Week of March 12, 2018

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Tuesdays and Fridays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. Monday, 3/12 (tomorrow)- 12:00 Dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting. ASP will be in session.

C. Remember to fill up the RICE BOWL you were given in class. This will be due before Easter vacation (1 week from now). Anything you can give is appreciated.

D. Friday, 3/16 the children may dress in green in honor of Saint Patrick ($1 will not be collected).

E. Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday. Please sign them and return on Monday, 3/19.
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

HOMEWORK: For the Week of March 12,2018: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6 Lesson Plans

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6

Please check the blog each day for assignments in your Ready New York. We will be working on this book until the NYS ELA Test in April.

Common Lit: Please complete the new assignment by Thursday, 3/15.

MAP Skills: Please complete the assignment given by Friday, 3/16. Everyone is on different Missions.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we have worked on in class.

Selection Tests this week. Study the first two stories that we have read in Pearson, and the lesson vocabulary.

Grade 7 Lesson Plans

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7

Please check the blog each day for assignments in your Ready New York. We will be working on this book until the NYS ELA Test in April.

Common Lit: Please complete the new assignment by Thursday, 3/16.

MAP Skills: Please complete the assignment given by Friday, 3/16. Everyone is on different Missions.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we have worked on in class.

Selection Test this week. Study the story we have been reading in Pearson, and the lesson vocabulary.

Grade 8 Lesson Plans

 ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8:

Please check the blog each day for assignments in your Ready New York. We will be working on this book until the NYS ELA Test in April.

Common Lit: Please complete the new assignment by Thursday, 3/16.

MAP Skills: Please complete the assignment given by Friday, 3/16. Everyone is on different Missions.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we have worked on in class.

Selection Test this week. Review the Diary of Anne Frank- Acts I and II and the lesson vocabulary.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 7 The Beginning of Modern America- 1867-1920 – Chapter 22: Spanish-American War

Monday,3/12- Define the words below in your vocabulary notebook.
Due Thursday, 3/15.

Tuesday,3/13- Read pages 697-703. Answer the following questions: pg.702   #s 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b Due Friday, 3/16.

Vocabulary for the Week:
yellow journalism (697), Teller Amendment (698), resolution (698), Emilio Aguinaldo (699), Anti-Imperialist League (700), Platt Amendment (701), precedent (703)

                   Have a wonderful week!