As stated on last week's blog, these are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork. Your child will lose points if they do not follow the directions stated below.
A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) and pencil will not be accepted unless it is specified. Sloppy and crossed out work will not be accepted.
B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads are unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why it is not complete. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not that you were too tired or that you had too much other HW).
D. **Any 7th or 8th grade students that attend Title 1 Math or Reading during Social Studies, must hand in all homework assignments and get notes from another classmate, so they do not fall behind in their notes.
E. Book Tests will be given this week on your child’s assigned book. Please check the date below for the correct date. Your child will be allowed to use their notes during the test. The book must be returned on the day of the test. A new book will not be given to your child until the previous one is returned. If the book gets lost or damaged, your child is responsible to replace it or pay to replace it.
F. Some students have still not returned test papers sent home last week to be
signed. If they are not returned with a signature by Wednesday, I will replace the grade with a zero. Please check the blue assignment book for a note if your child did not return tests to me. More tests will be sent home this week to sign. Please look for them in the HW folder.
G. ITBS testing begins this week. Please make sure that your child has at least three #2 sharpened pencils with clean erasers each day until testing is over.
H. Friday is an 11:30 dismissal due to a Faculty Conference
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
Weekly Vocabulary Words- 10/11/10 (Test on Friday, 10/15/10)
1. ambition- a desire to achieve a goal; longing for a position of power
2. debris- scattered fragments; ruins; garbage
3. ineffective- not producing the intended effect; incapable
4. pneumonia- a serious lung infection that can cause lung inflammation,
high fever, and difficulty breathing.
5. temptation- something one strongly wants, but maybe shouldn’t have.
5th Grade Reading- 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Homework: Book Test on Tuesday- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh
10/12- Vocabulary in Action pg. 13 Tell the Story. Write the whole story and underline the answers. Do on looseleaf. Due Thursday, 10/14
6th Grade Reading- 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Homework:Book Test on Thursday- The Witch of Blackbird Pond
10/12 Vocabulary in Action pgs.15 and 16- Synonyms 1-15. Write everything out and underline the answer. Skip a line between each question. Do on looseleaf.Due Thursday- 10/14
7th Grade Reading 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Homework: Book Test- Thursday, 10/14 Wrinkle in Time
10/12 Vocabulary in Action pgs. 15,16- Synonyms 1-15. Write out each sentence and underline the correct answer. Skip a line between each question. Do on looseleaf. Due Thursday, 10/14
8th Grade Reading 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Homework:Book Test Friday,10/15 Flowers for Algernon
Vocabulary in Action pgs.15 and 16- Synonyms 1-15. Write everything out and underline the answer. Skip a line between each question. Do on looseleaf.Due Thursday- 10/14
7th Grade Social Studies 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Map of the Month due on Friday, 10/29; Process Paper for National History Day due Weds. 11/3 (500 words-see for information)
10/12 Chapter 2 Review p.41-Vocabulary Review 1-10. Follow the directions carefully. Use your text and notes to answer the questions. Write each statement out and skip a line between them. Make sure to write your full heading and no pencil‼‼‼! Do on looseleaf. Due on Thurs. 10/14. There will be a test on Chapter 2 on Tuesday.
8th Grade Social Studies 10/11/10
Lesson Plans:
Map of the Month due on Friday. 10/29; Process Paper for National History Day due Weds. 11/3 (500 words-see for information)
10/12 Read pgs.446-452 in your text. Section 3 Assessment Questions 1-5 pg. 452. Restate each question in the answer. In Question 1, identify each person in detail (who they are and why are they important?). Skip a line between each sentence. Make sure to write your full heading and no pencil‼‼‼! Do on looseleaf. Due Thurs. 10/14