1. These are a few reminders concerning
homework and classwork:
A. All work must be completed in blue or
black ink (other colors will not be
If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types
will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note
from a parent explaining why you did
not complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there
is an emergency at home or you were sick.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will
not be accepted.
Remember to cover the Reading Workbook.
2. Tuesday is Gym for the
5th Grade. Remember to wear Gym uniform.
3. Thursday, 10/4 Mass
for St. Francis of Assisi at 9:00AM. The 5th grade will be
hosting this Mass. Make sure your child is in full uniform.
All parents are invited
to attend.
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
There will be a weekly quiz on Friday in Reading and on Monday
in Social Studies! It will be based on what is done in class that week.
HOMEWORK: Unit 1: Week 4
5th Grade Reading- 10/1/12
Monday- Write
the Vocabulary words and definitions below in your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due
Tuesday, 10/2.
Click here for Vocabulary Words:
Tuesday- Read
Chapters 3 and 4 in The Phantom Tollbooth.
Answer the following questions on LL. All answers should be at least three
sentences. Due on Thursday, 10/4.
1. How did the watchdog Tock get his name?
2. Describe the Spelling Bee and what did he do.
3. Describe the Humbug? Explain what happened to him at the end of
Chapter 4.
**Remember to start your Unit Project about the famous person
that you chose to research. Please see me if you are not sure what to do. Due October 15 (Monday)
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB words
31-40, Classwork NB, and
any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
6th Grade Reading- 10/1/12
Monday: write
the vocabulary below in your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Tuesday.
Click here for Vocabulary Words:
Tuesday: read
Chapter 5 of Peter Pan. Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Remember
to put a heading on your LL. Due Thursday, 10/4
1. Describe Tootles. (3 sentences)
2. Describe Nibs. (3 sentences)
3. Describe Hook. (3 sentences)
**Remember to start your Unit Project on the topic that you
chose to research. Please see me if you are not sure what to do. Due October 15 (Monday)
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB words
31-40, Classwork NB, and
any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
7th Grade Reading 10/1/12
Monday-: write
the vocabulary below in your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due
Click here for Vocabulary Words:
Tuesday: Answer
the following questions from Chapters 8-16 of Crispin on looseleaf. Remember to
put a heading on your LL. Due Thursday, 10/4. All
answers should be at least three sentences.
1. Who did
Fr. Quinel send to meet Crispin by the church? Where did they go?
2. Why did
the steward keep saying that Crispin was a wolf’s head?
What made Crispin realize that he wanted to live, not die?
**Remember to start your Unit Project on the topic that you
chose to research. Please see me if you are not sure what to do. Due October 15 (Monday)
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB words
31-40, Classwork NB, and
any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
7th Grade Social Studies 10/1/12
Monday- We
will be discussing the Tools Used to Study Social Studies-Chapter 1
Read pages 2-9 in the textbook.
Answer the Checkup Questions on page 9 (1-4)
Complete on looseleaf and write the question, skip a line and
write the answer.
Make sure to have a heading on your looseleaf.
Due on Friday, 10/5
**Quiz on Monday. Study vocabulary words 31-40 and your notes
from October 1- 5.
8th Grade Reading 10/1/12
Monday: write the vocabulary
below in your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Tuesday
Click here for Vocabulary Words:
Tuesday: Answer
the following questions from Chapter 6 of The
Great Fire on looseleaf. Remember to put a heading on your LL. Each response should be at least three
sentences long. Due Thursday,
1. Explain how
the people got water after the fire? What happened when the Waterworks started
pumping water again?
2. What was
done about all of the homeless people?
3. Explain
how Claire Innes was reunited with her family.
**Remember to start your Unit Project on the topic that you
chose to research. Please see me if you are not sure what to do. Due October 15 (Monday)
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB words
31-40, Classwork NB, and
any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
8th Grade Social Studies
Monday- We
will be starting World War 1-Chapter 7
Read pages 202-207
Complete on looseleaf, Checkup Questions on pg. 207 (1-4), skip
a line and write the answer.
Make sure to have a heading on your looseleaf.
Due on Friday, 10/5
**Quiz on Monday. Study vocabulary words 31-40 and your notes
from October 1- 5.
Have a great week!