Week of June 18, 2012


A. All work will be returned this week.

B. Everyone should bring bags to clean out their desks this week. All textbooks and workbooks will be collected, so make sure they are brought to class.

C. Wednesday is the last day of the After School Program.

D. Thursday is the End of Year Mass. All students should be in full uniform.

E. Friday is the End of Year Assembly at 11:00. Report Card and Awards will be distributed. Students will be dismissed immediately following the ceremony.

F. Summer School Registration is Monday and Tuesday (25th&26th) from 8:00-2:00.
Dear Parents,

After having a long conversation with Mr. Woods, we have decided that due to my absence for the last quarter, the students failing Reading in Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 will only be recommended to attend Summer School, rather than required to attend. The same will hold true for students in Grades 7 & 8 grade who are failing Social Studies.

This is not to say that I do not feel that your child will not benefit from attending Summer School, because in order to fail a subject for the year, the student must have been failing most of the year. But I will leave the decision up to you, their parents. This week, I will be returning all of the work that the children have completed this last quarter. I will also be sending home their exams, and work from the first three quarters.  If I recommend your child for Summer School in either Reading or Social Studies and you would like to speak to me concerning this, I will be at school on Monday, 6/25  from 8:00- 12:00, which is Summer School registration. 

I wish all of you a safe and enjoyable summer! Make sure that you encourage your child (ren) to read, because reading is the foundation of all other subjects.

Donna Toscano Larios