly  7. Boston Tea Party 
8. Intolerable Acts  9. Quebec Act  10. First Continental Congress
11. Continental Association  12. Minutemen

Tuesday- Read pages 174-181. Complete Chapter 6 Review pg. 183: Vocabulary Review 1-10. Follow the directions in the book. Chapter Checkup Questions: 1-5 (on looseleaf). Due on Thursday, 1/9.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study your notes for Units 1-2-3 and also your textbook (it would be a good to study the Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter). You should be reading over important facts from Chapters 1- 6. Some possible essay questions will be given during the week so you can prepare and study them.

8th Grade Reading- The book for Unit 3 is The Boy’s War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War by Jack London. Read 4 and 5 by Friday.


Tuesday: Answer questions for The Boys’ War on looseleaf. You may restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Due Friday, 1/10.

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 4). Make sure that you copied the vocabulary for Weeks 1 & 2, and Week 3 into your notebook. Check the blog for the vocabulary if you did not! Due Friday, 1/10.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study the Vocabulary for Units 1-2-3 and look through The Great Fire, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, and The Boys’ War. Make sure you bring all three books on day of the Midterm Exam!

8th Grade Social Studies  

Lesson Plans

Homework: World War II

Monday- Make sure that you have copied the Vocabulary for Weeks 1-2-3  (Unit 3) into you Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Due Thursday, 1/9   

Tuesday- Complete Chapter 10 Review pg. 355: Vocabulary Review 1-10. Write the statement, letter, and correct answer. Chapter Checkup Questions: 1-5 (on looseleaf). Due on Thursday, 1/9.

*****Midterm Exam Review: Study your notes for Units 1-2-3 and also your textbook (it would be a good to study the Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter). You should be reading over important facts from Chapters 6- 10. Some possible essay questions will be given during the week so you can prepare and study them.

                                 A Happy and Healthy New Year to all!