Week of June 24, 2019

Weekly Reminders:

A. Every child will be responsible for using the program Success Maker throughout the summer months for two hours per week- one hour for Reading and one hour for Math. Please read the school blog for further details. It will also be stated on your child’s Report Card under 4th Quarter/End of the Year Comments.

B. Monday, 6/24 Awards Day at 10:00AM. All Parents are welcome! Dismissal at 3:15.

C. Tuesday, 6/25 Class Party. The children can wear their regular clothes to school. Please send them with their bookbags so they can carry home any books that belong to them and they can also bring in treats to share with their friends. They should also bring something to drink since the soda and water machine is sometimes empty. Dismissal at 3:15.

D. Wednesday, 6/26 End of the Year Mass, Graduation, and Report Cards. All children must be dressed in full uniform. Report Cards will be distributed before dismissal. Dismissal at 1:00.

It was my pleasure to be your child’s homeroom this year, and I thank all the parents for their support and cooperation. I have enjoyed working with you! Have a safe and enjoyable summer and I look forward to seeing you in September!

Ms. Toscano Larios

GRADES 5, 6, 7, 8  

Every child will be responsible for using the program Success Maker throughout the summer months for two hours per week- one hour for Reading and one hour for Math. Please read the school blog for further details. It will also be stated on your child’s Report Card under 4th Quarter/End of the Year Comments.

Any student that has a missing/damaged textbook or workbook, must pay to replace that book(s). Please see me if you have any questions about this.

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in September!  For the 8th grade, I wish all of you good luck in High School. Work Hard!

Ms. Toscano Larios