September 1, 2011
10. New York State requires that every student from grades 1-8 read at least 20 books per school year. In order to fulfill this requirement, your child will be responsible to read books at home and in school, and complete some type of assessment on the book. This will be discussed more on the blog.
11. It is very important that your child is prepared for class every day. That means having sharpened pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, looseleaf and their other school supplies. This is the first step towards making sure that your child does well. Please check each teacher's blog for a list of school supplies that your child will need for each subject.
12. Remember to sign all tests when they are distributed by Mr. Woods and return them the next day. Each teacher will collect the tests for their own subjects.
13. Achieving good grades does not ensure that your child will receive academic Honors each Quarter. The children should be in full uniform each day, unless otherwise specified on this blog or in the purple assignment book. That means shoes, socks, sweaters, having the proper haircut (boys),etc. should follow what is written in the Parent's Handbook. Good conduct, effort, keeping belongings neat and organized, completing homework and classwork assignments, arriving to school on time, and being respectful to classmates and school staff are other criteria which are evaluated when determining whether a student will receive Honors.
14. Detention is given to any student that breaks school or class rules such as misbehaving in class, not completing homework or classwork, or not signing notes or test papers. An IRIS alert will be sent to parents if your child has to stay for after school detention. If your child cannot stay for detention on the day it is given, it will have to be made up on the next day detention is given.
That is a brief overview of some of the important things that you need to know. If you do not understand something or need something clarified, please contact me. It is very important for us to work together to ensure a good learning experience for your child. Do not make your child anxious about the work. Allow them to get use to being back in school and to the new schedule.
Thank you for your cooperation and again welcome!
Donna Toscano Larios
Reading and Social Studies Teacher