Grade 8: Reading Questions for The Call of the Wild

The answers to these questions should be written down as you are reading the book. These questions will help to guide your reading. You will be tested on the book in September.   

General Questions:

1. List the characters as they are introduced and describe them.

2. List the different settings that are described.

3. Be able to tell what happens in the beginning of the story, middle of the story, and the end.

4. What was the problem?

5. Was the problem resolved? How?

6. How did the story conclude? 

Questions for Chapter 1

7.What was Buck’s life like at the judge’s home?

8. What breed of dog is Buck?

9. What did Manuel do that got him into debt?

10. Why did Buck go willingly with Manuel?

11. How does the man in the red sweater train Buck?

12. What does Buck learn from the man?

13. How does Buck react to the snow when he is taken to Alaska?
Questions for Chapter 2

14. What happened to Curly that later gave Buck nightmares?

15. What did Buck learn from Curly’s tragedy?

16. Why couldn’t Buck find the other dogs from his team that first night in the snow?

17. What purpose did Francois have in putting Buck in between the other sled dogs, Dave and Sol-leks?

18. Why did Buck begin to hate Spitz?

19. What trick does Buck learn from Pike which he would never had done at the judge’s household?

Questions for Chapters 3 and 4

20. Why did Spitz go out of its way to snarl at and bully Buck?

21.What actually happened that started the fight between Buck and Spitz?

22. What happened in the middle of the fight that stopped it?

23. Why was the Thirty Mile River considered to be the hardest part of the trail?

24. What did the dog-driver do for Buck to solve the problem of Buck’s sore feet?

25. Before Dolly chased Buck, how did she let it be known that she had gone mad?

26. How did the breaking down of the dogs’ discipline affect the dog team?

27. What did Buck do to Spitz that meant certain death for his old foe?

Questions for Chapter 5

28. Why does the journey take twice as long on this trip from Dawson to Skagway?

29. Describe the condition of the dogs as they enter Skagway.

30. How many days of rest do the dogs get in their last 1,800 miles?

31.What does Buck’s first impression of his new owner’s camp tell about the new owners?

32. How do the new owners pack the sled, and what is the result?

33. What advice do the citizens of Skagway give the new sled owners?

34. What kind of outlook does the team have when the new dogs arrive? Why?

Questions for Chapters 6 and 7

35. Why does Buck love John Thornton more than any of his masters?

36. What is the lesson that Buck teaches “Black” Burton?

37. Describe how Buck receives three cracked ribs while saving John Thornton’s life.

38. Why does John Thornton and his partners decide to travel east and leave Dawson?

39. What would it have meant if the men found the old Lost Cabin?

40. What happens back at the camp while Buck is returning from hunting his moose?

41. Why does Buck have such a sense of pride after what he does to the Yeehats?

42. Why do the Yeehats refer to Buck as the Evil Spirit?

Grade 7: Reading Questions for A Wrinkle in Time

The answers to these questions should be written down as you are reading the book. These questions will help to guide your reading. You will be tested on the book in September.   

General Questions:

1. List the characters as they are introduced and describe them.

2. List the different settings that are described.

3. Be able to tell what happens in the beginning of the story, middle of the story, and the end.

4. What was the problem?

5. Was the problem resolved? How?

6. How did the story conclude? 

Questions for Chapters 1-3

7.How does Meg feel about herself?

8. What kind of student is Meg?

9. Describe Charles Wallace.

10. Where is Mr. Murry?

11. Describe the relationship between Meg and Charles Wallace.

12. Describe Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which.

13. Who is Calvin O’Keefe?

14. What does the word “sport” mean as it is used in the story?

Questions for Chapters 4 and 5

15. What does Meg feel the first time she travels by “wrinkling” through time?

16. What is the black thing that Mrs. Whatsit show the children on Uriel?

17. In what dimension is a tesseract?

18. What is a tesseract?

19. Why won’t Mrs. Murry and Mrs. O’Keefe miss their children while they travel to other worlds?

20. What does the Happy Medium show the children about Earth that frightens them?

Questions for Chapters 6 and 7

21.What did Mrs. Whatsit used to be? Why did she stop being like that?

22. What are the parting gifts given to the children by Mrs. Whatsit or Mrs. Who?

23. What do the children discover is unusual about the mothers and children on the outskirts of Camazotz?

24. What is CENTRAL Central Intelligence?

25. Who is the man with the red eyes?

Questions for Chapters 8 and 9

26. What happens to change Charles Wallace?

27. What does Charles Wallace want for Meg?
28. List two things that do not exist on Camazotz that exist on earth.

29. Who is the one mind of Camazotz?

30. What is the difference between the reactions of Charles Wallace and Meg when they see their father?

31.What object helps release Mr. Murry from his transparent column?

32. Describe IT.

33. Explain how Meg is almost lost to IT, and how she is saved.

Questions for Chapters 10-12

34. Who does Meg blame first for the loss of Charles Wallace?

35. Why doesn’t Mr. Murry grab Charles Wallace as he, Meg, and Calvin tesser away from IT?

36. Describe the inhabitants of Ixchel?

37. Who is Aunt Beast?

38. Why does Meg have to be the one to go back to Camazotz and rescue Charles Wallace from IT?

39. What gifts do Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which give Meg as she is about to return to Camazotz?

40. Is Charles Wallace himself when Meg returns to Camazotz?

41. How does Meg pull Charles Wallace away from IT?