WEEK OF MAY 9, 2022



A. Remember to wear a mask and bring your school supplies each day.

B. We will be following a Friday schedule this Wednesday, so remember to wear your gym uniform on Wednesday. No gym uniforms on Friday.

C. Make sure to read Mr. Woods’ blog for other important information.

D. Title 1 Catapult Schedule:

Grades 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15-5:00

Grades K, 2, 4, and 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-5:00


E. All students must enter through the lunchroom in the morning and come to class from there. No one can enter through the church or main door (where the bell is located).


F. Friday, May 13. 12:00PM dismissal due to Faculty Meeting. We will be having Mass @ 10:00 AM and the Crowning of the Blessed Mother following Mass. Students should be in full uniform (see letter B above). All parents are invited to attend.


G. If you have any questions you may email me at mstoscano@olqmnyc.org


HOMEWORK: For the Week of May 9,2022

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 2


Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be reviewing short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and digraphs this week. We will continue to review nouns, capitalization, punctuation, and different types of sentences- statements, questions, and exclamations.


We will be reviewing skills to prepare for MAP testing next week.

All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


Science Homework for Grade 2

Please sign your child’s Science Test and return to school tomorrow. We will be starting Unit 4 Concept 4.1 this week. Students will be writing the new vocabulary in their Science Notebook. This will be posted on Google Classroom.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 3

Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be reviewing short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and digraphs this week. We will continue to review nouns, capitalization, punctuation, and different types of sentences- statements, questions, and exclamations.


The students will be taking the MAP test in Language Arts on Thursday, 5/12.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


Science Homework for Grade 3

Please sign your child’s Science Test and return to school tomorrow. We will be starting Unit 4 Concept 4.1 this week. Students will be writing the new vocabulary in their Science Notebook. This will be posted on Google Classroom.

The children will be taking the MAP Test in Science on Tuesday, 5/10.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 4


Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be reviewing short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and digraphs this week. We will continue to review nouns, capitalization, punctuation, and different types of sentences- statements, questions, and exclamations.


The students will be taking the MAP test in Language Arts on Thursday, 5/12.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 5

Ready Gen (savvasrealize.com)- We will be reviewing short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and digraphs this week. We will continue to review nouns, capitalization, punctuation, and different types of sentences- statements, questions, and exclamations.


The students will be taking the MAP test in Language Arts on Thursday, 5/12.


All assignments must be submitted on the date due, or points will be deducted from the grade.

Also make sure that your child has all necessary supplies each day, including sharpened pencils, looseleaf, notebooks, folders, highlighters, colored pencils, etc.

***Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom.

Please have your child bring a book to read to school for when they complete their work early. It is important for comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency for your child to read independently.


                            HAVE A GREAT WEEK!