Week of May 9, 2011


As stated on last week's blog, these are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork. Your child will lose points if they do not follow the directions stated below.

A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted) Pencil will not be accepted unless it is specified. Sloppy and crossed out work will not be accepted. All work that is handed in must be done on looseleaf, or 10pts. will be deducted from the grade.

B. **Any 7th or 8th grade students that attend Title 1 Math or Reading during Reading or Social Studies, must hand in all homework assignments and get notes from another classmate, so they do not fall behind in their notes. The same goes for students who are absent. A grade of zero will be entered until assignments are handed in.

C. All electronic devices are collected from each student upon entering the classroom and are returned before dismissal each day! See the school blog for further information.


1. Admonish- (v) to warn or criticize; to caution against; to scold mildly; to remind

2. Nonentity- (n) a person or thing of no importance or value; imaginary

3. Profuse- (adj) in excess; extravagant; plentiful; in great abundance

4. Queasy- (adj) nauseated; causing or suffering from nausea

5. Valor- (n) courage; bravery


5th Grade Reading- 5/9/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_428c6mx6hg3

Fri, 5/11 –Quiz on Chapters 1, 2 of The Boxcar Children

Read Chapters 3 and 4 by Weds, 5/18

Reading- read the story Wolf Watch in the Reading Textbook.

Reading Practice Book- complete pg. 176 Part A and Part B. Part A-restate the question in the answer and Part B- complete the paragraph on the back of the LL(it must be at least 6 sentences). Also complete pg. 177. Make a chart like the one shown in the book and list 3 facts and 4 opinions. Complete on LL- Due Thursday, 5/12

6th Grade Reading- 5/9/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_434fgbcgtfb

Friday, 5/13- Quiz on The Fighting Ground pgs. 38-57

Read pgs. 57-79 by Weds, 5/18

Reading- read the story The Grandfather Tree in the Reading Textbook.

Reading Practice Book- complete pg. 190 1-10 (write everything out). Also complete page 193 1-6 (write everything out). Complete on LL- Due Thursday, 5/12

7th Grade Reading 5/9/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_438c9sh3fdc

Fri. 5/11-Quiz on Chapters 10-15 of Find A Stranger, Say Goodbye

Read Chapters 16- 21 by Weds. 5/18

Read Only One Woof in the Reading Textbook

Reading Skills Practice Book- complete page 108. 1-14. Write everything out. Also complete page 112 (1-21). Write everything out. Due on LL Thursday, 5/5

8th Grade Reading 5/9/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_422v6wq2jf6

Friday, 5/13 Quiz on Chapters 4 of The Pearl

Read Chapter 5 by Weds. 5/18

Reading- read the story The Story of the Gold at Sutter’s Mill in the Reading Textbook.

Reading Practice Book- complete pg. 83 1-6 ans.only; pg. 84 1-13- write everything out; pg. 89 1-6 restate the question in the answer. Complete on LL- Due Thursday, 5/12

7th Grade Social Studies 5/9/11

Lesson Plans:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_440f3rxgkg7

TEST Fri, 5/10 ON PGS.214- 226 AND THE NOTES FOR CHAPTER 8 (1-18)

Homework: Read pg.232 complete the Skills Practice 1-8 (write question and answer) and pg.233 complete the Chapter Checkup questions 1-6(restate the question in the answer) on LL. Due Friday, 5/13

8th Grade Social Studies 5/9/11

Lesson Plans: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgcvdkk2_424dqn25rz5

TEST Fri, 5/10 ON CHAPTER 19 PGS. 550-559 AND NOTES 1-10

Homework: Read pgs. 566-569. Complete the Section 4 Assessment on pg. 569 (1-5) on LL. Remember to restate the question in your answer. Due Friday, 5/13