B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads are unacceptable).
C. The students are given 20 vocabulary words per week. They will have to copy the words and definitions on Monday for Homework and it will be checked on Tuesday by the Homeroom Teacher. If your child does not have internet access at home, he/she will be able to stay in the Afterschool Program on Mondays from 3:00-3:30 in order to copy the words into the Vocabulary NBs.
D. Thursday is the Feast of the Ascension. Mass will be at 9:00 am. All students should be in uniform.
E. Friday, 5/18 12:00 Dismissal due to a Faculty Meeting.
Vocabulary for the Week: Ask Mrs. Ramsey which teacher is doing the words for this week.
You are responsible for all of the following work, whether or not you have class. Make sure anything done on looseleaf is given to Mr. Marcial on Friday. Any missing assignments will be given a zero. Notebooks will be checked when I return.
5th Grade Reading- 5/14/12
Lesson Plans:
Classwork & Homework: Unit 4
1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the following words using the glossary in the back of the book. This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Vocabulary for A Gift for Athens:
hobbled, fend, sidling, gunnysack, quiver, clenched, wrath, lolling, snares
**Remember to copy the vocabulary for the week into your Vocabulary NB tonight if there are any new words given.
2. Tuesday- Word Study Book- You will be working on diphthongs this week. Copy the definition of a diphthong into the middle section of your notebook (skills section). The definition is on pg. 53under the word “Rule” at the top of the page.
Complete pg. 50 Sentences 1-12 and pg. 53 Sentences 1-8 on LL.
3. Wednesday- Read the story Mary Patten’s Voyager in your textbook.
Complete page. 211 1-10 (Practice Book- write questions and answers) and pg. 213 Sequence of Events- Rewrite the events in the correct order (do not number them) on looseleaf. Write questions and answers. Remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf and the name of the book and page numbers.
4. Thursday- Word Study Book pgs. 54 and 55. Write question and answers.
5. Friday- Word Study Book- Complete pgs. 61 and 62. Do each page on a different sheet of looseleaf. Have a full heading on each looseleaf. On page 61, write questions and answers and on page 62, number from 1-15, and write answers only.
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf, the name of the book, and the page numbers. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately.
Make sure all assignments done on looseleaf are handed to Mr. Marcial by Friday morning.
Remember, your notebook assignments will be given a Project grade when I return.
6th Grade Reading- 5/14/12- You are responsible for all of the following work, whether or not you have class. Make sure anything done on looseleaf is given to Mr. Marcial on Friday. Any missing assignments will be given a zero. Notebooks will be checked when I return.
Lesson Plans:
Classwork & Homework: Unit 4
1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the following words using the glossary in the back of the book. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Vocabulary for The Eagle Has Landed:
sphere, halo, orbit, lunar, terrain, redouble, simulator, triumphant
2. Tuesday- Read the story Call Me Proteus.
Practice Book pg. 213 Exercise A- Number from 1-17 and write the word or words to complete each blank space. Complete on looseleaf and remember to put a complete heading on the looseleaf.
3. Wednesday- On looseleaf, complete pg. 216 (Part A: 1-6, Put the sentences in the correct order) and pg. 212 (Part A on the back of the looseleaf), write a sentence for each of the 5 words. Use the glossary first, so you know what each word means.
4. Thursday- Read the story Nickel-A-Pound Plane Ride in the text.
Practice Book pg. 220 Exercise A- 1-4 (write everything out) and pg. 223 (Part A ) Write Pedro’s top three reasons for studying at home and then James top three reasons for studying in the library.
5. Friday- Practice Book pg. 221 Exercise A, 1-8 write questions and answers on looseleaf.
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf, the name of the book, and the page numbers. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately.
Make sure all assignments done on looseleaf are handed to Mr. Marcial by Friday morning.
Remember, your notebook assignments will be given a Project grade when I return.
7th Grade Reading 5/14/12
You are responsible for all of the following work, whether or not you have class. Make sure anything done on looseleaf is given to Mr. Marcial on Friday. Any missing assignments will be given a zero. Notebooks will be checked when I return.
Lesson Plans:
Classwork & Homework: Unit 4
1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the words below using the Skills Practice Book. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Vocabulary for The Mysterious Mayas and The Moon and the Year:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 191 & 192 (skills practice)
Vocabulary for The Cave Near Tikal:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 198 & 199
2. Tuesday- Word Study Book- 1.Copy all the Rules for Prefixes (top of the page in the box under the word “RULE”) on pages 65, 67, 69, 71, and 75 in the middle section (skills) of your notebook.
2. Complete pages 65 (1-10) and 66 (1-9) on looseleaf- Write everything out and make sure you have a complete heading on the loose-leaf.
3. Wednesday- Work on Social Studies during Reading.
4. Thursday- In the Word Study Book, complete pg. 69 (21-28, write questions/ans.) and pg. 70 (draw and complete the puzzle). Complete on looseleaf.
5. Friday- Word Study Book- complete pg. 71 (1-10) and pg. 72 (1-8). Write questions and answers on looseleaf.
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf, the name of the book, and the page numbers. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately.
7th Grade Social Studies
Lesson Plans:
This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Classwork & Homework: Chapter 11
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately. Each LL should have a date and the page numbers on it. ALL WORK MUST BE DONE IN BLUE OR BLACK PEN.
Monday, 5/14
Write the vocabulary for Chapter 11 into your notebook. The words can be found on pg. 358, 363, 370, and 375. Use the definitions in the glossary (back of book).
Tuesday, 5/15
Textbook p.374–Questions 1-2- 3, and pg. 377 –Questions 1-2-3 on looseleaf. Remember to put a full heading on the looseleaf and page numbers.
Wednesday, 5/16
1. Copy the Time Lines on pages 334, 358. Do on two separate pieces of looseleaf.
2. Chapter 11 Checkup pg. 379. Complete Skills Practice I 1-5, Vocabulary Review 1-5, Questions Chapter Checkup 1-2-3-4-5
Thursday, 5/17
Textbook pg. 383 Classwork Using Source Material 1-2-3 and pg. 385 (1-2)
Make sure all assignments done on looseleaf are handed to Mr. Marcial by Friday morning.
Remember, your notebook assignments will be given a Project grade when I return.
8th Grade Reading 5/14/12
You are responsible for all of the following work, whether or not you have class. Make sure anything done on looseleaf is given to Mr. Marcial on Friday. Any missing assignments will be given a zero. Notebooks will be checked when I return.
Lesson Plans:
Classwork & Homework: Unit 4
1. Monday- In the front of your Reading Notebook, define the words below using the Skills Practice Book. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Vocabulary for The Sampler:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 189 & 190 (skills practice)
Vocabulary for Free at Last and I Have a Dream:
Write all words and definitions on pgs. 195 & 196
2. Tuesday- Read the story Playing for Keeps in the textbook.
In the Skills Practice Book, complete pg.136 (1-13-answers only on looseleaf). Complete pg. 137 1-11 (write questions /answers and skip lines). Do page 137 on the back of the looseleaf. Make sure you have a complete heading on the looseleaf, name of book, and page numbers.
3. Wednesday- Work on Social Studies during Reading.
4. Thursday- In the Skills Practice Book, complete pg. 138(1-9, ans. Only on looseleaf) and read The Night the Martians Landed in the text.
5. Friday- Finish any incomplete work for the week.
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf, the name of the book, and the page numbers. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately.
8th Grade Social Studies
Lesson Plans:
This work can be started in class and finished for homework. It is up to you to get as much done as possible during class, so there is not too much to complete for homework.
Classwork & Homework: Chapter 11
Make sure you do each day’s assignment on a separate piece of looseleaf. There should be a complete heading on each sheet of looseleaf. Do not staple the assignments together. Hand in each day’s assignment separately. Each LL should have a date and the page numbers on it. ALL WORK MUST BE DONE IN BLUE OR BLACK PEN.
Monday, 5/14
All vocabulary for Chapter 11 must be copied into the Social Studies notebook. The words can be found on pages 416, 420, 428, and 431. Use the definitions from the glossary in the back of the book.
Tuesday, 5/15
Copy the complete Timelines on pgs. 329 and 417 (events in our country and events elsewhere). Do each Timeline on a separate piece of LL.
Wednesday, 5/16
Textbook pg. 419 Questions 1-2-3.
Read the text pgs. 420-427. Answer questions 1-2-3 and 5 on looseleaf (pg. 427).
Thursday, 5/17
Read in the Text pgs. 428-430. Answer questions on pg. 430 (1-2-3-5)
Make sure all assignments done on looseleaf are handed to Mr. Marcial by Friday morning.
Remember, your notebook assignments will be given a Project grade when I return.
Have a great week!