A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil is not allowed.
B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not
because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW).
D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.
E. Each child has a book to read. He/she should take notes while reading the book (write them on loose-leaf or index cards). A test will be given every week on the chapters assigned to be read for that week. Your child will be allowed to use both notes and the book for the test. The book must be returned on the day of the test. A new book will not be given to your child until the previous one is returned. If the book gets lost or damaged, your child must replace it!
F. Remember to cover the Reading Skills Practice, Reading Practice Book, and Social Studies Workbook.
G. Halloween Party- The children can wear their costumes to school. They should bring their bookbags. Children should bring something to drink for themselves (no glass bottles). Each child should also bring something to share with the class. The children already know what they want to bring.
H. All Saints Day November 1st, there will be a contest for the best dressed saint for the Feast of All Saints on Tuesday November 1st.Students who want to be part of the contest need to dress like the saint, be able to explain the saint's life, and will process at Mass at 9:00 AM with Fr. Antonio. There will be First Place Prizes for students in grades:
1. PreK, Kindergarten, and Grade 1
2. Grades 2-4
3. Grades 5-8
I. Calendars will be sent home tomorrow-11/1/11
J. Friday, 11/4/11- 12:00 dismissal due to a faculty meeting
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
Weekly Vocabulary Words- 10/24/11 (Test on Friday, 11/1/11)
1. restore-(v) bring back to a former condition
2. surplus-(n) an amount over what is needed; extra
3. thorough- (adj) doing all that can be done; complete
4. utter- (v) speak; make known
5. various-(adj) differing with one another
5th Grade Reading- 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
The Boxcar Children- Chapters 11, 12, 13 Quiz on Weds, 11/2
A new book will be distributed to read
Due Friday, 11/4 Practice Book pgs. 45 (1-10) and 46 (1-5) on looseleaf. Restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.
6th Grade Reading- 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
Harriet the Spy- Chapters 11 & 12 Quiz on Weds.11/2
Read Chapters 13 &1 4 Quiz on Weds, 11/9
Due Friday, 11/4 Practice Book pgs. 47 (1-10) and 48 (1-5) on looseleaf. Restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.
7th Grade Reading 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
The Face on the Milk Carton- Chapters 1 and 2 Quiz on Weds. 11/2
Read Chapters 3 and 4- Quiz Weds. 11/9
Read Chapters 15, 16, 17, & 18 Quiz on Thurs, 11/3
Read The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe Quiz on Monday, 11/14
Due Friday, 11/4 Skills Practice Book pgs. 29 (1-16) and 30 (1-13) on loose-leaf. Write everything out. Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.
8th Grade Reading 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
You Can Never Go Home Again- Chapters 1 and 2 Quiz on Thurs, 11/3
Read Chapters 3 and 4 by Monday, 11/14
Due Thursday,11/3 Skills Practice Book pgs. 30 (1-15) and 34 Exercise B on looseleaf. Write everything out. Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.
7th Grade Social Studies 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
Map of the Month- Due on Tues. 11/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!
Due Friday,11/4 Textbook- Checkup Questions p. 48 (Questions 1-4) - Complete on looseleaf and have a correct heading on the paper. Restate the question in the answer (sentence form).
Topics for the History Day Fair are due by Thursday, Nov.3rd. Please write on a piece of LL: your name, date, topic, individual or group project, and whom you are working with if you are doing a group project. Remember, no more than two people in a group. You can hand this in early if you have your topic ready.
8th Grade Social Studies 10/31/11
Lesson Plans:
Homework: We will be working on Chapter 3- Cities and Immigrants (1880-1915)
Map of the Month- Due on Tues. 11/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!
Due Thursday,11/3 Textbook- Checkup Questions p. 68 (Questions 1-4) - Complete on looseleaf and have a correct heading on the paper. Restate the question in the answer (sentence form).
Topics for the History Day Fair are due by Friday, Nov.4th. Please write on a piece of LL: your name, date, topic, individual or group project, and whom you are working with if you are doing a group project. Remember, no more than two people in a group. You can hand this in early if you have your topic ready.
Have a great week!