Week of December 16, 2019

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. Please send in a large shopping bag by Wednesday (like the type you get in Marshalls or TJ Max- no paper). The bag must be strong because the children will be packing all the books that they will leave in school over the Christmas vacation. The desks will be cleaned so everything needs to be emptied out of them. Please let your child know what books you would like them to bring home for the vacation, so we do not pack them up. Anything that does not fit in the shopping bag will have to go home.

C. Wednesday, 12/18, Lessons and Carols at 8:30 in the church. Ms. Alma will let the children know what they need to wear. Every class will sing a song. Parents are welcome to attend.

D. Thursday, 12/19, 8th Grade Cake Sale. Classroom clean up!

E. Friday, 12/20, 12:00 Dismissal- No After School Program.
Class Party- the children can wear dress-up clothes and do not need to bring their bookbags. Everyone should bring in something small to share with the class (no chips or soda- since it will be too early) either some cookies or donuts. They should also bring in something for themselves to drink. If you have any questions, please let me know.
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  NO PENCIL!

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is unacceptable!

E. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  


HOMEWORK: For the Week of December 16, 2019: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6

****Test on Nouns today (Monday)

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

****Common Lit and No Red Ink will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****During the vacation, you will be expected to complete 2 hours of Success Maker in ELA as stated on Mr. Woods's blog. If you do not have a login, let me know because there will be training this week. You will be receiving an ELA grade for this assignment when you return on January 6.

******We will also start using a program called Edulastic. You are probably using it in Math class. I will try to get logins for everyone this week. This will help to review for the NYSELA Exam, which 6th grade will again complete on the computer.


Social Studies Homework for Grade 6

Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush/ Chapter 3: Civilizations in Mesopotamia

Monday, 12/16: Study for Chapter 3 test tomorrow.

Vocabulary for the Week:
No new words this week.


****Chapter 4 (Egyptian Civilization) Notes are posted below. You can start copying them if you want to get a head start. Also start reviewing (reading over) your notes for the Midterm Exam.   

Chapter 4 Notes                                                           ____________________________________________________________________

Grade 7:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7

****Test on Nouns today (Monday)

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

****Common Lit and No Red Ink will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****During the vacation, you will be expected to complete 2 hours of Success Maker in ELA as stated on Mr. Woods blog. If you do not have a login, let me know because there will be training this week. You will be receiving an ELA grade for this assignment when you return on January 6.

******We will also start using a program called Edulastic. You are probably using it in Math class. I will try to get logins for everyone this week.


Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1: Our Colonial Heritage- Chapter 3: The English Colonies (1605-1774)

Monday, 12/16: Study for Chapter 3 test tomorrow.

Vocabulary for the Week:
No new words this week.


****Chapter 4 (American Revolution) Notes are posted below. You can start copying them if you want to get a head start. Also start reviewing (reading over) your notes for the Midterm Exam.

Chapter 4 Notes- The American Revolution

Grade 8:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8

****Test on Nouns today (Monday)

****Common Lit and No Red Ink will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****During the vacation, you will be expected to complete 2 hours of Success Maker in ELA as stated on Mr. Woods blog. If you do not have a login, let me know because there will be training this week. You will be receiving an ELA grade for this assignment when you return on January 6.

******We will also start using a program called Edulastic. You are probably using it in Math class. I will try to get logins for everyone this week.


Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 6: A Growing America (1850-1914) / Chapter 18: Americans Move West (1850-1890)

Monday, 12/16: Study for Chapter 18 test tomorrow.

Vocabulary for the Week:
No new words this week.


****Chapter 19 (The Industrial Age) Notes are below. You can start copying them if you want to get a head start. Also start reviewing (reading over) your notes for the Midterm Exam.                                                                   
  Chapter 19 Notes- Industrialization   


Week of December 9, 2019

Weekly Reminders:


A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. Friday, 12/13- Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!

C. Make sure to read Mr. Wood’s blog for other important information.
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  NO PENCIL!

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is unacceptable!

E. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  

HOMEWORK: For the Week of December 2, 2019: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1 and Appositives

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

****Common Lit will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****Voyages will be assigned during the week.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 6

Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush/ Chapter 3: Civilizations in Mesopotamia

Monday, 12/9: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Wednesday, 12/11.

Tuesday, 12/10: Notes are posted below for Chapter 3. Please write neatly and no crossing out. You should be reading the notes as you are copying them. Due Thursday, 12/12.

Wednesday, 12/11: Social Studies Textbook Reading Checks on pages 96, 97, 98, 99. Due Monday, 12/16

Vocabulary for the Week:
innovation p.109, almanac p.109, ziggurat p.111, cuneiform p.112, scribe p.112


Grade 7:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7
We will be working on nonfiction narratives during Unit 1. We will also be working on Appositives.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

****Common Lit will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****Voyages will be assigned during the week.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1: Our Colonial Heritage- Chapter 3: The English Colonies (1605-1774)

Monday, 12/9: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/12.

****Remember Notes for Chapter 3 are due tomorrow Due Tuesday, 12/10

Tuesday, 12/10: Complete the following on looseleaf: Due Friday, 12/13
Page 79- Primary Source Document: Analyzing Skills 1 and 2
Page 80- Reading Check
Page 82- Biography: Drawing Conclusions
Page 83- Reading Check: Identifying Cause and Effect
Page 83- Reading Check: Categorizing
Page 84- Reading Check

Vocabulary for the Week:
Peter Stuyvesant, Quakers, William Penn, staple crops, diverse, Huguenots, midwives


Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

Grade 8:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and Appositives this week.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

****Common Lit will be assigned for this week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date. You can also complete this during Computer Class.

****Voyages will be assigned during the week

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 6: A Growing America (1850-1914) / Chapter 18: Americans Move West (1850-1890)

Monday, 12/9: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/12.

****Remember Notes for Chapter 3 are due tomorrow Due Tuesday, 12/10

Tuesday, 12/10: Complete the following on looseleaf: Due Friday, 12/13
Page 595- Analyzing Information
Page 595- Reading Check
Page 597- Reading Check
Page 598- Reading Check
Page 598- Assessment- Question 1a, b, c

Vocabulary for the Week:
facilitate, Homestead Act, Morrill Act, Exodusters, sodbusters, dry farming, Annie Bidwell, National Grange, deflation, William Jennings Bryan, Populist Party

***SOCIAL STUDIES TEST ON TEST NEXT TUESDAY, 12/17. Study notes 63- 106.

Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
                           Have a great week!

Week of December 2, 2019

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. December Calendars will be distributed today. Please check your child’s bag for it. This is an updated version of the yearly calendar that was given out in September.

C. Make sure to read Mr. Wood’s blog for other important information.

D. Thank you to all the parents and students who donated cans for St. Patrick’s Outreach Center. Your help is greatly appreciated!
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  NO PENCIL!

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is unacceptable!

E. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  

HOMEWORK: For the Week of December 2, 2019: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1 and Nouns as objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

****Common Lit has been assigned for next week. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date.

****Voyages page 14 #s 1-22 (even). Complete in your ELA notebook.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 6

Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush/ Chapter 3: Civilizations in Mesopotamia

Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.

Tuesday, 12/3: Notes will be posted this week for Chapter 3. Please write neatly and no crossing out. You should be reading the notes as you are copying them. The due date will be announced next week.

Vocabulary for the Week:
city-state p.103, monarchy p.104, authority p.104, polytheism p.104, caravan p.105, architecture, p.106

Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 6

Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELAand Social Studies

Grade 7:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1. We will also be working on Nouns as Objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

****Common Lit will be assigned. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date.

****Voyages page 11 #s 1-17 (odd) + #16 Complete in your ELA notebook. Due on Thursday, 12/5.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1: Our Colonial Heritage- Chapter 3: The English Colonies (1605-1774)

Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.

Tuesday, 12/3: Notes will be posted today for Chapter 3. Please write neatly and no crossing out. You should be reading the notes as you are copying them. Due Tuesday, 12/10

Vocabulary for the Week:
bicameral, congregation, covenant, dissenters, Protestant Reformation, radical, Puritans, Pilgrims, immigrants, Mayflower Compact, Squanto, John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson

Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 7

Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

Grade 8:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

****Common Lit will be assigned. Please check your account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date.

****Voyages page 325 Exercise 1 #s 1-7. Complete in your ELA notebook.  Write everything out.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 6: A Growing America (1850-1914) / Chapter 18: Americans Move West (1850-1890)

Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.

Tuesday, 12/3: Notes will be posted today for Chapter 18. Please write neatly and no crossing out. You should be reading the notes as you are copying them. Due Tuesday, 12/10

Vocabulary for the Week:
ambush, negotiate, Treaty of Laramie, reservations, Crazy Horse, Treaty of Medicine Lodge, buffalo soldiers, George Armstrong Custer, Sitting Bull, Battle of the Little Bighorn, Massacre at Wounded Knee, Long Walk, Geronimo, Ghost Dance, Sarah Winnemucca, Dawes General Allotment Act

Chapter 18 Social Studies Notes for Grade 8

Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

                           Have a great week!

Week of November 25, 2019

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. Monday, 11/25 Native American Heritage Presentations @9:00AM in the lunchroom. Parents are welcome!

C. Wednesday, 11/27 Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00 AM. Honors Assembly follows Mass.  Parents are welcome!

D. Wednesday, November 27 Thanksgiving Party for Grade 4. The children should bring their lunch, something to drink, and something to share with the class. I will be assigning each group something to share so everyone is not bringing the same thing. I will let them know tomorrow.

E. Make sure to read Mr. Wood’s blog for other important information.

F. Remember to bring in canned food for the St. Patrick’s Home. Wednesday is the last day to bring in cans. Thank you to all the parents who have already donated cans.
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  NO PENCIL!

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is unacceptable!

E. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  

 HOMEWORK: For the Week of November 25, 2019: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1 and Nouns as objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

****Common Lit has been assigned for next week. Please check your account for the assignment.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 6

Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush/ Chapter 3: Civilizations in Mesopotamia

Monday, 11/25: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Monday, 12/2.

Tuesday, 11/26: Read Intro. to Unit 2 pages 81-88. Complete Practice Book pages 32,33,34 on looseleaf. You must use your textbook to answer the questions for each page. Please write the page number on each page. Due Monday, 12/2

Pages 32-33 On your looseleaf:
Lesson 1: 1-4 (answers only)
Lesson 2: 1-5 (answers only)
Lesson 3: 1-4 (answers only)
Lesson 4: 1-5 (answers only)
Lesson 5: 1-4 (answers only)
Page 34- On your looseleaf: Summary 1 and Summary 2

Vocabulary for the Week:
tributary p.96, plateau p. 96, alluvial plain p. 96, silt p. 96, land use p. 100

Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

Grade 7:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1. We will also be working on Nouns as Objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

****Common Lit has been assigned. Please check your account for the assignment.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

Unit 1: Our Colonial Heritage- Chapter 3: The English Colonies (1605-1774)

Monday, 11/25: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Monday, 12/2.

Tuesday, 11/26: Complete the following pages on looseleaf. Please put the page number of each question. Due Monday, 12/2

Page 73 Reading Check Question
Page 74 Reading Check Question
Page 75 Southern Wealth (question in the green box on the top right of the page)
Page 76 Reading Check Question
Page 77 Reading Check Question
Page 77 Section 1 Assessment 1,2

Vocabulary for the Week:
authority, factors, Jamestown, John Smith, Pocahontas, indentured servants, Bacon’s Rebellion, Toleration Act of 1649, Olaudah Equiano, slave codes

Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

Grade 8:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

********Common Lit has been assigned. Please check your account for the assignment.

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 6: A Growing America (1850-1914) / Chapter 18: Americans Move West (1850-1890)

Monday, 11/25: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Monday, 12/2.

Tuesday, 11/26: Complete the following pages on looseleaf. Please put the page number of each question. Due Monday, 12/2

Page 588 Reading Check Question
Page 589 Reading Check Question
Page 592 Reading Check Question
Page 592 Section 1 Assessment 1a, b, c

Vocabulary for the Week:
establish, frontier, Comstock Lode, boomtowns, Cattle Kingdom, cattle drive, Chisholm Trail, Pony Express, transcontinental railroad

Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies

                           Have a Happy Thanksgiving!