REMINDERS: 1. Remember to bring all school supplies everyday, including the homework. 2. Please check your child’s purple assignment book every night for HW and notes. 3. We are in great need of tissue for the classroom. Please send in a box. 4. Your child should read a few chapters in their books every night and more on the weekend. The notes for the book will be started in the back of the Reading Notebook. Please make sure that your child reads the book because many of the children are lowering their Reading grade because of not doing well on the book tests. The test for this book will be May 22. 5. There will be a 2:30 dismissal on Friday, May 15. 6. Each child will be responsible for creating an advertisement for a product or service. This should not be a real name. It should be something they make-up. See Language Arts N.B. for details. This project is due tomorrow, Tues, May 12. It can be done on poster paper or plain white paper. The children will present their advertisements to the class. TESTS: LANGUAGE ARTS TEST (will be given when the xerox machine gets repaired). Review pp. 97-123 in the Language Handbook. VOCABULARY: CENTERFIELD BALLHAWK outfielder, concentrate, depend, ballhawk, vanish, fault SPELLING WORDS: CENTERFIELD BALLHAWK boots, grouped, shook, school, looked, hood, choose, brook, zoomed, balloon, loose, soot, understood, cartoon, afternoon CHALLENGE WORDS: season, umpire, diamond, average, pitcher READING MONDAY: May 11 AIM: To review prefixes and suffixes LESSON: 1.The children will answer the Question of the Day 2. The class will complete a Listening Comprehension Activity - The Camel Dances 3. Prefixes and Suffixes will be reviewed and definitions will be written in the notebook. Some examples of prefixes(dis-, bi-, im-, in-) and suffixes(-er, -or, -less, -able, -ible) will be reviewed. HW: read book and work on advertisement. TUESDAY: May 12 AIM: To present advertisements (persuasive writing) LESSON: The children will present their advertisements to the class. HW: Spelling Book pp. 47, 48, 49 WEDNESDAY: May 13 AIM: To use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast The Talent Show and The Last Case of the I.C. Detective Agency. LESSON: 1. Vocabulary words and spelling words will be reviewed. 2. Prefixes and suffixes will be reviewed. 3. The children will construct a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the two stories. HW: see assignment book THURSDAY: May 14 AIM: To draw conclusions based on information in a text and on experiences in real life. LESSON: 1. The children will answer The Question of the Day 2. The comprehension skill of drawing conclusions will be reviewed . 3. Spelling and vocabulary words will be reviewed. HW: Practice book pp. 61,62, 63 FRIDAY: May 15 AIM: To identify chronological order in stories (sequencing) LESSON: 1. The children will answer the Question of the Day 2. Speaking and Listening: we will discuss what a persuasive speech means 3. Listening tips for listening to a speaker will be discussed. 4. Speaking tips for giving a speech will be discussed. LANGUAGE ARTS MONDAY, May 11 AIM: To review abbreviations and pronouns LESSON: 1. The children will review abbreviations and pronouns for the test HW: study for test TUESDAY, May 12 AIM: To review pronouns for test LESSON: The children will review pronouns for the test tomorrow HW: study for the test WEDNESDAY, May 13 AIM: To continue presenting advertisements. HW: p. 114 #s 1-15 in Language Handbook. Write each correctly in the ELA notebook. THURSDAY, May 14 N0 CLASS DUE TO COMPUTERS HW: see assignment book FRIDAY, MAY 15 AIM: To correct errors in sentences LESSONS: The children will rewrite sentences correctly adding the correct punctuation, apostrophes, and capitalization. HW: read book and take notes HAVE A GOOD WEEK!!!!!