Week of September 24, 2018

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Wednesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. I am still missing a couple of the parent signature pages and school supplies (listed on the blog since July). Alba will be calling those parents this week.

C. MAP Testing for 4th grade is this Wednesday (Reading) and Thursday (Language Arts).

D. Tuesday, September 25 school is closed due to a Religion Conference Day.

E. Make sure to read Mr. Woods blog for other important information.
GRADES 5, 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted and no pencil).  
B. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  

HOMEWORK: For the Week of September 24,2018: Grades 5, 6,7,8

Grade 5 Social Studies Lesson Plans

Social Studies Homework for Grade 5

Unit 1 The Land and Early People/ Chapter 1: Our Nation’s Geography

Monday,9/24: Write definitions for the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary NB, Due Thursday, 9/27. The definitions can be found in the glossary or on the page listed next to the word listed below. Read pages 32-45 in your textbook.

Tuesday,9/25- On loose-leaf, complete on page 48, numbers 1-8 (vocabulary). Write the answer and the definition. On page 49, answer questions 10 and 12. Restate the question in the answer. Due on Friday, 9/28.

Vocabulary for the Week:
river system (p.32), elevation (p.37), arid (p.39), tundra (p.39), natural resource (p.42), renewable resource (p.43), nonrenewable resource (p.43), irrigation (p.44), modify (p.44), efficiency (p.45)

There will be a test on Chapter 1 notes next week.

The Hispanic Heritage Project is explained on Google Classroom. Some students have still not joined my Google Classroom. You must join to complete this project.

Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELA/Grammar

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
This week we will be discussing memoirs and poetry. We will also be discussing personal and nonfiction narratives and continue to review types of nouns.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online at Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

Voyages Practice Book- page 7 #s 1-25 (even numbers only). Please complete in your notebook with the date, name of the book and page, and the Aim. Due on Thursday, 9/27

Grammar Quiz on Friday- Nouns. Study pages 1-7 in the Voyages textbook and the ELA NB.

Grades 7 and 8-Lesson Plans for ELA/Grammar/Social Studies

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7 and 8
This week we will be discussing characters and point of view. We will also be discussing personal and nonfiction narratives and continue to review types of nouns.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online at Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

Voyages Practice Book- page 6 (even numbers only). Please complete in your notebook with the date, name of the book and page, and the AimDue on Thursday, 9/27

Grammar Quiz next week- Nouns (what ever we have completed by next Tuesday).

Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1 Our Colonial Heritage (Beginnings-1783)/ Chapter 1: The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic (Beginnings-1500)

Monday,9/24: Write definitions for the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary NB, Due Wednesday, 9/27. The definitions can be found in the glossary or on the page listed next to the word listed below.  Read pages 24-29 in your textbook.

Thursday,9/27- Remember to copy the notes for Chapter 1 (click on the link below) into your Social Studies class notebook. The notes are due Monday, 10/1.

Vocabulary for the Week:
knights, Black Death, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Gutenberg, joint-stock companies

There will be a test on Chapter 1 notes next week.

The Hispanic Heritage Project is explained on Google Classroom. Some students still have not chosen a famous Hispanic American to research.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 1 The Nation Breaks Apart (1861-1877)/ Chapter 16: The Civil War

Monday,9/24: Write definitions for the words below in your Social Studies Vocabulary NB, Due Wednesday, 9/26. The definitions can be found in the glossary or on the page listed next to the word listed below. Read pages 536-543 in your textbook.

Thursday,9/27- Remember to copy the notes for Chapter 1 (click on the link below) into your Social Studies class notebook. The notes are due Monday, 10/1.

Vocabulary for the Week:
execute, Battle of Gettysburg, George Pickett, Pickett’s Charge, Gettysburg Address, Wilderness Campaign, William Tecumseh Sherman, total war, Appomattox Courthouse

There will be a test on Chapter 1 notes next week.

The Hispanic Heritage Project is explained on Google Classroom. Some students still have not chosen a famous Hispanic American to research.

                                       Have a wonderful week!