Week of February 29, 2016


These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:

A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Extended classes are finished for this year.

F. Gym uniforms must be worn by 5th graders on Wednesdays for gym.

G. Wednesday,3/2 there will be a Dr. Seuss dress up day. There will be a contest for the best costume at 2:00 PM.

H. Friday,3/4 Progress Reports will be sent home with your child. Stations of the Cross will be said at 8:30AM. All parents are invited to attend.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of February 29- Module 3b Week 6

Homework for Grade 5:
The 5th Grade is reading The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations by Alootook Ipellie and David MacDonald.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook under Module 3. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

****The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations- start reviewing the book.

African American History Month Project: Wednesday, 3/2
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.


Homework for Grade 6
The 6th Grade is reading a World Without Fish by Mark Kurlansky and Flush by Carl Hiassen.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

***Please complete Chapters 8,9 in World Without Fish and Chapters 15-17 in Flush.

African American History Month Project: due Wednesday
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.


Homework for Grade 7


The 7th grade will be reading articles for this Module. Please keep up with the readings that you are given to read at home.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

African American History Month Project: due Wednesday
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.


7th Grade Social Studies

Module 3: A New Nation (1777-1800)


Monday,2/29- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Thursday, 3/3.

Vocabulary for the Week:
advocate, Antifederalists, George Mason, Federalists, Federalist Papers, amendments, Bill of Rights

Tuesday,3/1- Read pages 170-175 (carefully) in your textbook. On pg. 175 complete vocabulary words 1-10 (write the word and definition), and 11b, 12b, 14b. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!!!! Due Friday, 3/4.

Map of the Month must be handed in on Wednesday.

Homework for Grade 8:


The 8th Grade is reading A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School by Carlotta Walls La Nier and Lisa Frazier Page and The Little Rock Girl 1957: How a Photograph Changed the Fight for Integration by Shelley Tougas.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!
***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

**** Everyone should be finished Chapters 10-13 in A Mighty Long Way and Chapters 4 in Little Rock Girl 1957.

African American History Month Project: Wednesday
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.
8th Grade Social Studies  

Module 3: World War I (1914-1920)


Monday,2/29- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Thursday, 3/3.

Vocabulary for the Week:
war-bond, Lusitania, minimum wage, Zimmerman Note, Selective Service Act, Liberty bonds, National War Labor Board

Tuesday,3/1- Read pages 725-729. Complete questions 1a, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b on page 729. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!! Due Friday, 3/4.

 Map of the Month must be handed in on Wednesday.                            

                               Have a great week!

Week of February 22, 2016


These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork: 

A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Students in the 5th grade will have extended day classes each Monday from 3:00-5:00 for Math. 

F. Gym uniforms must be worn by 5th graders on Wednesdays for gym.

G. Tuesday,2/23 All students may dress like a Hippie. There will be a contest for the best costume at 2:00 PM.

H. Friday,2/26 There will be a 12:00 Dismissal due to a Teacher’s Meeting. Stations of the Cross will be said at 9:00. All parents are invited to attend.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of February 22- Module 3b Week 5

Homework for Grade 5: There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 2/23

The 5th Grade is reading The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations by Alootook Ipellie and David MacDonald.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook under Module 3. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

****Read pages 22-27 in The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations.

African American History Month Project: due Monday, 2/22 (today)
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.
 All projects are due on 2/22.


Homework for Grade 6 There will be quiz on Tuesday, 2/23

The 6th Grade is reading a World Without Fish by Mark Kurlansky and Flush by Carl Hiassen.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

***Please complete Chapters 5-7 in World Without Fish and Chapters 12-14 in Flush.

African American History Month Project: due Monday, 2/22 (today).
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.
 All projects are due on 2/22.

Homework for Grade 7

Reading: There will be a quiz on Wednesday, 2/24

The 7th grade will be reading articles for this Module. Please keep up with the readings that you are given to read at home.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!

***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

African American History Month Project: due Monday, 2/22 (today).
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.
 All projects are due on 2/22.


7th Grade Social Studies

Module 3: A New Nation (1777-1800)


Monday,2/22- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Thursday, 2/26.

Vocabulary for the Week:
Constitutional Convention, James Madison, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Great Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise, popular sovereignty, federalism, legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, checks and balances  

Tuesday,2/23- Read pages 163-169 (carefully) in your textbook. Complete questions 1a, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a on page 168. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!!!! Due Friday, 2/27.

New Map of the Month is due Thursday, February 25.

Homework for Grade 8:

Reading: There will be a quiz on Wednesday, 2/24

The 8th Grade is reading A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School by Carlotta Walls La Nier and Lisa Frazier Page and The Little Rock Girl 1957: How a Photograph Changed the Fight for Integration by Shelley Tougas.

Reading Vocabulary for the week will be listed and defined in the Reading Vocabulary notebook. All vocabulary words should be written on index cards and will be checked each Monday. The vocabulary word should be written on the front of the card with Module 3b written in the lower right corner. The definition from the notebook should be written neatly on the back of the card. Each Module’s vocabulary words should be kept in a separate Ziploc bag so the index cards do not get lost. The words should be reviewed every night because surprise quizzes will be given during the week. Remember these cards count as a grade!
***Please check the folder every day for Reading HW worksheets that will be distributed during the week. It is your responsibility to remember if papers are handed out during class!

**** Everyone should be finished Chapters 8-9 in A Mighty Long Way and Chapters 3 in Little Rock Girl 1957.

African American History Month Project: due Monday, 2/22 (today).
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the famous African American person that you chose to research. Your presentation should contain 8-10 slides. You may add a video if you know how. Below is an outline of what your presentation should look like.

Slide 1: Title Page- Should include the name of your person, a picture of him/her, your name, grade, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction- Give a brief introduction about your person.

Slide 3: Birth and Childhood- Discuss where and when your person was born; Who were his parents? Did he/she have any siblings (brothers or sisters? Where did he /she go to school?

Slide 4: Teen years and Early adulthood- Did your person complete high school? college? What was his/her life like as a teenager? What was his/her occupation? 

Slide 5: Marriage/children- Did your person get married? have children?
Any other important details about family can be added here.

Slide 6: Later life/death- What did your person do when he/she got older? Where/ when did he/she die?

Slide 7: Why was your person considered important to African American History? Discuss your person's contributions, problems/difficulties, and anything else that you feel that added to his/her importance.

Slides 8 and 9: Extras- Any other information that you may want to add, or if you need more than one slide for any of the categories.

Slide 10: Bibliography- What sources did you use? You can add a video, but it is optional.

There be no more than two sentences on each slide. Each slide should contain a picture or chart/graph, and your notes to discuss each slide can be either on index cards or looseleaf. You are to teach the class about your person, so it is important that you practice beforehand. Know your material because your classmates might want to ask you questions! If you need help or have a question, please see me before the project is due. There will be no extensions given.
 All projects are due on 2/22.

8th Grade Social Studies  

Module 3: World War I (1914-1920)


Monday,2/22- Write all vocabulary for the week and their definitions into your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Due Thursday, 2/26.

Vocabulary for the Week:
neutral, militarism, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, mobilize, Central Powers, Allied Powers, trench warfare, stalemate, U-boats

Tuesday,2/23- Read pages 716- 724. Complete questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c on page 724. Complete on looseleaf with a full heading. There should be no crossing out!!!! Due Friday, 2/27.

New Map of the Month is due Thursday, February 25.                            

                               Have a great week!