1. All school supplies should have been in by Friday of last week.
2. As stated on last week's blog, these are a few reminders
concerning homework and classwork:
A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will
be accepted).
B. If the assignment states
that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will be accepted (paper ripped
out of notebooks or legal pads is
C. Homework must be handed in on the
day due, unless I receive a note
from a parent explaining why you did not
complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there
is an emergency at home (not
because you were too tired or that you
had too much other HW).
D. Homework and classwork must be
neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible
will not be accepted.
E. Remember to cover the Reading
3. Tuesday is Gym for the 5th Grade. Remember to wear
Gym uniform.
4. Book Fair this week! Flyer went home on Friday!
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
There will be a
weekly quiz on Friday in Reading and on Monday in Social Studies! It will be
based on what is done in class that week.
HOMEWORK: Unit 1: Week 2
5th Grade Reading- 9/17/12
Monday- Read
chapters 3, 4, 5 in Who is Jackie Robinson?
On looseleaf, write down 5 things you read about in those
Tuesday- Read
chapters 6 and 7 in Who is Jackie Robinson?
Highlight at least 5 unfamiliar words in those chapters. We will be using those words tomorrow (Weds.)
Wednesday- Copy the following words and definitions into your Reading Vocabulary Notebook. Due Thursday!
Press on link to see Vocabulary Words.
Press on link to see Vocabulary Words.
Weekly Quiz on Friday!
(Study the Reading Vocabulary NB, Classwork NB, and any books/stories/poems
that we have read during the week)
6th Grade Reading- 9/17/12
Monday: read Chapter 2 of Peter Pan.
On looseleaf, write a paragraph about what happened in Chapter 2 (6 sentences or more).
Remember to put a heading on your paper.
Tuesday- reread
Chapter 2 of Peter Pan again.
On looseleaf, you can rewrite your summary from last night if you feel that you didn't do it right yesterday.
Wednesday- read
Chapter ___ of Peter Pan. Your Daily Assessment Question on Thursday will deal
with this Chapter.
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB, Classwork
NB, and any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
7th Grade Reading 9/17/12
Monday- read Chapters 2,3,4,5,6, & 7 of Crispin (pgs. 6-31).
On looseleaf, write a paragraph about what how Crispin found out
that he was being accused of a crime. Include details from the book (6 sentences
or more).
Remember to put a heading on your paper. Due Wednesday
Wednesday- read Chapters ________ of Crispin.
Assignment will be
given on Wednesday in class and will be due on Friday.
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB, Classwork
NB, and any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
7th Grade Social Studies 9/17/12
Monday- Read pgs. 26- 33 in the textbook.
Answer checkup questions on pg. 29 (1-3) and pg. 33 (1-3)
Complete on looseleaf and write the question, skip a line and
write the answer.
Make sure to have a heading on your looseleaf.
Due on Thursday
Friday- Anyone who received a grade under 70% on last Monday's quiz must write all vocabulary words and full definitions (from the Social Studies NB, 1-20) 5x each on looseleaf to be handed in on Monday, 9/24. That way you can review as you write! More studying is needed!!
Friday- Anyone who received a grade under 70% on last Monday's quiz must write all vocabulary words and full definitions (from the Social Studies NB, 1-20) 5x each on looseleaf to be handed in on Monday, 9/24. That way you can review as you write! More studying is needed!!
Weekly Quiz on
Monday! (Study the text, CW notebook, and Vocabulary notebook on things that we
have covered this week)
8th Grade Reading 9/17/12
Tuesday: Read
Chapter 2 of The Great Fire.
On LL,write 5 important things that happened in Chapter 2 (giving examples from the text) Due Wednesday.
Wednesday: Read Chapter 3 of The Great Fire.
Due Friday. A response question will be given in class on Thursday for you answer and hand in on Friday (on looseleaf, with a full heading on the paper)
Due Friday. A response question will be given in class on Thursday for you answer and hand in on Friday (on looseleaf, with a full heading on the paper)
Weekly Quiz on Friday! (Study the Reading Vocabulary NB, Classwork
NB, and any books/stories/poems that we have read during the week)
8th Grade Social Studies
Monday: Read pgs. 184-199 in your textbook.
Answer Checkup Questions 1-5 on pg. 193.
Complete on looseleaf and write the question, skip a line and
write the answer.
Make sure to have a heading on your looseleaf.
Due on Thursday
Friday- Anyone who received a grade under 70% on last Monday's test must write all vocabulary words and full definitions (from the Social Studies NB 1-20) 5x each on looseleaf to be handed in on Monday, 9/24. That way you can review as you write! More studying is needed!!
****Also, any HW that is not done completely or receives a failing grade from now on will be redone after school, so that I will be able to help you individually!!!
Weekly Quiz on
Monday! (Study the text, CW notebook, and Vocabulary notebook on things that we have covered this week)
Have a great week!