5th Grade Study Outline for Reading Final Exam- June 2012
1. Study Reading Vocabulary Words for the following stories. The vocabulary words for these stories are supposed to be in the front of your Reading Notebook with their definitions.
a. Milo’s Mysterious Gift pg. 126
b. Peach Blossom Spring pg. 135
c. Images pg. 143
d. LAFFF pg. 151
e. The Dolphins Led Me Home pg. 165
f. Wolf Watch pg. 175
g. Farming on Avenue B pg. 183
h. City Birds pg. 193
i. Mary Patten’s Voyage pg. 210
j. Last Days at Red Clay pg. 219
k. The Youngest Buffalo Hunter pg. 227
l. A Gift for Athens pg.235
2. Study synonyms, antonyms, and homophones in the middle section of the Reading NB.
3. There will be both a listening comprehension section and reading comprehension section on the exam. No preparation is needed for either of these sections.
6th Grade Study Outline for Reading Final Exam- June 2012
1. Study Reading Vocabulary Words for the following stories. The vocabulary words for these stories are supposed to be in the front of your Reading Notebook with their definitions.
a. Aunt Millicent pg. 132
b. Rabies pg. 140
c. Things That Go Gleep in the Night pg. 150
d. Miss Faberge’s Last Daze pg. 157
e. Kinship pg. 172
f. Leader of the Pack pg. 181
g. The Grandfather Tree pg. 190
h. Four Against the Sea pg.197
i. Call Me Proteus pg. 212
j. Nickel- A- Pound Plane Ride pg. 220
k. All Aboard pg. 226
l. The Eagle Has Landed pg. 235
2. Study synonyms, antonyms, and homophones in the middle section of the Reading NB.
3. There will be both a listening comprehension section and reading comprehension section on the exam. No preparation is needed for either of these sections.
7th Grade Study Outline for Reading Final Exam- June 2012
1. Study Reading Vocabulary Words for the following stories. The vocabulary words for these stories are supposed to be in the front of your Reading Notebook with their definitions.
a. Housekeeper Wanted for Gentleman Cat pg. 93
b. River Rescue pg. 100
c. Only One Woof pg. 107
d. Daedalus and Icarus pg. 115
e. Wings to Fly pg. 121
f. The Great Balloon Craze pg. 128
g. Airy-Go-Round pg. 135
h. Through Skies Never Sailed pg.141
I. West with the Night pg. 148
j. One Bright Star pg. 156
k. Dark They Were, and Gold-Eyed pg. 163
l. The Dog of Pompeii pg. 171
m. Lost and Found: Pompeii pg. 177
n. Digging for China pg. 184
o. The Mysterious Mayas and The Moon and the Year pg. 191
p. The Cave Near Tikal pg. 198
q. The Tomb of King Tutankhamen pg. 205
r. The Treasures of Tomb 26 pg. 212
2. Study synonyms, antonyms, and homophones in the middle section of the Reading NB.
3. There will be both a listening comprehension section and reading comprehension section on the exam. No preparation is needed for either of these sections.
***Remember that the Study Outline for Social Studies is included on the Blog for this week (Vocabulary and Essay Questions).
8th Grade Study Outline for Reading Final Exam- June 2012
1. Study Reading Vocabulary Words for the following stories. The vocabulary words for these stories are supposed to be in the front of your Reading Notebook with their definitions.
a. Saying Goodbye pg.56
b. The Long Road West pg. 63
c. Weathering the Storm pg. 69
d. The Eagle and the Oriole pg. 76
e. The Story of the Gold at Sutter’s Mill pg. 83
f. All That Glitters pg.90
g. It’s Not the Great Wall, But It Will Last Forever pg. 96
h. The Eternal Frontier pg. 103
g. Bigger Than Life pg. 110
h. Pegasus and Bellerophon pg. 117
i. Aerin’s Dragon pg. 123
j. Lee Bennett Hopkins Interviews Robin McKinley pg. 130
k. Playing for Keeps pg. 136
l. The Night the Martians Landed pg. 142
m. Invasion from Mars pg. 149
n. Mystery of Loch Ness pg. 155
o. President Cleveland, Where Are You? Pg. 162
p. Maria Pepe, Girl of Courage pg. 169
q. The Confidence Game pg. 176
r. Independence Hall pg. 182
s. The Sampler pg. 189
t. Free at Last and I Have a Dream pg. 195
u. Life from the River pg. 201
2. Study synonyms, antonyms, and homophones in the middle section of the Reading NB.
3. There will be both a listening comprehension section and reading comprehension section on the exam. No preparation is needed for either of these sections.
***Remember that the Study Outline for Social Studies is included on the Blog for this week (Vocabulary and Essay Questions).
Reading Exam is on Thursday, 6/7