Week of March 4, 2013


 1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
       A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

       B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of
paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
      C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a note
           from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW.
           This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home or you were sick.

      D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. 
           Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

2. The new books for Unit 4 were ordered and will be delivered this week. We will continue reading the Unit 3 books until the other books are delivered.

 Unit 4: WEEK 2

5th Grade Reading- 3/4/13


New Book for Unit 4 is If You Lived When There Was Slavery in America (If You ….Series) Anne Kamma and Pamela Johnson $ 7.00

We are reading the book Walk Two Moons.
Please finish reading the book to the end!

We will continue with the Culture Projects this week.

Write the vocabulary words  for the week ad their definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Thursday, 3/7.

Reading Vocabulary for 5th Grade

Reading Practice Book - pg. 72 Restate the question in the answer 1-4. For 5- 10 compare two similar objects, such as 2 types of flowers. Tell 3 ways they  are similar and 3 ways they are different. Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Friday

6th Grade Reading- 3/4/13


New Book for Unit 4 is Lyddie Katherine Patterson $ 7.00

We are reading the book Life After.
Please finish reading the book to the end!

We will continue with the Culture Projects this week.

Write the vocabulary words  for the week ad their definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Thursday, 3/7.

Reading Vocabulary for Grade 6

Reading Practice Book - pg. 123  Write everything out -question and answer 1-9. For # 10 write a paragraph using you answers for 1-9 to develop a setting.  Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Friday


7th Grade Reading 3/4/13


New Book for Unit 4 is Call of the Wild  Jack London (May 1990 publication- 128 pages) $ 6.00

We are reading the book The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.
Please finish reading the book to the end!

Write the vocabulary words  for the week ad their definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Thursday, 3/7.

Reading Vocabulary for Grade 7

Skills Practice- pg. 68.  Write everything out (1-14).  Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Friday

7th Grade Social Studies

Homework: Chapter 9- The Federalist Period

 Write the definitions of the following words in your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebooks- due on Thursday, 3/7.

Confederation     Articles of Confederation     Shay’s Rebellion    Northwest Ordinance     John Jay
Amendment     Independence Hall     Constitutional Convention     Virginia Plan     New Jersey Plan

Read Chapter 9 pgs. 260-272

Checkup Questions pg. 268  Questions 1, 2  and pg. 272  Questions 1, 3

 Complete on looseleaf. Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Monday

We will continue presenting the Black History Month Presentations this week.

Remember to work on Map of the Month- Caribbean Islands. Due Weds. 3/13

8th Grade Reading 3/4/13


New Book for Unit 4 is Vincent Van Gogh: Portrait of an Artist by Jan Greenberg, Sandra Jordan  $ 7.00

We are reading the book The Boys’ War- Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War.

Write the vocabulary words  for the week ad their definitions in the Reading Vocabulary NB. Due Thursday, 3/7.

Reading Vocabulary for Grade 8

Skills Practice- pg. 82 Write the events in the correct order. Write everything out.  Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Friday

8th Grade Social Studies

Homework:  Unit 4 The Cold War

Write the definitions of the following words in your Social Studies Vocabulary Notebooks- due on Thursday, 3/7.

United Nations     iron curtain     Harry Truman     containment     Truman Doctrine    
Marshall Plan     George C. Marshall     blockade     air lift     Third World

Read Chapter 11 pgs. 416-427

Checkup Questions pg. 419  Questions 1, 3  and pg. 427 Questions 1, 3

Complete on looseleaf. Due Friday, 3/8

Study for weekly quiz on Monday

Remember to work on Map of the Month- Caribbean Islands. Due Weds. 3/13

                                          Have a great week!