WEEK OF JUNE 20, 2022



A. Tuesday, 6/21 Awards Day @ 1:00PM. 

B. Make sure to read Mr. Woods’ blog for other important information.


C. Summer School classes begin on July 6 and end on August 11. Classes meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM. There is no cost for this program and breakfast and lunch will be served.


D. All students must enter through the lunchroom in the morning and come to class from there. No one can enter through the church or main door (where the bell is located).


E. Thursday, 6/23 Class Party. I will be providing pizza for the children, so each child should bring something to drink for himself/herself and something to share with the class such as donuts, cookies, cupcakes, etc. No candy or chips, please! The children can wear play clothes on Thursday. The children will bring home all their things on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. They should leave the books at home. There are many pages left that they can work on during the summer.  They do not have to bring their bookbags on Friday because they will only have their Report Card to carry. If your child is absent on Wednesday or Thursday, then he /she should bring a bag home to carry their books home on Friday. No electronics are permitted


F. End of the Year School Mass at 10:00 AM and 8th Grade Graduation immediately following. All students in grades 1-7 will attend. Report Cards and Honor Awards will be given out at 11:30. The children may dress up in nice clothes. Dismissal will be at 12:00 PM


G. If you have any questions, you may email me at mstoscano@olqmnyc.org


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents and guardians for your help and support during the year. Remember that the parent/teacher relationship is necessary for a child to excel. Please make sure that your child continues to read during the summer and also work on some writing activities such as responding to questions or writing a paragraph.

I wish you all a healthy and safe summer and looking forward to working with you again in September.


Donna Toscano

WEEK OF JUNE 13, 2022



A. Remember to wear a mask and bring your school supplies each day.

B. School will be closed on Friday, 6/17, and Monday, 6/20.

C. Make sure to read Mr. Woods’ blog for other important information.

D. Title 1 Catapult Schedule:

Grades 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15-5:00

Grades K, 2, 4, and 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-5:00


E. All students must enter through the lunchroom in the morning and come to class from there. No one can enter through the church or main door (where the bell is located).


F. There will be Gym classes on Monday and Tuesday. Please wear gym uniform both days.


G. If you have any questions, you may email me at mstoscano@olqmnyc.org


HOMEWORK: For the Week of June 13, 2022

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 2

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for your child's comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency to read independently.


Science Homework for Grade 2

Please sign the test that is in the ELA folder and return it tomorrow.

****See Google Classroom for any homework this week.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 3

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for your child's comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency to read independently.

Science Homework for Grade 3

Tomorrow, Tuesday,6/14- Science Test on the vocabulary and notes from Unit 4 Concept 4.1. Study the information in your Science Notebook.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 4

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

 ***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for your child's comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency to read independently.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 5

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for your child's comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency to read independently.



WEEK OF JUNE 6, 2022



A. Remember to wear a mask and bring your school supplies each day.

B. School will be closed on Friday, 6/10.

C. Make sure to read Mr. Woods’ blog for other important information.

D. Title 1 Catapult Schedule:

Grades 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15-5:00

Grades K, 2, 4, and 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-5:00


E. All students must enter through the lunchroom in the morning and come to class from there. No one can enter through the church or main door (where the bell is located).


F. If you have any questions, you may email me at mstoscano@olqmnyc.org


HOMEWORK: For the Week of June 6, 2022

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 2

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.

Science Homework for Grade 2

Thursday,6/9- Science Test on the vocabulary and notes from Unit 4 Concept 4.1. Study the information in your Science Notebook.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 3

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


Science Homework for Grade 3

Tuesday,6/13- Science Test on the vocabulary and notes from Unit 4 Concept 4.1. Study the information in your Science Notebook.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 4

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 5

We will be working on reading comprehension skills this week.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


                               HAVE A GREAT WEEK!