1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and
A. All work must be completed in
blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).
B. If the assignment states
that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will
be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed
in on the day due, unless I receive a note
from a parent explaining why you did
not complete your HW.
This will only be accepted if there
is an emergency at home or you were sick.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not
be accepted.
Remember that
homework and classwork count as a grade!
I still have not received all test folders.
3. Unit 3 Exams next week. Start reviewing now!
4. Progress Reports will be sent home on
Friday of this week.
Unit 3: WEEK 6
5th Grade Reading- 2/18/13
We are reading the book Walk Two Moons.
Read Chapters 25-31. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Friday, 2/22.
Answer the following response questions (Questions are from Chapter 25-31)
Friday, 2/22.
Why do you think Sal invited Phoebe to spend the night at her house?
What does Sal notice about dinner with the Finney family?
Why doesn’t Sal comfort Phoebe when she’s crying about her mother’s
How did Sal learn to drive?
6th Grade Reading- 2/18/13
We are reading the book Life After.
Read Chapters 12, 13, 14, & 15. Highlight words that are
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Friday, 2/22.
Answer the following response questions by Friday, 2/22. Answers
taken from Chapter 9-15.
Why couldn’t Dani try out for the school play? How did she feel about that?
Explain why Dani could not tell her mom about how angry and depressed she felt,
and also what she was experiencing in school?
Explain why Dani hit Trevor? Who was Jon’s sister? How did she feel about Dani
before the incident? What did Jess tell Dani about Jon? How did things change
between Jess and Dani that day?
Tell what the following idioms mean:
Open mouth and insert foot-
When pigs fly-
It costs an arm and a leg-
No use to crying over spilled milk-
It’s raining cats and dogs-
You wear your heart on your sleeve-
7th Grade Reading 2/18/13
We are reading the book The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne
Read pgs. 147-201 Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Friday, 2/22.
Answer the following response questions by
Friday, 2/22.
Anne discusses her attempts at negotiation with Mr. Dussel over the use of the
table in their shared room (July 13, 1943). Does it appear that she is right? How would Mr. Dussel describe the argument?
Why do you think Anne prepares an “escape bag” (July 26, 19430) when she admits
the streets are “just as dangerous as an air raid”?
Discuss Anne’s diary entry for December 24, 1943. Do you believe Anne when she
says she is not jealous of Corry Koophuis?
4. Explain how Anne’s dreams about her friend
Lies (November 27, 1943) and her grandmother (December 29, 1943) affect her
feelings about her life.
7th Grade Social Studies
Write the vocabulary words and definitions below in the Social Studies Vocabulary NB. Due Friday, 2/22.
Treaty of Alliance Tory privateer guerrilla Northwest Territory mutiny treason mercenary Patriot Loyalist
Review all vocabulary words and definitions in the Vocabulary NB and notes in the Classwork NB for Unit 3 (Chapters 6 and 7) for the exam next week.
Treaty of Alliance Tory privateer guerrilla Northwest Territory mutiny treason mercenary Patriot Loyalist
Review all vocabulary words and definitions in the Vocabulary NB and notes in the Classwork NB for Unit 3 (Chapters 6 and 7) for the exam next week.
the following questions on looseleaf. Restate the question in the answer. Make
sure you answer the question completely with details. Due on Friday,
2/22 (no
extensions). This will count as a quiz grade.
1a. What was the First Continental Congress?
b. Where was it held?
c. What did it organize?
d. Why was it important?
2a. Why did the colonist protest the Tea Act?
b. What did they do to protest it?
c. How did Great Britain respond to their request?
3a. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
b. Who wrote it?
c. Why was the Declaration of independence important?
extensions). This will count as a quiz grade.
1a. What was the First Continental Congress?
b. Where was it held?
c. What did it organize?
d. Why was it important?
2a. Why did the colonist protest the Tea Act?
b. What did they do to protest it?
c. How did Great Britain respond to their request?
3a. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
b. Who wrote it?
c. Why was the Declaration of independence important?
Work on your Black History Month Project! Due Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)
of the Month- The Great Lakes is due next Weds, 2/20!
8th Grade Reading 2/18/13
*** Important- You need
to have two different colored pencils (again) for the Reading Coach on Tuesday
(tomorrow). You can also have two different color highlighters if that is
easier for you.
We are reading the book The Boys’ War- Confederate and Union
Soldiers Talk about the Civil War.
Read Chapters 8 and 9. Highlight words that are unfamiliar.
Write the Vocabulary words and definitions in
the Reading Vocabulary NB. Remember to write the date, aim, and skip a line
between each definition. Due Friday, 2/22.
Answer the following response questions (answers can be found in
Chapters 7 -9) by Friday, 2/22
Discuss why and how the soldiers’ feelings changed from the beginning of the
war to that of the end of the war. (Chapter 7)
Discuss the specific concerns that were shared by all young soldiers on both sides.
Describe in detail about what happened to the dead that could not be
Discuss the conditions of the prison in Andersonville, GA?
8th Grade Social Studies
Review all vocabulary words and definitions in the Vocabulary NB and notes in the Classwork NB for Unit 3 (Chapter 10) for the exam next week.
the following questions on looseleaf. Restate the question in the answer. Make sure you answer the question completely with details. Due on Friday, 2/22 (no
extensions). This will count as a quiz grade.
1a. Why did Adolph Hitler sign a pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?
b. What was their agreement?
c. Did he keep the agreement?
d. Why or why not?
2a. What actions did the United States government take towards Japanese Americans living on the West Coast?
b. Why did the US take these actions?
c. How did Japanese Americans distinguish themselves in WWII?
3. How did the activities of Italy, Germany, and Japan in the 1930's show the weaknesses of the league of Nations? (Be specific)
1a. Why did Adolph Hitler sign a pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?
b. What was their agreement?
c. Did he keep the agreement?
d. Why or why not?
2a. What actions did the United States government take towards Japanese Americans living on the West Coast?
b. Why did the US take these actions?
c. How did Japanese Americans distinguish themselves in WWII?
3. How did the activities of Italy, Germany, and Japan in the 1930's show the weaknesses of the league of Nations? (Be specific)
Work on your Black History Month Project- Due
Weds.2/20 (no extensions!!!!!)
of the Month- The Great Lakes is due next Weds, 2/20!
a great week!