Reading and Language Arts -Ms. Toscano Larios

1. 3 marble notebooks(black and white) – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, 1 Vocabulary. No other notebooks will be accepted.

2. 3 two-pocket folders – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts,  1 Homework Folder

3. Pencils with erasers (at least three). Sharpen them at home.

4. Colored pencils- no markers or colored pens

5. Scissors

6. Glue

7. A package of loose-leaf

8. Please cover all soft covered books and label with your child’s name, grade and subject. Clear covers are best. All of the books need to be covered because they are very soft and break easily and then pages begin to fall out.

9. 1 box of tissues

10. Hand sanitizer

All school supplies should be in no later than Friday, Sept. 11.


Reading and Language Arts:

1. 3 marble notebooks(black and white) – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, 1 Vocabulary. No other notebooks will be accepted.

2. 3 two-pocket folders – 1 Reading, 1 Language Arts, and 1 Homework Folder

3. Pencils with erasers (at least three). Sharpen them at home.

4. Scissors

5. Glue

6. Colored pencils- no markers or colored pens

7. A zippered case to keep pencils, scissors, glue and crayons

8. Looseleaf that will be kept in the HW folder.

9. One large box of Kleenex tissues with your child’s name on it.

10. 1 roll of paper towels

11. 1 bottle of hand sanitizer

12. 1 can of Lysol disinfectant spray

13. 1 package of Lysol or Clorox disinfecting wipes

14. School gym shirt and sweat pants for gym

15. Book covers- please cover all soft covered books and label each
with your child’s name, class and the name of the book. Clear covers are best! All books must be covered.

All school supplies should be in by Friday, Sept.11th and should be labeled with your child’s name and grade on each item.


READING: 1. 2 marble notebooks (black and white) - 1 Reading AND 1 for Weekly Vocabulary Words. Other types of notebooks will not be accepted.
2. 2 folders 1 Reading (tests and assignments which will be kept at school) and 1 for Reading HW and notes (this will be kept in the book bag ).
3. Pencils with erasers (please sharpen the pencils at home). 4. Black or Blue ink pens only. No other color ink will be accepted. It is unacceptable to do homework or classwork in any other color ink. 5. Colored pencils or markers 6. Scissors 7. Glue 8. Plenty of of loose-leaf
9. Bookcovers- All soft covered books must be covered and labeled with your child’s name, grade and subject. Clear covers are best. Two books will be sent home at a time to be covered and new books will not be given until both books are covered. The books are very soft and they rip very easily and then pages fall out. 10. A box of tissues 11. Hand sanitizer
12. Disinfecting Wipes (Clorox or Lysol) All school supplies should be in no later than Friday, Sept. 10.


August 2009

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you . I am looking forward to working with you, so that the 2009-2010 school year will be both a productive and enjoyable experience for your child. If you ever feel that you need to speak with me, please feel free to contact me by sending me a note in your child’s notebook. If you need to e-mail me, you must e-mail it to the school’s e-mail address, (olqm1@aol.com) and Mr. Woods will forward it to me. The teachers are no longer allowed to accept e-mail from parents. There is also the blog site for the school, which will keep you updated about what we will be doing in class, homework assignments, tests and projects. The blog site is http://olqmnyc.blogspot.com/. You must check all three teachers' blogs to keep updated about tests, assignments, and projects. Click on Ms. Saville for Religion and Social Studies, Mr. Badia for Math and Science, and Mrs. Larios for Reading and Language Arts (includes Spelling, Listening, Speaking, Composition, and Grammar).

The following are some school/class regulations and reminders:

1. Please sign all papers distributed in the parent packet. You will receive two emergency cards to fill out. Fill out all parts including the mother and father’s name even if you are not living together. Include the following information: phone numbers- including cell #’s, whom to contact in case of an emergency, and remember to fill out the back of each card and sign the bottom Also, in the parent’s packet is an academic contract, parent’s handbook, Internet usage form,  Sept. calendar, permission slip etc. Please complete all forms and return them to me no later than Friday, Sept. 11th. All school supplies should also be in by Friday 9/11.

2. Please cover all soft covered books, preferably with a transparent cover so the books do not rip. Please write your child’s name on each book. It is very important to do this because the soft-covered books break very easily and pages start to fall out.

3. Check your child’s notebooks, folder and backpack everyday to see what is going on in class and make sure that he/she has all the necessary supplies.

4. Please send me a note when your child is absent or when you need to pick he/she up early from school. If your child is sick for few days try to send someone to pick up the homework. If I do not receive a note, your child will be marked illegally absent.

5. Please read the monthly calendar and Parent Handbook.

6. Your child should lineup in the schoolyard in the morning before 8:00 AM. The class will be dismissed each day through the Sherman Avenue doors at 4:00 PM Mon.-Thurs and 2:30 on Fridays. Please read the school calendar for any exceptions. Parents are not allowed to escort their child to class in the mornings. Children are not allowed to bring any food to the classroom. Breakfast must be eaten at home or in the lunchroom before 8:00.

7. Please make sure that your child is on time for school each day. If your child is late more than two times per quarter, he/she will not be able to receive Honors. In addition, he/she will not be allowed into class without getting a late pass. If you arrive after 8:00AM, please do not enter the class with your child. This is a distraction to the other children.
8. Our gym day will be on Monday(tentatively), so your child will need to wear the school gym uniform (tee shirt and sweat pants) and sneakers. The gym teacher will not allow your child to participate if they are not wearing the correct gym uniform. This will be reflected in your child's grade.

9. Make sure that your child completes the HW each day. All Homework will be written in the Purple Homework Assignment Book that each child will receive on the first day of class. Any notes written by the 3 teachers to you will be written in this book. Please read it each night and sign, so the teachers know that you have seen the Homework and any reminders for that day. Please check the folder each night,in case I send a note home or some word lists.

10. New York State requires that every student from grades 1-8 read at least 20 books per school year. In order to fulfill this requirement, your child will be responsible to read books at home and complete some type of assignment on the book. This will be discussed more on the blog.

11. Remember that your child will change classes this year, which means he/she will have three teachers. I will be teaching Reading, Spelling, Language Arts, Mr. Badia will be teaching Math and Science and Miss Saville will be teaching Social Studies,Handwriting, and Religion. Again all HW will be written in the purple HW book, so please check it every night. A supply list is also posted on the blog by each teacher, so make sure that your child knows what is needed for each class.

12. I also will need to know if your child has a library card in order to borrow books from the Public Library. I will be asking the first week of school, so that I can make sure that each child has one to use.

13. It is very important that your child is prepared for class every day. That means having sharpened pencils, notebooks, looseleaf and their other school supplies. This is the first step towards making sure that your child does well.

14. Remember to sign all tests when they are distributed by Mr. Woods and return them the next day. Each teacher will collect the tests for their own subjects.

15 Achieving good grades does not ensure that your child will receive academic Honors each Quarter. The children should be in full uniform each day, unless otherwise specified on this blog or in the purple assignment book. That means shoes, socks, sweaters,etc.should follow what is written in the Parent's Handbook. Behavior, effort, keeping belongings neat and organized, homework,  classwork, lateness, and being respectful to classmates and school staff are other criteria which are evaluated when determining whether a student will receive Honors.

That is a brief overview of some of the important things that you need to know. If you do not understand something or need something clarified, please contact me. It is very important for us to work together to ensure a good learning experience for the children. Do not make your child anxious about the work. Allow them to get use to being back in school and to the new schedule.

Thank you for your cooperation and again welcome!

Donna Toscano Larios

Reading and Language Arts Teacher