Important Links:
2nd Grade Plans for Sept.29th- Oct.3rd
2nd Grade Reading
Dibels Testing
Homework- Spelling- write words 3x each
Tuesday, 9/30
Dibels Testing
Homework- Spelling- write a sentence for words 1-8
Wednesday, 10/1
Dibels Testing
Homework- Spelling- write a sentence for words 9-15
Thursday, 10/2
Dibels Testing
Homework- Spelling- study for spelling test tomorrow
Friday, 10/3
No Reading- Mass
2nd Grade Language Arts
Aim: Review statements and questions
Lesson: Practice determining the difference between a sentence that tells something
and one that asks a question.
Homework: Review sentences
Tuesday, 9/30
Aim: Review sentences
Lesson: Review capital letters- beginning of every sentence, people's names, days of the week and months of the year.
Homework: see purple assignment book
Wednesday, 10/1
Aim: To choose topics to write about.
Lesson- Read pages 4-7 in the Language Handbook. Discuss topics to write about.
Homework: see assignment book
Thursday, 10/2
Aim: to review statements and questions
Lesson: to practice writing simple sentences correctly.
Homework: see assignment book
Friday, 10/3
Spelling Test and Dictation