REMINDERS: 1. The children will be bringing home a permission slip this week concerning Field Day at Riverbank Park. Please sign the permission slip and send it back, no later than Thursday, 6/11. If you will be accompanying us on the trip, please also write that on the bottom of the permission slip. This is so we can have an accurate number of adults for train passes. If your child is not attending the trip, please send back the permission slip with no written on the bottom. That way, I can take your child off the list. 2. If you are attending Field Day and you and your child will be meeting us at the park, your child cannot be marked present for the day. If you do not want your child to have an absence for the day, please come to school first so that your child will be there for attendance. 3. Field Day is next Monday, 6/15. We will be leaving almost right after attendance(about 8:15) and will be back at school by 12:30. Please make sure that someone is available to pick up your child at this time. If you will be leaving with your child from the park, please let me know, so that I am not looking all over for your child. Children may not leave with another parent unless I have a note from a parent giving permission. 4. Materials suggested for trip: hat, sunglasses, suntan lotion, water, lunch or snack, money if you want your child to buy soda or ice cream, and some type of light bag that these materials can be carried in. The children do not need to bring sports equipment or toys because there will be activities set up for them. They must wear their school gym shirt and any type of sweat pants. Shorts can be worn under the sweat pants in case it gets very hot. 5. Friday, June 8th will be a 2:30 dismissal. 6. Our class party will be on Wednesday, 6/17th. More information will be given later in the week concerning the party. For the remainder of the school year, we will continue to work on writing skills and be completing some portfolio assignments. In reading, I will be concentrating on phonics and comprehension skills. In language arts, I will be reviewing adjectives and pronouns. Dibels testing for the Reading First Program will also continue this week. HAVE A GOOD WEEK!