2nd Grade Plans for Nov.3- Nov.7, 2008

REMINDERS: 1.Bring school supplies each day 2.Check folders, notebooks, and purple assignment book each night 3.NEW SPELLING PRACTICE BOOK WILL BE HANDED OUT. TESTS: THURSDAY 11/6- GRAMMAR TEST ON TYPES OF SENTENCES- STUDY PGS.79-87 IN LANGUAGE HANDBOOK FRIDAY 11/7- SPELLING TEST- WORDS ARE IN THE READING NB AND ON PG. 19 IN SPELLING BOOK READING NEW VOCABULARY FOR DAYS WITH FROG AND TOAD alone, cheer, fine, meadow, reason, spoiled HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS alone, home, right, river, think SPELLING WORDS: DAYS WITH FROG AND TOAD 1.cried, 2.hurried, 3.replied, 4.fried, 5.tried, 6.worried, 7.carried, 8.copied, 9.married, 10.studied, 11.remarked, 12.finished, 13.alone, 14.river, 15.think MONDAY,11/3- DAY 1-DAYS WITH FROG AND TOAD 2nd Grade split up: 1. Phonics pgs. 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 2. Reading Practice Book pgs. 17-21 HW- Finish classwork at home TUESDAY,11/4- DAY 1: DAYS WITH FROG AND TOAD 1. Shared Literature- read and discuss the poem "Friends" 2. Phonics- inflection /-ed/ (y to i) 3. Introduce new vocabulary words 4. Review spelling words HW- Write spelling words 3x each WEDNESDAY,11/5- Comprehension Test on the Mixed Up Chameleon HW- See purple assignment book THURSDAY,11/6- DAY 2 :DAYS WITH FROG AND TOAD 1.Review vocabulary words 2.Read Days With Frog and Toad- discuss comprehension questions at the end of the story 3.Focus Skill- Compare and contrast characters and settings presented by different authors 4.Focus Strategy- creating mental images while reading a story (making pictures in the mind)to make sense of things while reading. HW- study for Spelling Test tomorrow- SEE PURPLE HW BOOK FRIDAY,11/7 Spelling Test read and discuss the poem "Sometimes" LANGUAGE ARTS MONDAY,11/3 No class because of the 2nd grade being split up


Write the five parts of a friendly letter.

Write a model of a friendly letter.

HW: see purple assignment book


Weekly fix it. Correct sentences that have spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

HW- Study for LA Test


Language Arts Test

FRIDAY, 11/7

No class due to faculty meeting.