1. Please remember to cover all soft-covered books. Some children still have none of their Reading or Language Arts books covered.

2. Remember to read the purple assignment book and check the HW folder each night to know your child's homework for each day.

3. Your child needs to remember to bring all of their school supplies every day. Many children are coming to class with no pencils or looseleaf.

4. Please check the school blog every day for HW updates and information. It is impossible for the children to copy down everything so please make it a priority to check the blog. Please remember to click under Mrs.Larios, the week and 2nd Grade.

5. Remember that HW counts as a grade and many children are not completing it. Check your child’s Reading and Language Arts NB every day to see if I have written you a note.

6. The children have received a new book called A Snowy Day. Notes will be started in the back of the Reading NB. The children should finish the notes by writing the settings of the story, characters, and plot. They will be allowed to use their notes on the test so it is very important that they make notes. There will be a Book Test on Friday, 12/4.

7. Sign all tests handed out on Thursday by Mr. Woods. Please return on Friday, 12/4.


  1. Book Test on A Snowy Day- Friday, 12/4
  2. Spelling Test- Friday, 12/11

VOCABULARY WORDS: written in the vocabulary notebook.

  1. categorize- to group things by how they are alike. eg. by color or size
  2. synonyms- words that have similar meanings. eg. happy, glad
  3. antonyms- words that have opposite meanings. eg. open, close
  4. homophones- words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. eg. tail ( an animal’s tail) tale (a fairy tale)
  5. infer- to imply or conclude


enormous, granddaughter, grew, planted, strong, turnip

High Frequency Words: the students only need to know how to read these words. They do not need to know how to define them.

black, grow, last, man, mouse

SPELLING WORDS: Test on Friday, 12/11. The children will need to know how to spell and write the words in a sentence. The words are from The Enormous Turnip. See Reading Notebook.

1. black 2. pack 3.crack 4. snack 5. horseback 6. lock 7. rocket 8.flock 9. shock 10.clock 11.appreciate 12. acrobat 13.grow 14. last 15. mouse


1. Statement- The boy ran around the track.

2. Question- Do you know the correct time?

3. Command/Request- Please close the door.

4. Exclamation- It is so cold in here!


Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

Every sentence ends with an end mark. Every sentence tells a complete thought. The words in a sentence are in an order that makes sense. Every sentence has two parts: a naming part and a telling part (Lang. Handbook pgs. 88- 93).

Naming Parts of Sentences- tells who or what the sentence is about. It can name one, two, or more people or things. If it names two or more the word and is used to join them.

eg. Frog and Toad ate lunch. (Frog and Toad is the naming part of the sentence because it names who the sentence is about.)

Telling Parts of Sentences- tells what someone or something is or does. It can tell one, two, or more things that someone or something does. The word and may be used to join them.

eg. The boy sat alone. (sat alone is the telling part because it tells what the boy does.)

Nouns- names a person (boy), place (school), thing (pencil), or animal (cat).

Plural Nouns-1. add the letter /s/ to most nouns to name more than one.

eg. boy- boys, dog-dogs, paper-papers, mall- malls

2. Add the letters /es/ to some nouns to name more than one. Reminder: if a noun ends with s, ss, x, ch, or sh add /es/ to make the noun more than one.

HOMEWORK: See purple assignment book for page numbers

MONDAY: Reading Practice Book pgs. 36,37

TUESDAY: Practice Book pgs. 43,44, 45

WEDNESDAY: Language Handbook pgs. 94 (6-12). Write each sentence and underline the noun in each sentence. Do in Lang. Arts NB.

THURSDAY: Language Arts p. 96- 1-5 in Lang. Arts NB. Study for Book Test . Sign tests given out by Mr. Woods and return tomorrow.

FRIDAY: Read for at least 15 minutes every day or parents read to your children!!!


Click the links below to reviews this week's Reading and ELA Lesson Plans:





1. Please remember to cover all soft-covered books. Some children have not covered any and there are no extra copies if they rip.

2. Remember to read the purple assignment book and check the HW folder each night to know your child's homework for each day. Also, check your child’s notebooks to see what they are doing in class or if I have written you a note.

3. Your child needs to remember to bring all of their school supplies every day.

4. The children received a book last week. The notes were started in the Reading NB. The children should complete the notes on their own. The Book Test will be on Tues. 12/15.

5. Please sign all tests distributed by Mr. Woods on Thursday and return them on Friday, 12/4.

6. Parents please make sure that your child is doing the homework. Many children did not hand in the Thanksgiving Project last week and therefore received a zero. It is too late to hand it in now, but in the future check the blog because I always give more than enough time to complete projects. Also the homework is not being done at all or very carelessly by some children. HW counts as a grade and that is why many children had low Language Arts and Reading Grades!!!!


1. Spelling Test on the words from Coyote School News Friday, 12/11

2. Book Test on Fantastic Mr. Fox Tues. 12/15

3. Vocabulary Test- Friday, 12/4 (see Vocabulary NB)

VOCABULARY: see vocabulary notebook

  1. categorize- to group things by how they are alike. eg. by color or size
  2. synonyms- words that have similar meanings. eg. happy, glad
  3. antonyms- words that have opposite meanings. eg. open, close
  4. homophones- words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. eg. tail ( an animal’s tail) tale (a fairy tale)
  5. infer- to imply or conclude

2. Reading Vocabulary Words from Coyote School News:

convince, energetic, offers, bawling, coyote, dudes, roundup, spurs, mesquite, promoted. Check the Reading NB for these words.

SPELLING: irregular plurals

videos, teeth, potatoes, themselves, lives, leaves, cliffs, roofs, halves, moose, radios, sheep, cuffs, beliefs, patios, banjos, tornadoes, tomatoes, hoofs, loaves

Challenge Words:

portfolios, embargoes, handkerchiefs, calves, lassoes

LANGUAGE ARTS: We will be working on the following- Voyages Textbook pgs. 314-336.


Declarative- (statement) I went to the store.

Interrogative- (question) Can you read quickly?

Imperative- (commands or requests) Put the book down.

Exclamatory- (exclamations) It is freezing in here!

Subjects and Predicates – complete and simple subjects and complete

and simple predicate; compound subjects and compound predicates.

The little girl went to the park.

Complete Subject- The little girl

Simple Subject- girl

Complete Predicate- went to the park

Simple Predicate- went

Compound Subjects and Predicates- a compound subject has two or more simple subjects connected by and or or. A compound predicate has two or more simple predicates connected with and or or.

eg. My mom and I went to the store. Compound Subject

The children were drawing and painting. Compound Predicate

Direct Objects- is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.

eg. The Hudson River divides the two states. (states is the direct object).

Subject Complement- follows a linking verb (am, is, are, was, were, has, have). It is usually a noun or an adjective that tells more about the subject.

eg. The storm was a tornado. (tornado is the subject complement)

Compound Sentence- When two short sentences are related to one another, they can be combined by the words and, but, or or. A comma is added before these words.

eg. Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed. (two short sentences that are related)

Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed. (compound sentence)

Run-on Sentence- when two sentences are combined but not connected correctly. It usually occurs when two sentences are separated by only a comma and no connectors (and, but, or).

eg. I went to the store, I bought milk. (run-on sentence)

I went to the store, and I bought milk. (correct)

NOUNS: A word that names a person, place, or thing. (boy, house, pencil)

Common Noun- names any member of a group of persons, places, or things. Less specific than a proper noun and begins with a lower case letter unless it is the first word in a sentence. (dog, man, school)

Proper Noun- begins with a capital letter and names a particular person, place, or thing. More specific than a common noun. (German Shepherd, Mr. Woods, O.L.Q.M.)


Check the Purple Assignment Book every night for exact pages.

MONDAY: Practice Book pg. 53 ( Cause and Effect) on LL.

TUESDAY: Word Study pg. 56 plurals 1-20 on LL

WEDNESDAY: Voyages Book pgs. 339 Exercise 1 (1-5) write each sentence and underline the nouns in each sentence. Do in the Lang. Arts NB.

THURSDAY: Voyages Book pgs.341 Ex 2 Write everything out in three columns . Study for Vocabulary Test and sign test papers.

FRIDAY: Read for at least 30 minutes over the weekend. You can read any book or the book that was given to you. JUST READ!


Please click on the links below to review this week's Lesson Plans for Reading and Language Arts:





1. Please remember to cover all soft-covered books. Some children have still not covered any of their books.

2. Remember to read the purple assignment book and check the HW folder each night to know your child's homework for each day. Also, look through your child’s Reading and Language Arts NBs to see how they are doing on their classwork and homework.

3. Gym on Mondays. Wear gym shirt, gym pants, and sneakers.

4. The children received the book “Babe” to read. Please make sure they read a little every day and on the weekend. They should also be taking notes. The notes will be started in back of the Reading NB and the children should add to them. It is a little longer, but they are capable of reading it. The Book Test will be on Tuesday, 12/15.

5. Please sign all tests distributed by Mr. Woods on Thursday and return on Friday, 12/4.

6. Dismissal on Friday, 12/4 will be at 2:30.

7. Fr. Antonio has asked that the school children donate gloves for the poor for Christmas. So if you would like to buy a pair of gloves or donate $2.00 to purchase gloves, Fr. Antonio would be most grateful. Thank you to the parents that have already donated.

8. The December calendars will be distributed today. Please read them carefully.


  1. Spelling Test- Friday,12/11
  2. Book Test- Tues., 12/15
  3. Vocabulary Test on Friday,12/4 (words in Vocabulary NB)

1. VOCABULARY: written in Vocabulary NB

  1. categorize- to group things by how they are alike. eg. by color or size
  2. synonyms- words that have similar meanings. eg. happy, glad
  3. antonyms- words that have opposite meanings. eg. open, close
  4. homophones- words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. eg. tail ( an animal’s tail) tale (a fairy tale)
  5. infer- to imply or conclude

2.Reading Vocabulary Words from Balto, the Dog Who Saved Nome:

splinters, telegraph, trail, guided, drifts, temperature

Check the Reading NB for these words and their definitions.

SPELLING: Test Friday 12/11 Words with sh, ch, and tch

shot, chance, match, watch, showed, shock, pushed, such, crash, chew, batch, hitched, sharp, mush, speech

Challenge Words:

medicine, equipment, crutch, nurse, hospital

LANGUAGE ARTS-We are reviewing the following skills:

Voyages Textbook- pgs. 314-325

A. Types of Sentences

Statement- You are very helpful.

Question- Where is your homework?

Command- Put your pencil down.

Exclamation- Wow, you are a great reader!

A sentence-

· Starts with a capital letter.

· Ends with an end mark.

· Tells a complete thought. It names someone or something and tells what the person or thing is or does.

· The words are in an order that makes sense.

A sentence has two parts: the subject (naming part) and the predicate (telling part).

B.Subjects and Predicates

A complete subject tells who or what the sentence is about. It is the simple subject and all the words that describe it.

A complete predicate tells what a subject is or does. It is the simple predicate and any words that describe it.

eg. Solei's house is near the park. (Solei's house is the subject)

The cat hid under the car. (hid under the car is the predicate)

A simple subject names the person, place, thing, or animal that is talked about in the sentence. The simple subject is usually a noun.

A simple predicate is a verb, which is the word or words that express an action or state of being.

eg. The excited students cheered loudly.

students is the simple subject.

The excited students is the complete subject.

cheered is the simple predicate.

cheered loudly is the complete predicate.

A compound subject is two or more subjects that share a predicate. The two subjects are joined by the words and or or.

eg. Tammy and Lucy played in the yard.

Tammy and Lucy is the compound subject.

A compound predicate is two or more predicates that share a subject. The two predicates are joined by and, but, or or.

eg. My baby kitten sits on the window and purrs softly.

Sits on the window and purrs softly is the compound predicate.

Compound Sentences- use and or but to join two complete sentences into a compound sentence. Use a comma (,) before and or but when it joins sentences.

Noun- a word that names a person (baby), place (school), thing (book), or animal (dog).

Proper Noun- names a particular person, place, thing, or animal. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.

Common Noun- names any member of a group of persons, places, things, or animals.

Common Proper

1. teacher Ms. Larios

2. day Tuesday

3. school O.L.Q.M

4. dog German Shepherd

HOMEWORK: Check the Purple Assignment Book every night for exact pages.

MONDAY: Phonics Book pgs. 220, 221

TUESDAY: Phonics Book pgs. 222,223

WEDNESDAY: Voyages Textbook pgs. 339 E xercise 1 (1-15). Make three columns and put each now in the

correct column. eg. Persons, Places, and Things. Do in Lang. Arts NB.

THURSDAY: Voyages Book pgs. . Study for Vocabulary Test and sign Test Papers

FRIDAY: Read for at least 30 minutes over the weekend. You can read any book or the book that was given to you. JUST READ! Read your book and make notes!!!!


Click the links below to review this week's Reading and ELA lesson plans:

