Reminders for this week and next week!
A. ELA Final Exam on Monday, 6/20.
B. There will be a 12:00 dismissal on Thursday, 6/23. This is the last day of the After School Program for this school year.
C. There will be no school on Friday, 6/24.
D. Monday, 6/27- Award Ceremony 10:00AM in the church. The children must be in full dress uniform for awards (no regular clothes or gym uniforms, even for greenhouse people). Parents are welcome to attend.
Grade 5 Class Party in the Afternoon. The children can bring clothes to change into if they wish to, but must bring a bag to carry things home in. They will also need to bring in something to share at the party, something to drink for themselves, and $5 for pizza.
E. Tuesday, 6/28- Graduation at 10:00AM in the church.
Students must be in full uniform for 8th Grade Graduation. Report Cards will not be distributed until after Graduation activities have finished. Dismissal will be at approximately 1:00 PM.
F. Supply Lists for September will be posted on each Homeroom teacher's blog (the homeroom where you will be entering in September) by Monday, 6/27. Everything needed will be posted on your Homeroom teacher's blog. You no longer need to check each teacher's blog for school supplies.
G.Each student will be required to read two books during the summer. This is a new requirement of the Regional Board of the Archdiocese. One book should be read in July and the other should be read in August. Questions about each book will be posted on the blog in July. 5th and 6th grade students should check Ms. Serewko and Mrs. Ramsey's blog for their reading assignment. 7th and 8th grade students should check Ms. Larios and Mr.Placido's blog for their reading assignment. There will be a test given on each book in September.
G.Each student will be required to read two books during the summer. This is a new requirement of the Regional Board of the Archdiocese. One book should be read in July and the other should be read in August. Questions about each book will be posted on the blog in July. 5th and 6th grade students should check Ms. Serewko and Mrs. Ramsey's blog for their reading assignment. 7th and 8th grade students should check Ms. Larios and Mr.Placido's blog for their reading assignment. There will be a test given on each book in September.
I would like to take to this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable and safe summer vacation! Thank you for all of your help and cooperation during this school year. I look forward to seeing you in September. J
Ms. Toscano Larios
Ms. Toscano Larios