Week of November 28, 2011


A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil is not allowed.

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.

C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.

This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not

because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW).

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Each child has a book to read. He/she should take notes while reading the book (write them on loose-leaf or index cards). A test will be given every week on the chapters assigned to be read for that week. Your child will be allowed to use both notes and the book for the test. The book must be returned on the day of the test. A new book will not be given to your child until the previous one is returned. If the book gets lost or damaged, your child must replace it!

F. Remember to cover the Reading Skills Practice, Reading Practice Book, and Social Studies Workbook.

G. 6th grade parents, please sign the permission slip concerning a project that your children will be participating in this year. If your child does not return the permission slip, they will not be allowed to be involved in the project.

H. Friday, December 2, 12:00 Dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting.

I. Gloves and Hats drive begins for homeless dinner sponsored by the parish of OLQM. Please be as generous as possible.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

Weekly Vocabulary Words- 11/28/11 (Test on Friday, 12/2/11)

1. abundance-(n) a quantity that is more than enough; plenty

2. assembly-(n) a group of people gathered together for a purpose

3. brute-(n) an animal without the power to reason ;( adj) like an animal

4. confer-(v) talk things over; exchange ideas

5. congregation-(n) a group of people gathered together for religious

worship or instruction


5th Grade Reading- 11/28/11

Lesson Plans:

Homework: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Za9RLhNfYW6AwZ5hmn2IGrPGabFFhNMxwE8SJLbuwYk

The Family Under the Bridge- Chapters 1, 2, &3 Quiz on Tues, 11/29

Read Chapters 4, 5, & 6 - Quiz Monday, 12/5

Study words of Christmas songs (in the folder)

Read Coming Over/The Great Migration in the textbook. Complete Practice Book pg. 61 1-8 (write all sentences and answers) and pg. 62. Restate the question in the answer. Complete on looseleaf. Due on Thursday, 12/1


6th Grade Reading- 11/28/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1O9LHeFOpT2UaxKwJF1umiLrJJcCsq67iRgL_02Ljb8I


Stuart Little- Chapters 1-5 Monday, 12/5

Read Chapters 6,7,8- Quiz Monday, 12/12

Practice Book pg. 58 1-10 (write everything out) and pg.59 1-10 (write everything out). Complete on looseleaf. Due on Thursday, 12/1.


7th Grade Reading 11/28/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1u0zZ2qiP1UlN3CrBeqanmXWO9wB9Ug5eh5Xf3R6LWOo


The Face on the Milk Carton- Read Chapters 5, 6, 7, &8- Quiz today

Read Chapters 9, 10, & 11- Quiz Monday. 12/5

Read The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe Quiz on Weds, 12/7

Read It’s Country for Me in the textbook. In the Skills Practice complete page 46 1-6 (restate the question in the answer), and pg. 48 1-3. Write everything out.


8th Grade Reading 11/28/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1kvPUNxqUbkErFsgP600p5qQBXsqBi8Xns2ELW-jb1V0


You Can Never Go Home Again- Read Chapters 7 and 8 tomorrow

Read Chapters 9 and 10 by Tuesday, 12/6

Read the story Standing in the Wings in the textbook. Skills Practice Book pg. 46 1-3. Follow the directions given in the book. Answers must be complete sentences; pg. 48 1-4. Write questions and answers. Complete on looseleaf. Due Thursday, 12/1.


7th Grade Social Studies 11/28/11

We will be working on Chapter 4- England Plants Colonies (1497-1733)

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1sCAGahW-N4ITGEmYcncZjZCncpYJhUTeHo4-HXGblrY


Write the Vocabulary and definitions for Chapter 4 in the back of your Social Studies NB. Skip a line between each definition. The words are on pages 68, 75, 82, & 86. Due on Thursday, 12/1

Native American Heritage project is due tomorrow. Your project will be given two grades- one for your presentation and the other for your board. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.


8th Grade Social Studies 11/28/11

We will be working on Chapter 4- Workers and Farmers Seek Reform (1865-1900)

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1dKaFwr9tOMroRd56Zaj6Q02u-F1AkXIeJKYQGCO9dlA


Chapter 4 Review- pg. 105 Vocabulary Review 1-10. Write everything out. Chapter Checkup #s 2,3,4,5,7. Restate the question. Complete on looseleaf by Thursday, 12/1.

Native American Heritage project is due tomorrow. Your project will be given two grades- one for your presentation and the other for your board. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.

We will be working on Chapter 4- Workers and Farmers Seek Reform (1865-1900)

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.

Have A Great Week!

Week of November 21, 2011


A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil is not allowed.

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.

C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.

This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not

because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW).

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Each child has a book to read. He/she should take notes while reading the book (write them on loose-leaf or index cards). A test will be given every week on the chapters assigned to be read for that week. Your child will be allowed to use both notes and the book for the test. The book must be returned on the day of the test. A new book will not be given to your child until the previous one is returned. If the book gets lost or damaged, your child must replace it!

F. Remember to cover the Reading Skills Practice, Reading Practice Book, and Social Studies Workbook.

G. Please remember to send in canned or boxed food for the poor of our parish. Last day is tomorrow.

H. 5th grade parents, please sign the letters concerning the show that are in your child’s folders and return by tomorrow or Wednesday.

I. 6th grade parents, please sign the permission slip concerning a project that your children will be participating in this year. If your child does not return the permission slip, they will not be allowed to be involved in the project.

J. Tuesday, 11/22 there will be a 12:00 dismissal due to Parent Conferences (2:00- 7:00). The afterschool program will be in session. Report Cards and Honor Awards will be distributed in the lunchroom at 8:30 to all eligible students. If your child does not receive a Report Card in school you must pick up in the afternoon.

H. Weds. 11/23- Mass at 9:00. All students must be in full uniform. There will be a 3:00 dismissal.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

Weekly Vocabulary Words- 11/14/11 (Test on Tuesday, 11/22/11)

1. discourage-(v) to destroy the hopes or to try prevent by disapproving

2. opinion-(n) what one thinks

3. possess- (v) own; to have

4. segment- (n) piece or part cut off, marked off, or broken off

5. transform-(v) to change in form or appearance


5th Grade Reading- 11/21/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=15Cou7r8VTC_3Uv1vGf1Q-tFcDTTIxNdGWoAgbquz1Vw


The Family Under the Bridge- Chapters 1, 2, &3 Quiz on Weds, 11/23

Read Chapters 4, 5, & 6 - Quiz Weds.11/30

Study words of Christmas songs (in the folder)


6th Grade Reading- 11/21/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=16b5vHjHjzZQ7fv1Jx9lvaOnL584v8Yzpmkq_g9JDUME


Harriet the Spy- Chapters 15 & 16 Monday, 11/21

A new book will be distributed this week- Read Chapters 1 and 2 for next Tuesday, 11/29.


7th Grade Reading 11/21/11

Lesson Plans:

Homework: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1UuzX32yPMtrjv2W2lrjg49SWxDqcHe2Zo6XW04Ynzqs

The Face on the Milk Carton- Read Chapters 5, 6, 7, &8- Quiz today

Read Chapters 9, 10, & 11- Quiz Monday. 11/28

The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe- Test tomorrow.

Read The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe Quiz on Tuesday, 11/29


8th Grade Reading 11/21/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1SKDbhCEQHZLjlFiW2lIh0haMaNwxpltvGY57JroY5dY


You Can Never Go Home Again- Read Chapters 5 and 6 by Monday, 11/21

Read Chapters 7 and 8 by Tuesday, 11/29


7th Grade Social Studies 11/21/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1fMaos_-wZ-f2Ujhz5XRbBD9zQ8pHN8EvwJWPJwCtChU

Homework: We will be working on Chapter 3 in the Textbook- Colonization Begins in the Americas (1492-1755). Test today (Monday)

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.

Native American Heritage Month- Topics will be given out in class. Everyone must do a board to show their research and will have to make a presentation to the class. This project will be due on Tues, 11/29. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.


8th Grade Social Studies 11/21/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1PqFWzL4JdWft15AuMBo0yoLQIDVoLXOQSkdKqV-vMm8

Homework: Test on Chapter 3- Monday (today)

We will be working on Chapter 4- Workers and Farmers Seek Reform (1865-1900)

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.

Native American Heritage Month- Topics will be given out in class. Everyone must do a board to show their research and will have to make a presentation to the class. This project will be due on Tues, 11/29. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.

Have A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Week of November 14, 2011


A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil is not allowed.

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.

C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.

This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not

because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW).

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

E. Each child has a book to read. He/she should take notes while reading the book (write them on loose-leaf or index cards). A test will be given every week on the chapters assigned to be read for that week. Your child will be allowed to use both notes and the book for the test. The book must be returned on the day of the test. A new book will not be given to your child until the previous one is returned. If the book gets lost or damaged, your child must replace it!

F. Remember to cover the Reading Skills Practice, Reading Practice Book, and Social Studies Workbook.

G. Please remember to send in canned or boxed food for the poor of our parish. Last day is Tues. 11/22.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

Weekly Vocabulary Words- 11/14/11 (Test on Friday, 11/19/11)

1. discourage-(v) to destroy the hopes or to try prevent by disapproving

2. opinion-(n) what one thinks

3. possess- (v) own; to have

4. segment- (n) piece or part cut off, marked off, or broken off

5. transform-(v) to change in form or appearance


5th Grade Reading- 11/14/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1YmJMof7NOLa9hgfNIRoRL7hwVQ6ARV8wPARLBdQPvuE


The Boxcar Children- Chapters 11, 12, 13 Quiz on Tues, 11/15

New Book- The Family Under the Bridge read Chapters 1 &2 by Mon, 11/28

Due Thurs, 11/17 Read the story Missing Maizon in the textbook. Practice Book pgs. 53. For 1-4, draw and complete the chart, and for 5-10, restate the questions in the answers. Complete on looseleaf. Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.

Biographies are due on Friday. Three sheets of paper must be turned in- the list of questions, the responses to the questions by the person that you interviewed, and the biography of that person using their responses to your questions. Remember that the questions and the biography should be in sequential order.


6th Grade Reading- 11/14/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Q6z6j8pZXvuefpaPNHmuh7pGB6O7lF3RnKWQKdv3psw


Harriet the Spy- Chapters 13 & 14 Quiz on Weds.11/16

Read Chapters 15 & 16 by Weds. 11/23

Due Thurs, 11/17 Read in the textbook Revealing the Mysteries of Mummies. P

Practice Book pgs. 56 (1-10) on looseleaf. Restate the question in the answer (sentence form). Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.

*If you want to do the challenge activity at the bottom of the page, it will count as extra credit. You must describe the inside of a pyramid and draw a picture of your description. The picture must be colored.

Biographies are due on Friday. Three sheets of paper must be turned in- the list of questions, the responses to the questions by the person that you interviewed, and the biography of that person using their responses to your questions. Remember that the questions and the biography should be in sequential order.


7th Grade Reading 11/14/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1ONpB0X5HWsU1ky0Q6cfYn2rq0vqN1vjLbUu5-3YL76o


The Face on the Milk Carton- Read Chapters 5, 6, 7, &8- Monday. 11/21

Read Chapters 9, 10, & 11- Quiz Monday. 11/28

The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe- Book Test Monday, 11/21

Read The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe Quiz on Tuesday, 11/29

Due Thurs, 11/17 Read the story Leaving Home in your textbook.

Skills Practice Book pg. 36 (1-19, ans. only) and pg. 41(1-10 write all three words, and 11-14, write everything out) on loose-leaf. Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.

Biographies are due on Friday. Three sheets of paper must be turned in- the list of questions, the responses to the questions by the person that you interviewed, and the biography of that person using their responses to your questions. Remember that the questions and the biography should be in sequential order.


8th Grade Reading 11/14/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1nud1gqWq4t6ytvsPjEKl1QVcOOk7RfcoyP4HBH1xGdk


You Can Never Go Home Again- Read Chapters 5 and 6 by Monday, 11/21

Due Thurs, 11/17 Read The Inside Story in your textbook.

Skills Practice Book pgs. 40 (1-5, restate) and 42(1-14, write everything out). Complete on looseleaf. Make sure you have a correct heading on your paper.

Biographies are due on Friday. Three sheets of paper must be turned in- the list of questions, the responses to the questions by the person that you interviewed, and the biography of that person using their responses to your questions. Remember that the questions and the biography should be in sequential order.


7th Grade Social Studies 11/14/11

Test on Chapter 3 (notes) on Monday, 11/21.

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1AcwwjscZJsJ5VqP1QoVAOVf8slu_deJO0Wb4-637W0Y

Homework: We will be working on Chapter 3 in the Textbook- Colonization Begins in the Americas (1492-1755).

Due Friday, 11/18 Textbook- Chapter 3 Review p. 67 Vocabulary Review (1-10 Write everything out) and Chapter Checkup (1, 4, 5, 6- Restate the question in the answer. Complete on looseleaf and have a correct heading on the paper.

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.

Native American Heritage Month- Topics will be given out in class. Everyone must do a board to show their research and will have to make a presentation to the class. This project will be due on Tues, 11/29. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.


8th Grade Social Studies 11/14/11

Lesson Plans: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Wer-AJRFBPaEKWGbuCUsU9Fe91r98jLNhnFzWJPqbfA

Test on Chapter 3- Monday, 11/21

Homework: We will be working on Chapter 4- Workers and Farmers Seek Reform (1865-1900)

Due Friday, 11/18 Textbook- Write the vocabulary for Chapter 4 in the back of your Social Studies NB. (Label as Chapter 4 Vocabulary). Words to define are on pages 84, 89, 94, 99.

Map of the Month- Due on Thurs. 12/1. Remember to read the instruction carefully and to complete all parts. Make sure your name is on the map, or points will be deducted from your grade!

Process Paper for the National History Day Fair will be due on Weds, 12/7.

Native American Heritage Month- Topics will be given out in class. Everyone must do a board to show their research and will have to make a presentation to the class. This project will be due on Tues, 11/29. The best projects will be displayed in the lunchroom on December 7.

Have a great week!