Week of March 23, 2015


These are a few reminders concerning homework and classwork:

A. If the assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
B. All work must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  

C. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted.

D. Homework must be handed in on the day due, unless I receive a not from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). 

E. Gym uniforms must be worn on Thursdays for gym.

F. Please bring in a large, strong shopping bag (the same as Christmas) by Wednesday to pack up the books that will not be going home over the Easter vacation. Please tell your child ahead of time what you would like them to bring home. If your child does not bring in a bag, he/she will have to bring all of their books home since all of the desks will be cleaned. Please also wash the seat sack and return to school after vacation.

G. Progress Reports will be sent home on Thursday, 3/26.

H. Fifth Grade- The children can wear dress clothes (no jeans or sneakers) on Friday, 3/27. The children can bring a snack to have in the afternoon.

I. The children will be having homework over the vacation in order to review for the upcoming ELA and Math exams. Please check the teachers’ blogs towards the end of the week to see what is due after vacation.
Remember that homework and classwork count as a grade!

HOMEWORK: For the Week of March 23- Unit 5 Week 2

Grade 5 is reading Who Was Frederick Douglass? by April Jones for Unit 5.

Please read pages 1-30 (carefully). Do not answer the questions until you have finished reading the assigned pages!

Lesson Plans:


TuesdayPlease write the following vocabulary words in your reading notebook. Due Thursday, March 26.

Reading Vocabulary:

Unit 5- Countries in Conflict   Grade 5
Week of March 23, 2015
Aim: to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words found in Unit 5

1. plow (n) a piece of farm equipment that is used to dig into and turn over soil especially to prepare the soil for planting
2. liberty (n) the state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely; the power to do or choose what you want to; a political right
3. civil rights (n) the rights that every person should have regardless of his or her sex, race, or religion

4. plantation (n) a large area of land especially in a hot part of the world where crops (such as cotton) are grown; because slaves worked on cotton plantations in the southern U.S. in the past, the word plantation is often associated with the history of slavery in the U.S.
5. attractions (n) something interesting or enjoyable that people want to visit, see, or do
6. palace (n) the official home of a king, queen, president, etc.
7. chimney (n)   a part of a building through which smoke rises into the outside air

8. tote (v) to carry (something)

ˌ9. pillars (n) a large post that helps to hold up something (such as a roof)

10. lawn (n) an area of ground (such as the ground around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with short grass

Wednesday: Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Make sure to add details from the text when answering each question. Due Thursday, 3/26.


Grade 6 is reading The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin for Unit 5.

Please read from the first page of the book, the introduction, chapters 1-6 (pgs.1-31) carefully! Do not answer the questions until you have finished reading the assigned pages!

Lesson Plans:


TuesdayPlease write the following vocabulary words in your reading notebook. Due Thursday, March 26.

Reading Vocabulary:

Unit 5- Vocabulary- Figure it Out
Week of March 23, 2015           
Aim: to review important vocabulary for Unit 5, Week 2

1. appraise (v) to say how much something is worth after you have carefully examined it
2. aviator (n) a pilot
3. regal (adj) fit for royalty; kingly; queenly
4. incriminate (v) make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing; strongly imply the guilt of (someone); being framed
5. autopsy (n) a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease
6. cuisine (n) a style or method of cooking, esp. as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment
7. legacy (n) an amount of money or property left to someone in a will; inheritance
8. putrid (adj) decaying or rotting and emitting an unpleasant smell.
9. vigil (n ) a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, esp. to keep watch or pray; the eve of a festival or holy day as an occasion of religious observance.
10. beneficiary (n) a person who derives advantage from something, esp. a trust, will, or life insurance policy; inheritor

Wednesday: Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Make sure to add details from the text when answering each question. Due Thursday, 3/26.


Grade 7 are reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

for Unit 5. Please read the Introduction (pgs.1-5) and Chapters 1-3 (pages 7-64) carefully. Do not answer the questions until you have finished reading the assigned pages!

Lesson Plans:


TuesdayPlease write the following vocabulary words in your reading notebook. Due Thursday, March 26.

Reading Vocabulary:

Unit 5- Vocabulary Science or Fiction
Week of March 23, 2015           
Aim: to review important vocabulary for Unit 5, Week 2

1. vulnerable (adj): easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally; open to attack, harm, or damage
2. pathetic (adj) arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness
3. subsided (v) to lessen in severity: become diminished
4. supine (adj) lying on the back, face or front upward; inactive, passive, or inert, especially from indolence or indifference.
5. belligerent (adj) hostile and aggressive; threatening; combative
6. compulsion (n) a very strong desire to do something; the act of using force or pressure to make someone do something; the state of being forced to do something
7. assimilate (v): to learn (something) so that it is fully understood and can be used; to cause (a person or group) to become part of a different society, country, etc.; to adopt the ways of another culture; to fully become part of a different society, country, etc.
8. morass (n) an area of soft, wet ground: a marsh or swamp
9. metamorphose (v) to change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means
10. obscure (adj) not well-known: not known to most people; difficult to understand; likely to be understood by only a few people; uncertain; mysterious

Wednesday: Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Make sure to add details from the text when answering each question. Due Thursday, 3/26.


7th Grade Social Studies

Chapter 5- Forming a Government (1777-1791)


A new map will be handed out this week. It will be due Tuesday, April 14.

Lesson Plans:


Monday-Write the following vocabulary words and their definitions in your Social Studies Vocabulary notebooks. Due Wednesday, 3/25.

Social Studies Vocabulary:
Unit 5:
Forming a Government
Aim: To write and review the vocabulary for the Week of March 23, 2015

1. Magna Carta- (1215) a charter of liberties agreed to by King John of England, which made the king obey the same laws as citizens

2. constitution- a set of basic principles that determines the powers and duties of the government

3. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom- (1786) a document that gave people in Virginia religious freedom of worship and prohibited tax money from being used to fund churches

4. suffrage- voting rights

5. Articles of Confederation- (1777) the document that created the first central government for the United States; was replaced by the Constitution in 1789

6. ratification- an official approval

7. Land Ordinance of 1785- legislation passed by Congress authorizing surveys and the division of public lands in the western region of the country

8. Northwest Ordinance of 1787- legislation passed by Congress to establish a political structure for the Northwest Territory and create a system for the admission of new states

9. Northwest Territory- lands including present-day Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin; organized by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

10. controversial- subject to debate

11. ordinance- official law or rule

Tuesday- read pgs.148-155 in the Social Studies Textbook. On page 155 answer questions 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b on looseleaf. Do not answer the questions until you have read the textbook!!!! Answer each question completely. Due Thursday, 3/26.


Grade 8 are reading A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

for Unit 5. Please read the Introduction (pgs.5-14) and Act I-Scene I (pgs. 23-54) carefully! Do not answer the questions until you have finished reading the assigned pages.

Lesson Plans:


TuesdayPlease write the following vocabulary words in your reading notebook. Due Thursday, March 26.

Reading Vocabulary:

Unit 5- Vocabulary- Dramatically Speaking
Week of March 23, 2015
Aim: to review important vocabulary for Unit 5, Week 2

1. vengeance (n) the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else.
2. disheveled (adj) marked by disorder or disarray; untidy; messy
3. raucous (adj) loud and unpleasant to listen to. : behaving in a very rough and noisy way
4. tentatively (adv) not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional; uncertain
5. investment (n) time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits
6. oppression (n) prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control; persecution; abuse; repression
7. upholstery (n) the cloth, leather, etc., that covers a couch, chair, etc.
8. erratic (adj) acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual; not consistent or regular
9. shallow (adj) disapproving; not caring about or involving serious or important things
10. indictment (n) the act of officially charging someone with a crime; the act of indicting someone

Wednesday: Answer the following questions on looseleaf. Make sure to add details from the text when answering each question. Due Thursday, 3/27.


8th Grade Social Studies

Chapter 23: World War I (1914-1920)

Lesson Plans:


A new map will be handed out this week. It will be due Tuesday, April 14.

Monday-Write the following vocabulary words and their definitions in your Social Studies Vocabulary notebooks. Due Wednesday, 3/25.

Social Studies Vocabulary:

Unit 5: Week 2
World War I
Aim: To write and review the vocabulary for March 23, 2015
1. militarism- an increase in the importance of the military of a country

2. Archduke Francis Ferdinand- heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, who was shot on a trip to Sarajevo along with his wife by a Serb nationalist. This shattered Europe’s fragile peace, and thus started the Great War (World War I)

3. mobilize- to prepare for war

4. Central Powers- the coalition of nations in World War I that included the German, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman empires

5. Allied Powers- a group of nations that allied to fight the Central Powers in World War I, and those countries in opposition to the Axis Powers in World War II

6. trench warfare- a new kind of warfare in World War I that involved troops digging and fighting from deep trenches

7. stalemate- a situation in which neither side can win a victory

8. U-boats- German submarines or “untersee boats”

9. neutral- unbiased, not favoring either side in a conflict

Tuesday- read pgs. 716-724 in the Social Studies Textbook. On page 724 answer questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b on looseleaf. Do not answer the questions until you have read the textbook!!!! Answer each question completely. Due Thursday, 3/26.

                             Have a great week!