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3rd GRADE- SEPTEMBER 22- 26 2008
Grade 3: Reading
Plans for the week of Sept. 22- Sept. 26, 2008
1.Please remember to bring a box of tissues if you haven’t done so already.
2. Remember to cover soft covered books and bring looseleaf
Vocabulary Words- department, audience, obeys, commands, expression, accident, noticed (Officer Buckle and Gloria)
Spelling Words- sat, felt, last, send, next, best, went, hand, stand, past, grand, stamp, belt, lend, checked
Challenge Words- else, guest, attention, heard, listen
Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008
Aim: To use syllable patterns to decode multisyllabic words (phonics)
Lesson: Review new vocabulary words for Officer Buckle
Using context to confirm meaning
Homework: see purple assignment book
Tuesday, Sept.23rd, 2008
Aim: To read and understand a fantasy story
Lesson: Syllables-CVC spelling patterns (decoding/phonics)
Read Officer Buckle and review vocabulary words
Discuss the difference between fantasy/reality
Homework: see purple assignment book
Wednesday, Sept.24th, 2008
Aim: to write complete sentences correctly
Lesson: Word Study- analogies
Reread the story for fluency
Write sentences for spelling words
Homework: see purple assignment book
Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2008
Aim: to decode long words (comprehension)
Lesson: Decode longer words using syllabication rules
Review vocabulary words
Review spelling words
Homework: see purple assignment book
Friday: Sept. 26, 2008
Aim: to review synonyms and antonyms
Lesson: practice listening and speaking skills
review synonyms and synonyms
review vocabulary words
Homework: review this week’s skills
Grade 3- Language Arts
Monday- Sept. 22nd, 2008
Aim: to understand the elements and characteristics of a personal narrative
Lesson: discuss the meaning and elements of a personal narrative
review the meaning of a sentence
identify statements and questions (pp. 6-9, 314-315)
Homework: pg. 315 #s 1-10
Tuesday- Sept. 23rd, 2008
Aim: to continue to discuss personal narratives; review statements and questions
Lesson: complete practice exercises dealing with personal narratives
review sentences
review statements and questions (pp. 10-11; 316-317)
Homework: pg.316 Exercise 1 #s 1-8
Wednesday- Sept. 24th, 2008
Aim: to identify the beginning, middle and end of a personal narrative; to identify question words and commands
Lesson: review question words
discuss the parts of a personal narrative (pp.12-13, 318-319)
Homework: pg. 319 Exercise 2 #s 1-10
Thursday- Sept.25th, 2008
Aim: to continue to review the parts of a personal narrative; to review commands
Lesson: complete practice exercises concerning personal narratives (pp. 14,15)
write and identify sentences that give commands
use the correct punctuation with a command sentence (pp.320,321)
Homework: p. 321 Exercise 1 #s 1-8
Friday- Sept. 26th, 2008
Aim: to identify and use strong verbs
Lesson: define the meaning of a verb
show how some action verbs are stronger than others (pp.16, 17)
Homework: Review the 3 types of sentences, and personal narratives