1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and
A. All work must be completed in
blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).
B. If the assignment states
that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will
be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed
in on the day due, unless I receive a note
from a parent explaining why you did
not complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there
is an emergency at home or you were sick.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not
be accepted.
2. Tuesday
is Gym for the 5th Grade. Remember to wear Gym uniform.
3. No school on Friday due to
a Faculty Conference Day.
4. Individual Picture Day is Thursday,
12/6. Please give your money in the envelope sent home to Mrs. Resto by Wednesday. Children taking a
picture may wear dress clothes if they wish to take a picture in. Other
students not taking a picture must wear their uniform.
5. December calendars will be sent home today.
6. We will be collecting gloves and socks for the poor of the parish during advent. Please be as generous as possible.
5. December calendars will be sent home today.
6. We will be collecting gloves and socks for the poor of the parish during advent. Please be as generous as possible.
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!
Unit 2:
5th Grade Reading- 12/3/12
Monday- Read Chapters 3- 5 in Leonardo da
Vinci. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Continue to
read the Phantom Tollbooth. Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Restate each question and
write 3 details in your answer.
Due on Thursday, 12/6.
1. Discuss Salai, Leonardo da Vinci’s apprentice.
2. Explain how the giant horse that da Vinci designed for Duke
Sforza was destroyed.
3. Why will we never be able to view the painting of the Last
Supper as da Vinci originally painted it?
4. Discuss the Mona Lisa painting. Give a least 3 details about
Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below
(click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due on Thursday, 12/6.
Weekly Quiz on Thursday
6th Grade Reading- 12/3/12
Monday- Read pgs. 47-63 in Tikta’Liktak: An
Inuit- Eskimo Legend. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary.
Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Start with an
introductory sentence and give three details for each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/6.
1. Describe the cave that Tikta entered when he reached the place
known as the “The Place of Beautiful Stones”? What type of things did he see
2. When Tikta’liktak got close to his home, he decided to wait before
he went to see his family. Why did he want to wait before going to them? What
were they doing as he hid and watched them below in the valley?
3. How did Tikta finally make his presence known to his family
below? Did they recognize him? Give details.
4. Describe what happened when Tikta’s father realized that he was
not a ghost or spirit. How did Tikta feel?
Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below
(click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due on Thursday, 12/6.
Weekly Quiz on Thursday
7th Grade Reading 12/3/12
Monday- Read Chapters 8-10 in The Voyage of
Patience Goodspeed. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary. Answer
the following questions on looseleaf. Start with an introductory sentence and give three details for
each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/6.
1. Discuss the incident with Thaddeus and the pigs?
2. Explain why Papa punished Patience for what happened with
Thaddeus and the pigs?
3. Why was Patience so happy when she wrote her journal entry on
October 29, 1835 (Chapter 8)?
4. Explain why Papa woke Patience up in the middle of the night
and tell her to come up on deck.
Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below
(click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due on Thursday, 12/6.
Weekly Quiz on Thursday
7th Grade Social Studies
Monday- Define the vocabulary words
below in the Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Skip a line between each
definition. Due Wednesday, 12/5.
House of Burgesses
self-government royal
colony separatist Pilgrim
Mayflower Compact
constitution Fundamental
Orders legislature
Tuesday-Chapter 4- Read pgs.82-85 in
the textbook. Complete Checkup questions on pg. 85 #s 1, 2, 3, 4.
Due Thursday,
12/6 on looseleaf.
Weekly Quiz on Monday,
Map of the Month due on December 17!
Remember you should be
working on your NHD project. If you are having a problem, please see me. Don’t
wait for the last minute.
8th Grade Reading 12/3/12
Monday- Read Chapters 5-6 in Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry. Highlight any important ideas or difficult vocabulary.
Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Start with an introductory sentence and give at least three
details for each question.
Due on Thursday, 12/6.
1. Explain why Big Ma went to Strawberry the second Saturday
every month?
2. Describe the incident with Cassie at Barnett’s Mercantile.
3. Cassie was involved in a second incident while she was
walking around Strawberry. Describe what happened.
4. Describe Uncle Hammer’s character. How did he feel when
Cassie told him what happened to her in Strawberry?
Tuesday-Copy the vocabulary below
(click on link) into your Reading Vocabulary NB. Due on Thursday, 12/6.
Weekly Quiz on Thursday
8th Grade Social Studies
Monday- Define the vocabulary words
below in the Social Studies Vocabulary Notebook. Skip a line between each
definition. Due Wednesday, 12/5.
National Industrial Recovery Act Public Works Administration Wagner Act
industrial union Congress of Industrial Organizations Fair Labor Standards Act
Federal Emergency Relief Act Civilian Conservation Corp Dust Bowl Tennessee Valley Authority
industrial union Congress of Industrial Organizations Fair Labor Standards Act
Federal Emergency Relief Act Civilian Conservation Corp Dust Bowl Tennessee Valley Authority
Tuesday-Chapter 9- Read pgs.311-320 in
the textbook. Complete Checkup questions on pgs. 320 #s 1, 2, 3 Due Thursday, 12/6 on looseleaf.
Weekly Quiz on Monday,
Map of the Month due on December 17!
Remember you should be
working on your NHD project. If you are having a problem, please see me. Do not
wait for the last minute.
Have a great week!