Week of December 16, 2013

1. These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:
A. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

B. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable.
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a not from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted

2. Monday is extended day Math for 5th Grade.
3. Unit 2 Exams will be administered this week. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, 12/16  Writing Exam and Social Studies Exam
Tuesday, 12/17   Science and Religion Exams
Wednesday, 12/18  ELA and Reading Exams
Thursday, 12/19 Math Exam

4. Friday, 12/20 Science Fair in the lunchroom between 9:00-11:00. All parents are invited.

5. Monday, 12/23 Dismissal will be at 1:00. No lunch will be served. No ASP.

6. Please check the blog for any Christmas Reading and SS HW.

For 5th grade students only:

Please bring in a shopping bag to pack books that will be left in school during Christmas Vacation. This is so the insides of all desks may be cleaned.

Parents please let your child know what books you would like them to bring home over the Christmas break. We will be packing up all books on Friday.

Monday, 12/23 We will be attending Lessons and Carols. Each class will be singing a song. This will begin at 8:30 in the church. All parents are invited to attend.

The 5th grade will also be having a Christmas Party. Each child should bring in something to share with the class (donuts, cupcakes, cookies, soda or juice, napkins, plates, cups). Let your child know what he/she can contribute, so I can get this organize.

The children have asked to have a Secret Santa. Each child will choose a name (secretly) and buy a gift for that person (no more than $10). If your child will not be attending school on Monday, 12/23, please let me know as soon as possible, so I do not plan on he/she bringing anything for our party, and also so they do not choose someone for the Secret Santa because then someone will be left with no gift.

Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of December 16, 2013- Unit 3 Week 3

5th Grade Reading- The new book for Unit 3 is Who was Dr. Seuss by Janet Paschal  


As soon as you get Dr. Seuss, start reading it.

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 3) due Friday, 12/20.

Reading Vocabulary

Unit 2 Exams will be administered this week. Review Alice in Wonderland and all Unit 2 Reading Vocabulary!

6th Grade Reading- The new book for Unit 3 is Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy by Andrea Warren . Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4 by Friday.


Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 3) due Friday, 12/20.

Reading Vocabulary

Unit 2 Exams will be administered this week. Review Percy Jackson and all Unit 2 Reading Vocabulary!

7th Grade Reading- The new book for Unit 3 is Call of the Wild by Jack London. Read the Life of Jack London, Foreword, and Chapters 1 and 2.


Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 3 due Friday, 12/20.

Reading Vocabulary

Unit 2 Exams will be administered this week. Review Patience Goodspeed and all Unit 2 Reading Vocabulary!

7th Grade Social Studies

Homework:  The Road to Independence

Monday- New Vocabulary due Friday, 12/20 (Unit 3 Week 3)

1. Tyranny     2. “taxation without representation”   3. Stamp Act Congress    4. Repeal

5. nonimportation agreements    6. Declaratory Act   7. Townshend Acts   8. veto

9. governor’s council     10. writs of assistance

Monday- Read pages 169- 173. Complete questions 1, 2, 3 on pg. 173 (on looseleaf). Due on Friday, 12/20.

8th Grade Reading- The new book for Unit 3 is The Boy’s War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War by Jim Murphy. Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 by Friday.

Lesson Plans

Wednesday- copy Reading Vocabulary into Reading Vocabulary Notebook (Unit 3 Week 3) due Friday, 12/20.
Unit 2 Exams will be administered the week of 12/16. Review Roll of Thunder and all Unit 2 Reading Vocabulary!

8th Grade Social Studies  

Lesson Plans

Homework: World War II

Monday- copy vocabulary into SS vocabulary notebook. Due Friday 12/ 20 (Unit 3 Week 3)

1. total war       2. relocation center       3. ration     4. War Production Board (WPB)   
5. Office of Price Administration (OPA)    6. Dr. Charles Drew   

Monday- Read pages 349-353. Complete questions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 on page 353 (on looseleaf). Due on Friday, 12/20.

                                                  Have a great week!