1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and
A. All work must be completed in
blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).
B. If the assignment states
that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will
be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed
in on the day due, unless I receive a note
from a parent explaining why you did
not complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there
is an emergency at home or you were sick.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not
be accepted.
Remember that
homework and classwork count as a grade!
I still have not received all test folders.
3. Ash Wednesday- Mass 11:00AM. All students should be in uniform
for Mass.
12:00 Dismissal on Friday, 2/15 due to Faculty Meeting
5. No school on Monday, 2/18 –President’s Day
Unit 3: WEEK 5
5th Grade Reading- 2/11/13
We are reading the book Walk Two Moons.
Read Chapters 19-24. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Thursday, 2/14.
Answer the following response questions (Questions are from Chapter 19-
24) by Friday, 2/15.
What message appears on the doorstep after Phoebe’s mother disappears?
Why does Phoebe’s father doubt that his wife has been kidnapped?
What happened to Sal’s mother‘s new baby?
Why does Mr. Birkway remind Sal of her mother?
6th Grade Reading- 2/11/13
We are reading the book Life After.
Read Chapters 8, 9, 10, & 11. Highlight words that are
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Thursday, 2/14.
Link for Grade 6 Reading Vocabulary
Answer the following response questions by
Friday, 2/15. Answers taken from Chapter 3-10.
Where did Mama want to move to? Why did she want to go? How did Papa feel about
the idea?
Describe the home the apartment that Dani and her family moved into in Twin
Lakes, NY?
What was Dani’s and Sari’s favorite place to spend time when they first arrived
in America? What did they do there?
Describe Dani’s first day at Twin Lakes High. Remember to include details to
explain your answer.
7th Grade Reading 2/11/13
We are reading the book The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne
Read pgs. 99-146. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Thursday, 2/14.
Answer the following response questions by
Friday, 2/15.
What restrictions did Anne have to put up with in hiding? What did she find
most difficult about being in hiding?
Anne writes on December 13, 1942, that she saw two Jews in the street below.
How did she know that they were Jews?
What does Anne say about the fate of the Jews and her own situation on November
19 and 20, 1942 and January 13, 1943? Do her feelings change during that time?
4. Explain Anne’s statement that none of those
in hiding had ever celebrated St. Nicholas Day before (December 7, 1942).
7th Grade Social Studies
Remember to study for the weekly assessment tomorrow.
Please study the vocabulary words words for the weeks of 1/28 and 2/4.
Remember to study for the weekly assessment tomorrow.
Please study the vocabulary words words for the weeks of 1/28 and 2/4.
Write the following vocabulary words and
definitions in the Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Some of these words require a description of what the word means in
relation to the Chapter we are studying- eg. “Sicily” Describe what was
happening in Sicily during WWII? Remember
to write the date, aim, and skip a line between each definition. Due Thurs, 2/14.
Common Sense Second
Continental Congress Philadelphia Concord
Crispus Attucks George III Boston Tea Party boycott revenue Pontiac
Crispus Attucks George III Boston Tea Party boycott revenue Pontiac
6 Review pg. 183. Complete the Vocabulary
Review 1-10. Follow the direction s in your text. Chapter
Checkup Questions 1 and 2. Remember to answer each question completely and
restate the question in your response. Due on looseleaf
Friday, 2/15 (no extensions).
Work on your Black History Month Project! Due Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)
of the Month- The Great Lakes is due next Weds, 2/20!
8th Grade Reading 2/11/13
*** Important- You need
to have two different colored pencils for the Reading Coach on Tuesday
(tomorrow). You can also have two different color highlighters if that is
easier for you.
We are reading the book The Boys’ War- Confederate and Union
Soldiers Talk about the Civil War.
Read Chapters 6 and 7. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Thursday, 2/14.
Link for Grade 8 Reading Vocabulary
Answer the following response questions (answers can be found in
Chapters 5 -7) by Friday, 2/15
Discuss why the South seemed to have better officers than the North (use
details from the text).
Discuss how the food supply used for the troops could easily be disrupted.
What were sutlers? What did they do?
What was the best time of year for soldiers to make a home? Explain. How were
the homes furnished inside? What did the soldiers do when they weren't being
drilled or on guard duty?
8th Grade Social Studies
Remember to study for the weekly assessment tomorrow.
Please study the vocabulary words words for the weeks of 1/28 and 2/4.
Remember to study for the weekly assessment tomorrow.
Please study the vocabulary words words for the weeks of 1/28 and 2/4.
Write the following Vocabulary words and
definitions in the Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Some of these words require a description of what the word means in
relation to the Chapter we are studying- eg. “Sicily” Describe what was
happening in Sicily during WWII? Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a
line between each definition. Due Thurs, 2/14.
Manhattan Project Douglas
MacArthur Chester A. Nimitz December 7, 1941 Soviet-German Pact Sicily
Albert Einstein Coral Sea Edwin Rommel Harry S. Truman
Chapter 10 Review pg. 355. Complete the Vocabulary Review 1-10. Follow the directions in your text (Write all statements out). Chapter Checkup Questions 3 and 5. Remember to answer each question completely and restate the question in your response. Due on looseleaf Friday, 2/15 (no extensions).
Work on your Black History Month Project- Due
Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)
of the Month- The Great Lakes is due next Weds, 2/20!
a great week!