1. Remember to read the purple assignment book and check the HW folder each night to know your child's homework for each day. Also, look through your child’s Reading and Language Arts NBs to see how they are doing on their classwork and homework. Remember that the children are responsible for all homework and classwork when they are absent. Please check the blog to hand in any missing assignments. Also, make sure they get any missing notes or vocabulary and spelling words.
2. Gym on Mondays. Wear gym shirt, gym pants, and sneakers.
3. The children received the book My Best Friend is Invisible (Goosebumps) to read. This will be the last book of the year. The Book Test will be on Mon. 6/14. Your child should take notes on important details, settings, and the different characters in the story. They should be reading at least two chapters everyday!
4. No school Friday, 6/11. Teacher’s Conference Day
5. Please sign and return the Field Day Permission Slip and return it. If you will be attending Field Day with your child, please write it on the back of the permission slip. If your child will not be attending, please write no and return the slip to me, so I know that you have seen it.
6. The children’s textbooks will start being collected next week. Many children cannot find books, so please check around for them. I have to send a list of missing books to Mr. Woods, and the children will have to pay for them. I will go over which books the children should have in their possession this week and have them write the names of the missing books in their purple assignment books, so you can look at home for them.
7. Schedule of Final Exams:
Monday, June 7- Science Exam
Tuesday, June 8- Math Exam
Wednesday, June 9- Archdiocesan Religion Exam
Thursday, June 10- Reading Exam
Friday, June 11- No school (Teacher’s Conference Day)
Monday, June 14- No Exams
Tuesday, June 15- Social Studies Exam
Wednesday, June 16- Language Arts Exam
Thursday, June 17- No Exams
Friday, June 18- Field Day at Dyckman Fields
1. Vocabulary Words: know the meaning of the vocabulary words from the following stories:
A. Officer Buckle and Gloria
B. Pepita Talks Twice
C. Nate the Great
D. Allie’s Basketball Dream
E. The Olympic Games
F. Turtle Bay
G. Balto, the Dog Who Saved Nome
H. Wild Shots, They’re My Life
I. Little Grunt and the Big Egg
J. Rosie: A Visiting Dog’s Story
K. The Stories Julian Tells
L. The Talent Show
M. Centerfield Ballhawk
N. Ramona Forever
O. Sayings We Share: Proverbs and Fables
The definition of each word can be found in your child's Reading Notebook listed under the name of each story. I had the children check off the words that they should study from their notebooks. If your child was absent for any of the words, you can check the Reading Text Book for the words and the definitions are in the glossary. Review pages 1-71 in the Reading Practice Book.
Spelling: The children should know the Spelling Words for the stories above. The spelling words can be found in the notebook and in the Reading Practice Book. The children also checked off the spelling words in their Reading Practice Book that they should study.
**The Spelling words and sentences will be included on the Language Arts Exam.
Other skills that should be reviewed and are reviewed in the Reading Notebook are:
1. Synonyms- words that mean nearly the same eg. big, large
2. Antonyms- words that are opposites eg. hot, cold
3. Homophones- words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings eg. I, eye
4. Multiple Meaning Words- words that are spelled the same, sound the same, but have different meanings eg. trunk- An elephant has a trunk. I put the groceries in the trunk of the car.
5. Syllabication- the number of vowel sounds that you hear in a word eg. rainbow has 2 syllables because the long a sound is heard in the first syllable and the long o sound is heard in the second syllable.
6. Root Words- the base word eg. walked the root word is “walk”. The word without any prefixes or endings.
7. Prefixes- letters that are added to the beginning of a word and change its meaning eg. redo- re is a prefix that means to “do over again”
8. Suffixes- letters that are added to the end of a word and change its meaning eg. wishful-ful is a suffix that means “full of”
9. Compound Words- two complete words that are put together to make a new word
eg. rain + bow = rainbow 10. Contractions- two words are combined by using an apostrophe to make a word shorter eg. I will – I’ll, I am- I'm
LANGUAGE ARTS EXAM 1. SENTENCES (Voyages pgs. 314-333)
A. Statements and Questions
B. Commands and Exclamations
C. Subjects and Predicates
D. Combining Subjects and Predicates
E. Plural Possessive Nouns
2. NOUNS (Voyages pgs. 338- 357)
A. Common and Proper Nouns
B. Singular and Plural Nouns
C. Irregular Plural Nouns
D. Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
E. Irregular Plural Possessive Nouns
F. Nouns as Subjects
3. PRONOUNS (Voyages pgs. 362-375)
A. Subject Pronouns
B. Object Pronouns
C. Possessive Pronouns
D. Possessive Adjectives
E. I and Me
4. VERBS (Voyages pgs. 380-385)
A. Action Verbs
B. Being Verbs
C. Helping Verbs
4. SPELLING WORDS (see under Reading above)