Week of January 28, 2013


 1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
       A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

       B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
      C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note
           from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.
           This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home or you were sick.

      D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. 
           Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

2. All tests and work from the first semester will be sent home on Monday and Tuesday. Please keep the work at home to look through it. Please sign the letter sent home with your child saying that you received the papers from the first semester.

3. Speech Contest is Tuesday at 10:00AM for Grades 5-8. All parents are invited to attend.

4. Weds, 1/30. - 12:00 Dismissal due to Parent Teacher Conferences (2:00-7:00). All students should be in full uniform since Fr. Antonio will be distributing Report Cards to some students in the morning.

5. If your child does not receive his/her Report Card in school on Weds, then an adult should pick it up between 2:00- 7:00. If you need to speak with Mrs. Ramsey or Ms. Serewko, please come after 3:30.

6. All students should be in uniform on Thursday because we will be attending Mass at 9:00AM.

7. Friday 2/1 History Fair between 9:00-11:00 AM for students in Grades 5-8. All parents are invited to attend.

8. No school on Monday, 2/4 due to a Faculty Conference Day at St. Borromeo School.

 Unit 3: WEEK 3

5th Grade Reading- 1/28/13

We are reading the book Walk Two Moons.
Read Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.

Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Thursday, 1/31.

Grade 5 Reading Vocabulary

Answer the following response questions by Friday, 2/1.
1. Describe Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom? Who do they remind Sal of?
2. What did Phoebe think happened to Mr. Cadaver?
3. Discuss Gram and Gramp’s marriage bed. Tell why it was so important to Gramps.

******Daily Assessment on Friday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever we have read in the book.

6th Grade Reading- 1/28/13

We are reading the book Life After.
Read Chapters 3 & 4. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.

Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Thursday, 1/31.

Grade 6 Reading Vocabulary

Answer the following response questions by Friday, 2/1.
1. Discuss the “Crisis”. What effect did it have on the people of Argentina?
2. Why were all many of the Argentinian Jews moving to Israel?
3. Why couldn’t Dani tell Roberto that she spotted father coming out of the local church?
4. Where did Papa tell Dani that he got the extra food in the refrigerator?

******Daily Assessment on Friday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever we have read in the book.


7th Grade Reading 1/28/13

We are reading the book The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.
Read pgs. 31-65. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.

Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Thursday, 1/31.

Grade 7 Reading Vocabulary

Answer the following response questions by Friday, 2/1.
1. How do Anne’s parents feel about her grades?
2. Why did Anne and her family have to go into hiding so suddenly?
3. Who was Miep? What did she do for the Franks as they were preparing to go into hiding>
4. Describe where the Franks went into hiding. Was this a planned hiding place?

******Daily Assessment on Friday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever we have read in the book.

7th Grade Social Studies

Write the following vocabulary words and definitions in the Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Weds, 1/30.

Boston Massacre    acquit    propaganda    Committee of Correspondence     Tea Act    monopoly
Boston Tea Party     Intolerable Acts     Quebec Act    First Continental Congress

Answer the Checkup Questions on pgs. 173 (1-4) by Friday, 2/1. Remember to answer each question completely and restate the question in your response.

******Daily Assessment on Tuesday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever notes we have completed in Unit 3 (Chapter 6)

Work on Map!

Work on your Black History Month Project!  Due Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)

8th Grade Reading 1/28/13

We are reading the book The Boys’ War- Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War.
Read Chapters 3 & 4. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.

Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Thursday, 1/31.

Grade 8 Reading Vocabulary

Answer the following response questions by Friday, 2/1
1. Write two paragraphs contrasting the north and south views concerning slavery.
2. Discuss some of the recruitment rules that banned boys from joining and fighting in the Civil War.

******Daily Assessment on Friday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever we have read in the book.

8th Grade Social Studies

Write the following Vocabulary words and definitions in the Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Weds, 1/30.

Charles Drew    442 Regimental Combat Team    workweek    Inaugural Address    First Lady of the Word    “teach and preach schools”    Mary McLeod Bethune    meteorology    charter    reform school

Answer the Checkup Questions on pgs.348 (1-4) by Friday, 2/1. Remember to answer each question completely and restate the question in your response.

*****Daily Assessment on Tuesday (Words from Unit 3 plus whatever notes we have completed in Unit 3 (Chapter 10)

Work on Map!

Work on your Black History Month Project!  Due Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)

                                      Have a great week!