Week of March 12, 2012


A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil is not allowed.

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads are unacceptable).

C. The students are given 20 vocabulary words per week. They will have to copy the words and definitions on Monday for Homework and it will be checked on Tuesday by the Homeroom Teacher. If your child does not have internet access at home, he/she will be able to stay in the Afterschool Program on Mondays from 3:00-3:30 in order to copy the words into the Vocabulary NBs.

D. 5th grade will have Gym on Friday, instead of Monday until further notice.

E. 5th Grade will have GYM on Wednesday, so remember to wear Gym clothes.

F. Reminder: if your child brings snack or lunch- no meat should be given on Fridays during Lent.

G. There is no school on Friday, 3/ 16 or 3/23

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
Dear Parents,
I will be using the blog to give the children classwork and homework. Whatever is not completed in class must be done at home. I will be collecting all work from Mr. Marcial on Thursday, 3/15. Please read what is due each day for your child. I do not know when I will be returning as of yet, because I am unable to put any weight on my foot. But I will be giving work each day and correcting it. Grades will be on the SIS.
Thank you,
Donna Toscano Larios

Vocabulary for the Week : See Ms. Serewko’s Blog

5th Grade Reading- 3/12/12

Lesson Plans:

Class work & Homework:  Unit 4

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh- read pgs. 68-95 by Test this week!  Continue reading from pages 96- 157

1.Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the following words using the glossary in the back of the book.  This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. Mr. Marcial will be collecting HW on Weds. and the test on Thursday.

Vocabulary for Peach Blossom Spring:
fragrance, emerged, astonished, boasted, mended, proprietor, encountered, laden

Vocabulary for Images:
reflections,   illusions,   express,   vivid ,  dramatic,   glimpse,   abstract,   peer,   sculpture,   spattering

Remember to copy the vocabulary for the week into your Vocabulary NB tonight.

2. Tuesday- Read the story Peach Blossom Spring in class. Complete (in the Practice book) page. 135 (1-8) on looseleaf and write the word and its definition.
Also complete page 136 (1-5) on loosefeaf and restate the question in the answer

Page 135 can be done on the front of the looseleaf and pg. 136 on the back. Remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf.

3. Wednesday- In the middle of the Reading NB (skills section), complete pg. 137 (Practice book) by copying the chart and filling in the answers.

Also complete page 138 (1-10) write everything out in the middle of the Reading NB. Remember to write the date and label it as HW.

4. Thursday- Open Book Test on the Rats of Nimh pgs. 68-95.
6th Grade Reading- 3/12/12

Lesson Plans: 

 Classwork & Homework: Unit 4

Stuart Little- Book Tests for Chapters 10-15 will be given this week.

1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the following words using the glossary in the back of the book.  It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. Mr. Marcial will be collecting HW on Weds. and the test on Thursday.

Vocabulary for Aunt Millicent:
exasperation,  expedition,  stout, khaki,  beamed,  intrepid,  awkward,  enterprising

Vocabulary for Rabies:
hunch,  hurricane,  unpredictable,  conduct,  rehearsed,  theory

Vocabulary for Things That Go Gleep in the Night:
trickle,  accompanied,  consciousness,  transference,  manufacture,  controversy, perpetual, disintegrating.

2. Tuesday- Read the story Aunt Millicent in class. Complete (in the Practice book) page. 132 (write the whole paragraph and underline the missing word) on looseleaf.

Also complete page 133 (1-10) on loosefeaf and write everything out

Page 132 can be done on the front of the looseleaf and pg. 133 on the back. Remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf.

3. Wednesday- In the middle of the Reading NB (skills section), complete pg. 137 (Practice book) 1-10 (Write everything out. For Section B, write the paragraph over using the new words).

Also complete page 140 (1-6) write everything out in the middle of the Reading NB. Remember to write the date and label it as HW.

4. Thursday- Open Book Test on Stuart Little – Chapters 10-15.
7th Grade Reading 3/12/12

Lesson Plans: 

Classwork & Homework: Unit 4

Read A Wrinkle in Time- Test on Chapters 11 and 12 this week!

1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the words below using the Skills Practice Book. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. Mr. Marcial will be collecting HW on done on looseleaf and the test on Thursday.

Vocabulary for Housekeeper Wanted For Gentleman Cat:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 93 & 94

Vocabulary for River Rescue:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 100 & 101

2. Tuesday- Read the story Housekeeper Wanted for Gentleman Cat in class.
 Complete (in the Skills Practice book) page. 93 (1-12-write everything out) on looseleaf.

Also complete page 96 (1-6- write questions and the skip a line and write the answer) on looseleaf.

Page 93 can be done on the front of the looseleaf and pg. 96 on the back. Remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf.

3. Wednesday- Social Studies will be done instead of Reading due to Art Class in the afternoon.

4. Thursday- Open Book Test on Wrinkle in Time – Chapters 11 and 12.

7th Grade Social Studies

Lesson Plans: This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. There will be a test next week on Chapter 8, so make sure that you read the chapter carefully, maybe take some notes. All assignment s will be given to Mr. Marcial , and corrected by me!!!!!!!

Homework: Unit 4 (Chapter 8- A Government for the New Nation 1777-1791)

Monday- read pgs. 214-221 in the text.  Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 221   (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This will be graded, so be careful!

Tuesday- read pages 222-226 in the text. Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 226   (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This will be graded, so be careful!

Wednesday- read pgs. 227-231 in the text. Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 231   (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This will be graded so be careful!

Thursday- Complete the Chapter Review on pg. 233 (Vocabulary Review 1-10 write everything out, and Chapter Checkup Questions 1-4).  Complete on looseleaf and skip a line when doing the questions. This assignment will be collected on Monday, unless you finish before that.

Map of the Month due Thursday, 3/15

****If you did note hand in your last map or Black History Project, it must be given to Mr. Marcial by Thursday, 3/15  in order to get a grade.
8th Grade Reading 3/12/12

Lesson Plans:

 Homework: Unit 4

Read pgs. Test on pgs. 104-139 of Sometimes I Think I Hear My Name  this week.

1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the words below using the Skills Practice Book. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. Mr. Marcial will be collecting HW on done on looseleaf and the test on Thursday.

Vocabulary for The External Frontier:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 93 & 94

Vocabulary for River Rescue:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 103 & 104

2. Tuesday- Read the story The External Frontier in class.
 Complete (in the Skills Practice book) page. 103 (1-12-write everything out) on looseleaf.

Also complete page 104 (1-12-write everything out)

Remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf.

3. Wednesday- In Aim Higher read Marine Iguanas of the Galapagos- pgs. 156-159. Answer the questions on page 160 (restate).  Read pages 161-174.  Answer the questions on page 175 (restate). Both pages must be done on looseleaf with a complete heading (name of book and pages must be included.

4. Thursday- Open Book Test on Sometimes I Think I Hear My Name – 104-139.

8th Grade Social Studies

Lesson Plans:  This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework. There will be a test next week on Chapter 8, so make sure that you read the chapter carefully, maybe take some notes. All assignment s will be given to Mr. Marcial, and corrected by me!!!!!!!

Homework:  Unit 4 (Chapter 8- The Golden Twenties 1919-1929)

Monday- read pgs. 282-287 in the text.  Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 287   (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This will be graded, so be careful!

Tuesday- read pages 288-293 in the text. Define the following words on looseleaf:
Red Scare,  radical,  quota,  prohibition,  Harlem Renaissance.

Wednesday- read pgs. 294-297 in the text. Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 295   (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This will be graded so be careful!

Thursday- read pgs. 298-301 in the text. Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 301    (on looseleaf, restate the question in the answer). This assignment will be collected on Monday, unless you finish before that.

Map on the Month- due Thursday, 3/15

****If you did note hand in your last map or Black History Project, it must be given to Mr. Marcial by Thursday, 3/15 in order to get a grade.