Weekly Reminders:
A. Gym
uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym
unless students are told differently.
B. Tues,10/22
@ 9:00 Hispanic Heritage Presentations Grades 4-8. Parents are welcome to
Reports will be sent home this week with the results of October’s test.
D. Make
sure to read Mr.Woods's blog for other important information.
7, 8
A. All classwork/homework
must be completed in blue or black ink
(other colors will not be accepted). NO PENCIL!
B. If an
assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper
will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent
explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only
be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were
too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is
late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is
Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!
For the Week of October 21,2019: Grades 6,7,8
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6- We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during
Unit 1.
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class.
make sure you write your summary over on looseleaf and complete any Common Lit
that was assigned.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 6
Unit 1 Early Humankind/ Chapter 2: Early Farmers and City
Monday, 10/21: Define the vocabulary words below in your Social Studies
Vocabulary notebook. Due Thursday, 10/24
Tuesday,10/22: Read pages 48-53 in the textbook. Answer questions 1,3,4 on page 53.
Restate the question in the answer. Complete on looseleaf. Due on Friday, 10/25.
Vocabulary for the Week:
p.49, domesticate p. 50, livestock p.51, agriculture p. 51, slash-and-burn
farming p. 52, surplus p. 52, parallel timeline p. 54
Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7 We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during
Unit 1.
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week
to find your Lexile level.
make sure you write your summary over on looseleaf and complete any Common Lit
that was assigned.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 7
Unit 1 The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic/ Chapter 2: New
Empires in the Americas (1400-1750)
Remember Chapter 2 Social Studies Notes are due tomorrow,
Monday, 10/21: Define the vocabulary words below in your Social Studies
Vocabulary notebook. Due Thursday, 10/24
Tuesday,10/22: Read pages 38-41 in the textbook. Complete Questions 1a, b, c; 2a;
3a, b; 4 on page 41. Restate the question in the answer. For question 4, just
write a short summary listing the reason for the explorations, the technology
that made the explorations possible, and the results of the explorations. Complete
on looseleaf. Due on Friday, 10/25.
Vocabulary for the Week:
Leif Eriksson, Henry the Navigator, astrolabe, caravels, raw materials, uncharted, Christopher Columbus, Line of Demarcation, Treaty of Tordesillas, Ferdinand Magellan, circumnavigate, Columbian Exchange
Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8: We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during
Unit 1.
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week
to find your Lexile level.
make sure you write your summary over on looseleaf and complete any Common Lit
that was assigned.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 8
Unit 5 The Nation Breaks Apart/ Chapter 17: Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Remember Chapter 17 Social Studies Notes are due tomorrow,
Monday, 10/21: Define the vocabulary words below in your Social Studies
Vocabulary notebook. Due Thursday, 10/24
Tuesday,10/22: Read pages 548-563 in the textbook. Answer questions on page 557- 1a,b; 2a,b; 3a,b; and page 563, questions 2b, 3a. Restate the question in the answer. Complete
on looseleaf. Due on Friday, 10/25.
Vocabulary for the Week:
Reconstruction, Ten Percent Plan, Thirteenth Amendment, Freedmen’s Bureau,
Andrew Johnson, principle, moderate, Black Codes, Radical Republicans, Civil Rights Act of 1866, Fourteenth Amendment, Reconstruction Acts, impeachment, Fifteenth Amendment
Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Have a wonderful week!