Weekly Reminders:
A. Gym
uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym
unless students are told differently.
B. December
Calendars will be distributed today. Please check your child’s bag for it. This
is an updated version of the yearly calendar that was given out in September.
C. Make
sure to read Mr. Wood’s blog for other important information.
D. Thank
you to all the parents and students who donated cans for St. Patrick’s Outreach
Center. Your help is greatly appreciated!
7, 8
A. All classwork/homework
must be completed in blue or black ink
(other colors will not be accepted). NO PENCIL!
B. If an
assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper
will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent
explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only
be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were
too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is
late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.
Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is
Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!
For the Week of December 2, 2019: Grades 6,7,8
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
We will
be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1 and Nouns as
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class.
****Common Lit has been assigned for next week. Please check your
account for the assignment and make sure that you are up to date.
****Voyages page 14 #s 1-22 (even). Complete in your ELA notebook.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 6
Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush/ Chapter 3: Civilizations
in Mesopotamia
Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.
Vocabulary for the Week:
p.103, monarchy p.104, authority p.104, polytheism p.104, caravan p.105,
architecture, p.106
Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 6
Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELAand Social Studies
Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 6
Grade 6 Lesson Plans for ELAand Social Studies
Grade 7:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7
We will
be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1. We will also be
working on Nouns as Objects.
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week
to find your Lexile level.
****Common Lit will be assigned. Please check your account for the
assignment and make sure that you are up to date.
****Voyages page 11 #s 1-17 (odd) + #16 Complete in your ELA notebook. Due on Thursday, 12/5.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 7
Unit 1: Our Colonial Heritage- Chapter 3: The English Colonies
Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.
Vocabulary for the Week:
congregation, covenant, dissenters, Protestant Reformation, radical, Puritans, Pilgrims,
immigrants, Mayflower Compact, Squanto, John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson
Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 7
Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Chapter 3 Social Studies Notes for Grade 7
Grade 7 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Grade 8:
ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8
We will
be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1.
Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson
Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that
we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week
to find your Lexile level.
****Common Lit will be assigned. Please check your account for the
assignment and make sure that you are up to date.
****Voyages page 325 Exercise 1 #s 1-7. Complete in your ELA notebook. Write everything out.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.
Due on Thursday, 12/5.
Social Studies
Homework for Grade 8
Unit 6: A Growing America (1850-1914) / Chapter 18: Americans
Move West (1850-1890)
Monday, 12/2: Define the vocabulary words below in your SS NB. Due Thursday, 12/5.
Vocabulary for the Week:
negotiate, Treaty of Laramie, reservations, Crazy Horse, Treaty of Medicine
Lodge, buffalo soldiers, George Armstrong Custer, Sitting Bull, Battle of the
Little Bighorn, Massacre at Wounded Knee, Long Walk, Geronimo, Ghost Dance,
Sarah Winnemucca, Dawes General Allotment Act
Chapter 18 Social Studies Notes for Grade 8
Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Chapter 18 Social Studies Notes for Grade 8
Grade 8 Lesson Plans for ELA and Social Studies
Have a great week!