A. Picture envelopes will be sent home in your child’s folder. If you are interested in having your child’s picture taken, please return the envelope to me with the correct amount of money enclosed. Also, make sure to fill out the information on the envelope. A letter from Mr. Woods and a Homework Rubric were also distributed.

B. Remember to wear a mask and bring your school supplies each day.

C. Remember Gym class is every Friday, so wear your gym uniform.

D. Friday, 10/15 12:00 Dismissal- Faculty Meeting

E. Title 1 Catapult Schedule:

Grades 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15-5:00

Grades K, 2, 4, and 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-5:00


F. Make sure to read Mr. Woods's blog for other important information.


G. No school, Wednesday, 10/20- Data Day


H. Parents, feel free to email if you have any questions (mstoscano@olqmnyc.org)



HOMEWORK: For the Week of October 11,2021

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 2


Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be reviewing short vowel sounds this week. We will continue to review nouns, capitalization, and punctuation.

The children will be assigned homework during the week on Google Classroom. Please make sure that your child completes all assignments.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Please cover all soft-covered workbooks so they do not rip. Plastic covers are suggested, but not required.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.


Science Homework for Grade 2

The students will be writing notes for science this week in their science notebooks. The notes will be posted in Google Classroom.



ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 3


Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will continue to review vowels sounds this week. We will be also working on nouns, punctuation, and capitalization in our Voyages book.

The children will be assigned homework during the week on Google Classroom. Please make sure that your child completes all assignments.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Please cover all soft-covered workbooks so they do not rip. Plastic covers are suggested, but not required.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

Science Homework for Grade 3

The students will be writing notes for science this week in their science notebooks. The notes will be posted in Google Classroom.



ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 4


Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will continue to vowel sounds this week. We will be also working on nouns and verbs in our Voyages book.

The children will be assigned homework during the week on Google Classroom. Please make sure that your child completes all assignments.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Please cover all soft-covered workbooks so they do not rip. Plastic covers are suggested, but not required.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 5

Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be vowel sounds this week. We will be also working on nouns and verbs in our Voyages book.

The children will be assigned homework during the week on Google Classroom. Please make sure that your child completes all assignments.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Please cover all soft-covered workbooks so they do not rip. Plastic covers are suggested, but not required.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.


                           Have a wonderful week!