1. Remember to read the purple assignment book and check the HW folder each night to know your child's homework for each day. Also, look through your child’s Reading and Language Arts NBs to see how they are doing on their classwork and homework. Remember that the children are responsible for all homework and classwork when they are absent. Please check the blog to hand in any missing assignments. Also, make sure they get any missing notes or vocabulary and spelling words.
2. Gym on Mondays. Wear gym shirt, gym pants, and sneakers.
3. The children received the book My Best Friend is Invisible (Goosebumps) to read. This will be the last book of the year. The Book Test will be on Weds. 6/16. Your child should take notes on important details, settings, and the different characters in the story. They should be reading at least two chapters everyday!
4. The children are only allowed to wear blue cardigan sweaters in class. They will not be allowed to leave on any hoodies or different colored sweaters. Part of the weekly conduct grade is wearing the proper uniform.
5. No school Friday, 5/28 and Monday, 5/31 due to Memorial Day.
Vocabulary Test- Weds., June 2 on all the words from the 4th Quarter (six weeks). See Vocabulary NB from the weeks 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17. There are 90 words to study for the Cumulative Vocabulary Test on 6/2.
VOCABULARY: Test Weds. 6/2. No new words this week. We will be reviewing the last six weeks words for the test next Weds.
2. Reading Vocabulary Words from Sayings We Share: Proverbs and Fables
summoned, fortunate, generation, persistently, faithful, illuminated
Check the Reading NB for these words and their definitions.
SPELLING: Sayings We Share…: words with the /air/ sound (can be spelled air, ear, or are.
bear, tear, haircut, stairs, wear, airplane, compare, repair, pear, prepare, stare, glare, sharing, fairy, aware
Challenge Words: steady, balance, regular, constant, slowpoke
LANGUAGE ARTS: 2nd Semester Work
The children will be working on Personal Letters (Chapter 4 in Voyages Book starting on p. 120)
Grammar: Starting on pg. 338 in the Voyages Text
Noun: is a word that names a person (girl), place (school), or a thing (ball). (Nouns- Voyages Text, pgs. 338-360)
Common noun: names any person, place, or thing.
Proper noun: names a particular person, place, or thing. Each proper noun begins with a capital letter.
eg. teacher is a common noun; Ms. Larios is a proper noun.
Singular noun: names one person, place, or thing.
Plural noun: names more than one person, place, or thing.
Add –s or –es to make most nouns plural. For nouns that end in a consonant and y, change y to i and add –es. Add –es to nouns that end in s, ss, x, ch, or sh.
eg. boy-boys, girl-girls, box-boxes, glass-glasses, lunch-lunches, dish-dishes, bus-buses, party-parties, candy-candies, holiday-holidays
Irregular Plural Nouns: The plurals of some nouns look a little different from their singular forms. These are called irregular plurals because they are not formed by adding an –s or –es. They should be memorized.
ox-oxen, child-children, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-mice, woman-women, goose-geese, sheep-sheep, deer-deer, fish-fish, Chinese- Chinese
Singular Possessive Nouns- the possessive form of a noun shows possession, or ownership. To form a singular possessive, which means something is owned by one person or thing, add an apostrophe and the letter (s) to a singular noun. (friend- friend’s)
eg. I walked to my neighbor’s house.
Do you like Isabella’s coat?
Neighbor’s house means the house belongs to a neighbor. Isabella’s coat means that the coat belongs to Isabella.
Plural Possessive Nouns- A plural possessive shows that more than one person or thing owns something. To form the plural possessive of regular nouns, add an apostrophe (‘) after the –s of the plural form. Remember to form the plural of a regular noun before adding the apostrophe.
eg. boy (singular), boys (plural), boy’s (singular possessive), boys’ (plural possessive)
baby (singular), babies (plural), baby’s (singular possessive), babies’ (plural possessive).
man (singular), men (plural), man’s (singular possessive), men’s (plural possessive)
ox (singular), oxen (plural), ox’s (singular possessive), oxen’s (plural possessive)
Pronoun: is a word that takes the place of a noun.
Personal Pronoun- refers to a person who is speaking or to the person or thing that is spoken to or about.
eg. I, me, mine, we, us, ours, she, her, hers, they, them, theirs, he, him, his, you, it, its.
Subject Pronoun-is a pronoun that is used as the subject of the sentence.
List of Subject Pronouns: Singular- I, you, he, she, it; Plural- we, you, they
eg. I dance. He dances. We dance.
Object Pronoun- is a pronoun that is used after an action verb in a sentence.
List of Object Pronouns: Singular- me, you, him, her, it; Plural- us, you, them
eg. The stars interest me. Me is the object of the sentence. It comes after the action verb interest. Therefore, I am an object pronoun.
Using I and Me- I and me are used when you are talking about yourself. I is used as the subject of the sentence (I love school) and me is used as the object as follows the action word (Mom bought me a new video game).
Possessive Pronouns- shows who or what owns something. A possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun. It takes the place of both the person who owns the thing and the object that is owned.
Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs are the possessive pronouns.
eg. My bicycle is here. Mine is here
That is Lisa’s bicycle. That is hers.
Possessive Adjectives- an adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some adjectives show who owns something. My, our, your, his, her, its, and theirs are adjectives that come before nouns to show ownership. These are known as possessive adjectives.
Action Verbs- tells what someone or something does.
eg. Aesop wrote many fables. (Wrote tells what Aesop did)
His fables teach lessons. (Teach tells what fables do)
Being Verbs- shows what someone or something is. (does not show action)
eg. The sun’s rays are warm. (Are is a being verb. It does not how action. It only tells what the sun’s rays are.)
Linking Verbs- joins the subject of a sentence to a subject complement. A being verb can be a linking verb. The subject complement renames or describes the subject of the sentence. It can be a noun, pronoun, or an adjective.
eg. A pretzel is salty. In this sentence the linking verb is joins the subject (pretzel) with the subject complement (salty- which is an adjective).
Helping Verbs- a verb can have two parts- a helping verb and a main verb. A helping verb always comes before the main verb.
eg. The children can play jacks. (Can is the helping verb and play is the main verb)
HOMEWORK: Check the Purple Assignment Book every night for exact pages.
MONDAY: Phonics Book -pgs. 68, 69. Study for Vocabulary Test next week and read your book.
TUESDAY: Study for Vocabulary Test (words are in the Vocabulary NB).
WEDNESDAY: Lang. Arts- (Voyages Book) -pg. 381 Exercises 1 and 2 on looseleaf. Write everything out and follow the directions. Study for Vocabulary Test next week and read your book.
THURSDAY: Study for the Vocabulary Test (words are in the Vocabulary NB).
FRIDAY: Read for at least 30 minutes a day. You can read any book or magazine. Remember to study for the Vocabulary Test on Weds. and continue to read your book.
Click the links below to review this week's Reading and ELA lesson plans: