Week of June 24, 2013

Reminders: (# 2 is for Fifth Grade students only)

1.  Monday, 6/24 – Children may wear shorts or play clothes to school.
      Everyone should bring some type of cleaner or wipes to clean their
      desks. All of the rest of the notebooks and folders will be sent home.

2. Tuesday, 6/25- All students should be in uniform for the Graduation
     Ceremony at 11:00.
     Class Party at 1:00-3:00-The children may bring their play clothes and
     something to share with the class (they all chose something to bring).
     They can also bring their lunch if they like, since we will be eating in the  
     classroom. Children do not need to bring bookbags!

3. Wednesday, 6/26- Honor/ Awards Assembly and Report Card
     Distribution at 9:00AM. Students may wear dress clothes. Dismissal will
     be at 11:00 from the church.  Children do not need to bring bookbags!

4. Thursday, 6/27 and Friday, 6/28- Summer School Registration
     (9:00 -1:00).  Your child will receive a letter with the Report card if
     Summer School is mandatory for promotion.

5. I would like to thank all of the parents/ guardians for working so
    hard during this school year. I know it is not easy, especially when you
    you work yourselves, but it really does benefit your children when you
    are involved in what they are doing.
    Have a safe and enjoyable summer and I look forward to seeing you in

6. Please remember to have your child to read during the summer. This is  
   so important for building vocabulary and increasing reading comprehension skills.