Week of June 26, 2017


1. Please check Mr. Woods’ blog for information about Title 1 Summer School, Awards Day and other announcements.

2. The fifth graders need to wear their school uniforms (no gym uniforms) on Monday because we will be taking pictures for the school website! We will have a party after lunch and the children can bring some type of treat to share with the class- donuts, cupcakes, cookies, etc. They should also bring something to drink (a drink only for themselves). They can also bring play clothes to change into for the party if they want to. Dismissal at 3:15- no afterschool program.

3.Tuesday, 6/27- all students can wear play clothes for Awards Day, which will be at 1:00 PM in the lunchroom. Dismissal at 3:15- no afterschool program. The children can also bring a snack and something to drink. They can also bring in a game to play if they want to.

4.Wednesday, 6/28-End of School Mass and Graduation 10:00 AM. The children can wear dress up clothes (no sneakers or shorts). Report Cards will be distributed after the Graduation by Fr. Antonio. Dismissal at 1:00- no afterschool program.

5. Title 1 Summer Classes begin on Wednesday,7/5. No uniform is required. You should have received the information in the mail from Catapult.

6. The children will be bringing home their folders, notebooks, etc. this week so they should bring their bookbags to carry their books home.

7. Please check the blog during the summer for any announcements (Mr. Woods’ blog), supply lists (all four teachers’ blogs), and the information concerning the summer reading assignment (Ms.Serewko’s google classroom for grade 6).

It has been my pleasure teaching your children this year. I want to thank the parents for being so cooperative and concerned about their child’s progress. I hope you all have an enjoyable summer- have fun but also be safe! I look forward to seeing you all in September or before if you are attending Summer classes.


Ms. Toscano Larios

Week of June 19, 2017


1. Please check Mr. Woods’ blog for information about i-Ready Testing, MAP testing, and other announcements. Please sign the paper that is being sent home with the testing reports letting us know that you have received them.

2. The fifth graders need to wear gym uniforms every Wednesday.

3. Please check the blog for any announcements, especially the information concerning the summer reading assignment. Please make sure that you read the information carefully.

4. Exams:
Monday, 6/19- ELA and Social Studies
Tuesday, 6/20- Reading and Math
Wednesday,6/21- Science

5.Thursday, 6/22-Last Day of the Afterschool Program

6. No school on Friday, 6/23

 Week of June 19, 2017 Module 4 Week 9

               HOMEWORK GRADE 5
Module 4:  Please make sure that you have completed reading Eight Days: A Story of Haiti.

If you had an action plan, all 40 i-Ready lessons should be complete.

Study your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.

_________________ _________________________________

               HOMEWORK GRADE 6
Module 4:  Please finish reading Frightful’s Mountain.

If you had an action plan, all 40 i-Ready lessons should be complete.

Study your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.
Module 4: Please finish reading The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water.

If you had an action plan, all 40 i-Ready lessons should be complete.

Study your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.

             HOMEWORK GRADE 8
For Module 4: Please finish reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat.

If you had an action plan, all 40 i-Ready lessons should be complete.

Study your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.

                                    Have a wonderful week!

Week of June 12, 2017


1. Please check Mr. Woods’ blog for information about testing, Title I Summer Program and other announcements.

2. The fifth graders need to wear gym uniforms every Wednesday and Friday from now on.

3. Please check the blog and Google Classroom for updated homework assignments or announcements.

4. Exams:
Monday, 6/19- ELA and Social Studies
Tuesday, 6/20- Reading and Math
Wednesday,6/21- Science

5. No school on Friday, 6/16

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
 Week of June 12, 2017 Module 4 Week 8

               HOMEWORK GRADE 5
Module 4: the fifth graders are reading Eight Days: A Story of Haiti by Edwidge Danticat. Please make sure that you have completed reading your book.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (36 lessons are due Monday,6/12).

Start studying your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.

Start studying for Final Test. Study notes from Module 4 and Essay Questions that were copied in class.

Work on your presentation due Tuesday, 6/13 (tomorrow).
_________________ _________________________________

               HOMEWORK GRADE 6
Module 4: the sixth graders are reading Frightful’s Mountain by Jean Craighead George.

Please finish the book before the exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (36 lessons are due Monday,6/12).

Work on your presentation due next Tuesday, 6/13 (tomorrow).

Start studying your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.
                   HOMEWORK GRADE 7
Module 4: the seventh graders are reading The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water by Charles Fishman.

Finish the book before the final exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (36 lessons are due Monday, 6/12).

Start studying your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.


Start studying for Final Test. Study notes from Module 4 and Essay Questions that were copied in class.

Work on your presentation due Tuesday, 6/13 (tomorrow).
             HOMEWORK GRADE 8
For Module 4, the eighth graders are reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, Young Readers Edition by Michael Pollan. 

Please finish the book before the final exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (36 lessons are due Monday, 6/12).

Start studying your 40 vocabulary words for the final exam.


Start studying for Final Test. Study notes from Module 4 and Essay Questions that were copied in class.

Work on your presentation due Tuesday, 6/13 (tomorrow).

        Have a wonderful week and Happy Father’s Day

Week of June 5, 2017


1. Please check Mr. Woods’ blog for information about testing, Title I Summer Program and other announcements.

2. The fifth graders need to wear gym uniforms every Wednesday and Friday from now on.

3. Please check the blog and Google Classroom for updated homework assignments or announcements.

4. Archdiocesan Religion Exam on Tuesday, 6/6.

5. No school on Friday, 6/9,

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
 Week of June 5, 2017 Module 4 Week 7

               HOMEWORK GRADE 5
Module 4: the fifth graders are reading Eight Days: A Story of Haiti by Edwidge Danticat. Please make sure that you have completed reading your book.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (32 lessons are due Monday,6/5).

There is a Common Lit assignment due Thursday, 6/8 (Jack and the Beanstalk). Please log on and complete the assignment carefully.

The Southern Colonies

Work on your presentation due next Tuesday, 6/13.

Also work on your map which is due on Wednesday, 6/7.
_________________ _________________________________

               HOMEWORK GRADE 6
Module 4: the sixth graders are reading Frightful’s Mountain by Jean Craighead George.

Please finish the book before the exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (32 lessons are due Monday,6/5).

There is a Common Lit assignment due Thursday, 6/8 (Jack and the Beanstalk).

              HOMEWORK GRADE 7
Module 4: the seventh graders are reading The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water by Charles Fishman.

Finish the book before the final exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (32 lessons are due Monday, 6/5).

There is a Common Lit assignment due Thursday, 6/8 (The Three Questions). Please log on and complete the assignment carefully.

Launching the New Nation 1789-1800

Work on your presentation due next Tuesday, 6/13.

Also work on your map which is due on Wednesday, 6/7.

             HOMEWORK GRADE 8
For Module 4, the eighth graders are reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, Young Readers Edition by Michael Pollan

Please finish the book before the final exam.

Achieve 3000 and i-Ready: Please continue to work on both programs. If you have an action plan, your work will be checked every Monday (32 lessons are due Monday, 6/5).

There is a Common Lit assignment due Thursday, 6/8 (An Overview of the Great Depression). Please log on and complete the assignment carefully.

World War II 1938-1945

Work on your presentation due next Tuesday, 6/13.

Also work on your map which is due on Wednesday, 6/7.

                  Have a wonderful week!